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Belgian commercial airlines


Airline Year of formation and cessation
Abelag Airways 1979-2001 (became Air Belgium 1980)
ACE Belgium Freighers 2017-current (became Challenge Airlines 2020)
Aerowings 2001-2002
Air Antwerp 2019-2021
Air Belgium 1979-2001 (formerly Abelag Airways till 1980)
Air Belgium (2) 2016-current
Air Dakota 1996-2002
Air Exel 1988-1991
Air Meuse 1990-1997
Air Transport Company 1946-1950
Air Union Belge 1946-1954
Air Wallonie 1976-1979
Airlines 1992 1990-1992
AMI Cargo 1990-1992
Antwerp Air 1985-1986
Air Service Liege 1997-current
ASL Airlines 1999-current (formery TNT Airways till 2017)
Aviameer Airlines 1958-1960
Avions Fairey 1931-1978
Belgian Air Service 1949-1949
Belgian World Airlines 1997-1999
BelgiumExel 2004-2005
Benelux Falcon Service 1978-1999 (formerly Unijet till 1981 and became Constellation International Airlines 1995)
BIAC 1986-1990
BIAS 1959-1972* (* = ceased own flying operations)
BIAS International 1972-1973
BIAS Overseas 1968-1979* (* = aircraft sold)
Birdy Airlines 2002-2004
Brussels Airlines 1966-current (formerly Delta Air Transport till 1988 and DAT (Belgian Regional Airline) till 2002 and SN Brussels Airlines till 2006)
Brussels International Airlines 1999-2001
Cargo B Airlines 2007-2009
ChallengAir 1994-1998
Challenge Airlines 2017-current (formerly ACE Belgium Freighters till 2020)
Chartair European Aviation 1993-1994
City Bird 1996-2001
CityJet 1992-2016 (formerly VLM till 2010) (became VLM Airlines 2014) (restarted 2017-2018)
Coastal Air Transport 1953-1960
COBETA 1946-1954
Compagnie Européenne de Recherches (C.E.R.) 1977-1981
Constellation International Airlines 1978-1999 (formerly Unijet till 1981 and BFS International till 1995)
DAT (Belgian Regional Airline) 1966-current (formerly Delta Air Transport till 1988 and became SN Brussels Airlines 2002 and Brussels Airlines 2006)
Delsey Airlines 1997-2002 (formerly VG Airlines till 2002)
Delta Air Transport 1966-current (became DAT (Belgian Regional Airline) 1988 and SN Brussels Airlines 2002 and Brussels Airlines 2006)
Delta International 1973-1973
EBA Eurobelgian Airlines 1991-current (became Virgin Express 1996 and Brussels Airlines 2006)
Eureka Aviation 1995-current  (only leasing out of aircraft)
Euro Direct 1991-1996 (formerly Sky Freighters till 1994 and Euro Direct België till 1995)
Euro Direct België 1991-1996 (formerly Sky Freighters till 1994 and became Euro Direct 1995)
Eurojet International 1987-1992
European Air Transport 1971-2010
European Airlift 1990-1994
European Airlines 1991-1995
European Expedite 1988-1992
Flanders Airlines 1986-1992 (formerly Servisair till 1989)
Frevag Airlines 1989-1992 (became Flanders Airlines 1989)
Hawa Air 1976-1988
IFA 1976-1978
Jetairfly 2003-current (formerly TUI Airlines Belgium till 2005) (became TUI fly in 2016)
John Mahieu Aviation 1948-1952
Lignes Aeriennes Wallones 1980-1981
ONA 1987-1990
Pomair 1970-1974 (formerly Transpommair till 1971)
Publi-Air 1959-current
SABENA 1923-2001
Sabena World Airlines 1988-1990
Servisair 1986-1992 (became Flanders Airlines 1989)
SETA 1946-2004 (became Sobelair 1946)
SIDMA 1968-1970
Sky Freighters 1991-1996 (became Euro Direct België 1994 and Euro Direct 1995)
Skyjet 1990-2001 (became Skyjet Europe 1998)
Skyjet Europe 1990-2001 (formerly Skyjet till 1998)
Sky-Service 1985-current (became Abelag Aviation 2011 (executive operator only))
Skytech Helicopter Service 1989-2022 (was a joint venture with Russia)
SN Brussels Airlines 1966-current (formerly Delta Air Transport till 1988 and DAT (Belgian Regional Airline) till 2002 and became Brussels Airlines 2006)
SNETA 1919-1922
Sobelair 1946-2004 (formerly SETA till 1946)
Soberi Belgium 1962-1988
TEA Trans European Airways 1970-1991
Thomas Cook Airlines Belgium 2002-2017 (became Thomas Cook 2013) (integrated Brussels Airlines 2017)
Transport International Aerien 1982-1992
TNT Airways 1999-current (became ASL Airlines Belgium 2017)
Trans-Air 1946-1950 (became Air Transport 1947)
Transjet 1979-1983
Transpommair 1970-1974 (became Pomair 1971)
Tubel Air 1993-1994 (joint venture with Tunesia)
TUI Airlines Belgium 2003-current (became Jetairfly 2005 and TUI fly in 2016)
TUI fly 2003-current (formerly TUI Airlines Belgium till 2005 and Jetairfly till 2016)
Unijet Benelux 1978-1999 (became BFS International 1981 and Constellation International Airlines 1995)
VG Airlines 1997-2002 (became Delsey Airlines 2002)
Virgin Express 1991-current (formerly EBA Eurobelgian Airlines till 1996 and became Brussels Airlines 2006)
Vizion Air 2013-current
VLM Airlines 1992-2016 (CityJet 2010-2014) restarted 2017-2018
Young Cargo 1974-1979


Since the start of the Belgian civil aviation more than 60 commercial airlines saw daylight, most of them are history. SNETA was the first back in 1919 and the last was Air Antwerp in 2019.

- paper airlines which had never an operational aircraft are excluded
(f.e. TASI - Transaction Air Service International in 1977),
- taxi companies have been excluded, unless linked with commercial transport,
- one broker is included (Eureka Aviation),
- most of the fleet info can be found on the Belgian register page.

Photos are shown for non commercial purpose and were only put online to illustrate the rich and colorfull history of the Belgian aviation scenery.
They were taken by:
- myself and credited as "Skystef",
- shared by otherone's (collection) credited with their name,
- scanned from my slide or photo collection. If these slides / photo's carry the name of the photographer, it's credited such. In case of no name I will use "collection Skystef". However, if you recognize some picture(s) as yours, don't hesitate to contact me so I can give the proper credit.

Info gathered by own research, but with aid of: J. Ingels (IFA), P. De Block (IFA and Tubelair), L. Wittemans (Sky-Service & Sky Freighters), Aubin Vanbelleghem (Transpommair/Pomair), Jens Dohrn (IATA - ICAO codes, BIAS), Joris Verhuyck (Hawa Air), Olivier Mahieu (John Mahieu Aviation).

Corrections and additions are always welcomed.

When using (part of) this info, a credit or a link to this website is always appreciated.

A small contribution can make the difference in keep running this website