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Belgian weather blog August 2011

Weather news
TxBE (°C)
TxBR (°C)
1 Before sunrise a nice bright display of noctulicent clouds on the northeastern horizon, the first notable of the summer season: see pictures 1, 2, 3. Quite sunny with besides Ci, at noon tempo a few Cu.  cv 25,7 22,6
2 Between 0415-0500 briefly weak noctilucent clouds on the far northeastern horizon. Starting sunny with some Ci, from 1000 a few Cu, from 1900 very cloudy with Ac with a few drops 2130. bl 30,3 28,7
3 Overcast with showery rain 0700-1630 = 5 mm. Clearing skies from 1900. Today, early morning, a moderate thunderstorm over province Luxembourg. bt 25,4 21,2
4 Starting quite sunny with some Ci, late forenoon also Cu with increasing Ci. One shower 1715 followed by light rain easing off by midnight = 3 mm.  bl 28,4 27,0
5 Very cloudy with Sc, breaking from 1900 onwards. gh 23,6 21,3
6 Very cloudy with one shower 1530 and showery rain  1900-2200 = 5 mm. Today, around noon, moderate thunderstorm over province Luxembiurg. bl 24,0 22,9
7 Starting sunny, from Cu, Sc with a couple showers 2000-2130 = <1 mm. Today, towards midnight, a few rumbles of thunder over province West-Vlaanderen. bl 21,9 20,6
8 Showery rain from midnight till noon = 5 mm. Large breaks Cu, Sc. Shower 1735-2000 = 3 mm with one rumble of thunder 1745. Today, from midnight till late afternoon, weak thunderstorms over all provinces. bl 20,2 19,2
9 Light rain 0500-0630 & light showers 1000-1100 & 1200. Total = 1 mm. Cloudy with Cu, Sc. bl 19,7 17,5
10 Partly cloudy with Ac, Ci, from noon also tempo a few Cu. bl, gh 22,1 21,7
11 Partly cloudy with Ci, Ac. A light shower around 1845, light rain 2100-2200. Total 1 mm. bl 25,8 24,9
12 Very cloudy with Sc, Cu and some showery rain in the morning and noon = 2 mm. bl 23,4 21,2
13 Very cloudy with some rain 1100-1800 = 3 mm. lg 21,5 19,7
14 Rain 0100-0900 = 34 mm. Afterwards very cloudy with Cu, Sc, breaking towards sunset. dt 21,0 20,3
15 Starting sunny later cloudy with Cu, Sc disappearing in evening but invading Ci, Cs. bl 23,7 21,4
16 Partly cloudy tempo cloudy with Cu, Sc. bl 23,8 22,6
17 Starting cloudy with Sc, breaking into scattered Cu. bl 26,4 23,3
18 Starting cloudy with Ac and some light showers in morning. From noon large breaks, but from 1600 onwards moderate thundery outbreaks with at first gusts up to 40 kt, thunder activity eased off around 1930. Between 2100-2330 again some showers. Total rain =  20 mm. Today, between late afternoon-evening, moderate thunderstorms over all provinces. Over both Brabants, Limbourg, Liège, Hainaut and Namur some were severe due to large hail, strong winds (presumable due to a combination of weak tornado's/downbursts over Limbourg and eastern Vlaams-Brabant). Five people died during a pop festival at Kiewit near Hasselt (Limburg) due to a downburst. In the same provinces locally flooding did occur due to the very high rain rate, according to some automatic stations exceeding 300 mm/h. Peak gust via the official stations: Beauvechain 43 kt, Zaventem 37 kt, Ernage 35 kt. Local downburst and/or small tornado's over Limbourg and northeastern Brabant must have given gusts >50 kt. Highest amount of rainfall officially: Retie 39 mm, Ukkel 31 mm, Kleine Brogel 27 mm, Elsenborn 25 mm, Zaventem 23 mm. Via amateur stations: Kessel-Lo 57 mm. Check also pictorial report. bl 28,2 24,6
19 St overcast with some feeble rain drizzle till 0800, then Sc, from breaks, afternoon few Cu, towards sunset thick Ci packs from west. Today, during night and morning, weak to moderate thunderstorms over provinces Limbourg, Namur, Liège and Luxembourg. bl 23,4 20,6
20 Quite sunny with in afternoon and evening tempo some Ac, Ci fields. be 26,9 25,5
21 Between 0630-0800 & 1500-1600 light showery rain = 1 mm. Mostly cloudy to very cloudy with Ac and tempo Cu, some larger breaks 1000-1400. Today, during morning, weak to moderate thunderstorms over provinces Antwerp, Limbourg, Hainaut, Namur, Luxembourg. Furthermore, during the evening also a few rumbles over Liège.   bl 30,4 28,8
22 Showery rain 0700-1300 = 3 mm. Some large breaks 1400-1600, again a shower 1800-1900 = 3 mm. From 2300 rumbles were heard, half an hour later also rain. Today, late afternoon, a weak thunderstorm over province Hainaut. Late evening moderate thunderstorms over Hainaut, both Brabants, even severe over Namur (large hail). lb 26,4 21,5
23 Moderate thunderstorm eased off from 0200 on. Around 0500 briefly the passage of another moderate thundery shower. Both gave 12 mm. Around 0800 another moderate thunderstorm edged my location  <1 mm. Between 1000-1200 a third moderate thunderstorm passed, this time overhead with briefly some hail around 1 cm diameter and 21 mm of water. From noon enlarging breaks with Cu, towards the evening a lone Cb in the far north. Feeble shower around 2300. Today, from midnight till early afternoon, moderate to isolated severe thunderstorms (wind - large hail, latter at Hasselt) over all provinces except West-Vlaanderen and large part of Luxembourg where they were weak to nil. In fact they were three consecutive MCS thunderstorms with their cores passing over Hainaut, both Brabants and Limbourg. Locally flooding (like in Groot-Bijgaarden, Halle, Lembeek, Orp-Le-Grand), and lightning strikes setting fires in more than a dozen houses with even an entire (empty) school burned down at Mons (Hainaut). Total discharges: 87000 of which 12000 cloud-to-ground. Highest amount of rain according official stations: Ukkel 43 mm. Check also pictorial report. dt 26,4 25,4
24 Starting partly cloudy with Cu, Sc and increasing Ci. Tempo very cloudy 1100-1900 with Sc. Some drops around 1800. bl 23,5 21,9
25 Starting very cloudy with Sc, large breaks from 1000 with few Cu and some Ci. From 1500 also an Ac layer with later some TCu with a light shower around 2000 = <1mm. bl 26,7 24,6
26 Around 0745 passage of a moderate thunderstorm with a couple near by vertical lightning strikes. Half an hour it eased off = 8 mm. Between 1000-1230 some showers = 2 mm. Remaining very cloudy with Sc, some breaks after sunset. Today, between early morning and early afternoon, weak to mostly moderate thunderstorms over all provinces. Check also pictorial report. lg, bl, sp 21,9 19,3
27 Partly cloudy to cloudy with Cu, Sc. Between1400-2000 tempo very cloudy with some showers with around 1800 some small hail and between 1900-1930 also rumbles of thunders (in the north), check time lapse. Total rain = 4 mm. Today, afternoon & evening weak to moderate thunderstorms over all provinces. Today, afternoon, several small waterspouts could be detected near Westende & Nieuwpoort. cv 19,8 18,6
28 Cloudy to very cloudy with Cu, Sc + tempo Cs, As. Between 1400-1800 some showers = 3 mm. Today a few rumbles of thunder over West-Vlaanderen. gh 18,6 16,7
29 Cloudy with Cu, Sc and some Ci. A few drops around 1000 & 1400. bl 19,1 17,0
30 Very cloudy with Sc, half an hour after sunset some breaks. os 17,6 16,5
31 Partly cloudy to cloudy with Cu, Sc and lots of Ci. bl 21,2 19,2

Note: all times are Central European Time

Legend: TxBE (°C) = Top Tmax Belgium, TxBR (°C) = Tmax Zaventem. aw = Deurne, be = Beauvechain, bl = Kleine Brogel, br = Zaventem, bt = Beitem, ci = Charleroi, cv = Chièvres, dt = Diest, er = Ernage, fn = Koksijde, fs = Florennes, gh = Ghent, lb = Elsenborn, lg = Bièrset, mr = Mont-Rigi, os = Ostend, sh = Saint-Hubert, sp = Spa, sz = Semmerzake, uk = Ukkel.


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