Weather pictures & report of August 18 2011


MCS thunderstorm along thermal trough

Synopsis: at 500 hPa, east of a relaxing trough west of the British Isles, our area in a moderate SW'ly flow of warm and humid potentially unstable air. At surface passage of thermal depression with trough enhancing the instability which, additionally provoked by diurnal heating, started from late afternoon onwards with formation of  MCS thunderstorms, mainly over central and northeastern parts of Belgium.. Locally in these areas, it lead to severe downbursts with physical and material damage. At the location were all pictures were taken (Steenokkerzeel in central Belgium) thing remained rather modest, Hours of photos in local time (CET).


Surface analysis of August 18 2011 at 1400 CET. Related to a thermal depression over northern France, a thermal trough. Both moved via the center of Belgium towards the northeast. (Source chart: Belgocontrol)


Loop of 11 surface analyses of August 18 2011 (of each hour between 1200-2200 CET) with weather plots showing the slow movement of the thermal depression over the centre of Belgium. (Source:


Upper air analysis 500 hPa of August 18 2011 at 1400 CET. A relaxing upper trough over Ireland as extension of the cold pool over Iceland with furthermore a filling cut-off low west of the Iberian Peninsula. On the eastern flank a weak mobile ridge over the continent. It resulted over our area in a moderate SW'ly flow. (Source chart: DWD via wetter3)


Upper air analysis 850 hPa of August 18 2011 at 1400 CET. Just south of England a small depression with some cooler air moving eastwards. Overhead a weak SW'ly flow with still advection of very warm air. (Source chart: DWD via wetter3)


Max temperatures of August 18 2011: no extreme values with the warmest spots over provinces Limbourg & Liège.


Upper air analysis of wetbulb temperatures 850 hPa of August 18 2011 at 1700 CET. A so called Spanish Plume of warm and humid air (Tw 18-20°C) extending from Spain and France via Belgium towards mid Holland. Over Belgium the highest value was found over province Limbourg with 20°C (Source chart: Belgocontrol)


Loop of forecasted soundings for Brussels of August 18 2011 between 0830-2000 CET. Till around 1730 a so called CAP (or inversion) was present around 3000-5000ft. When due to diurnal heating it was cleared, deep instability could be released beyond layer 250 hPa (10km). Also detectable is a pronounced directional windshear in the lowest 3 km which could trigger supercells. (Source: RASP)


Another loop of forecasted soundings for a 18 hours period (in steps of three hours) of Brussels from August 18 2011, 1100 CET onwards. Included are some thunderstorms indices: surface based CAPE went up little over 2000 J/kg, KI 36, TT 53, LI -8 = strong convective potential which may lead to frequent thunderstorms, isolated severe. Directional shear was moderate with 138 m²/s², low level shear was 25 kt, deep layer shear 35 kt. Due to the rather high CAPE and moderate shear, multicells (eventually MCS) and supercells (eventually with small tornado's) could be expected. (Source:


Forecasted vertical profile and surface temperature for Brussels Airport of August 18 from 1400 CET and the following 48 hours. Legend of upper map: green-brown-white is humidity in steps of 10% with darkest green being 90% or more, wind in kt, temperatures each 5°C. From the start humid air well towards the upper levels (200 hPa). Furthermore during the late afternoon of August 18 evidence of a rise of upper air temperatures with passage thermal trough in warm air. First six hours also significant shear in direction (and speed). (Source: Belgocontrol)


18/08/2011 1500-2045 CET. Satellite loop in the visual channel. An exploding MCS thunderstorm over central and northeastern parts of Belgium. (Source sat picture: Eumetsat via Belgocontrol)


Zoom of a still image of the late afternoon in the visual channel giving a view of the MCS with overshooting top over the northeast of Belgium. Further to the southwest another weaker cell is detectable but it reached Belgium in its decaying stage. (Source pic: Eumetsat via Buienradar)


Radar loop (reflectivity in dBZ) of August 18 2011 between 1545-2200 CET. Over province Hainaut a developing MCS thunderstorm with its mature stage (bow echo) over province Limbourg. Over there a lot of physical damage (5 killed during a pop festival near Hasselt) and also material damage due to downbursts / small tornados. (Source radar picture: Belgocontrol)


Corresponding discharges of August 18 2011 between 1430-1815 CET. (Source lightning picture: Blids)


Max gusts (in knot) of August 18 2011 between 1400-2000 CET: Beauvechain the winner with 43 kt during a (small) downburst, followed by Zaventem 37 kt. Locally over Limbourg (without official recordings), the winds must have peaked >50 kt.


Some metars (hours in UTC). Translation: copy paste each obs via metar-decoder

Metars of Brussels Airport (EBBR)
EBBR 181250Z 06007KT 040V100 CAVOK 23/17 Q1012 NOSIG
EBBR 181320Z 07005KT 030V140 CAVOK 25/17 Q1012 TEMPO VRB15G30KT 3000 TSRA  
EBBR 181320Z 07005KT 030V140 CAVOK 25/17 Q1012 TEMPO VRB20G40KT 2500 TSRAGR
EBBR 181350Z 07005KT 040V100 9999 FEW050CB 24/17 Q1011 TEMPO VRB15G30KT 3000 TSRA  
EBBR 181420Z 04007KT 9999 TS SCT050CB 24/17 Q1010 TEMPO VRB15G30KT 3000 TSRA
EBBR 181450Z 02010KT 9999 TS SCT050CB 22/18 Q1009 TEMPO VRB25G40KT 2000 TSRA
EBBR 181520Z 31020G37KT 280V340 2500 +TSRA BKN008 BKN045CB 18/16 Q1011 TEMPO VRB25G40KT 1200 +TSRAGR
EBBR 181550Z 09006KT 9999 TS FEW008 SCT045CB 18/17 Q1010 TEMPO VRB25G40KT 2000 TSRA
EBBR 181620Z VRB02KT 6000 -TSRA FEW008 SCT045CB 18/17 Q1010 TEMPO VRB25G40KT 1500 +TSRA
EBBR 181650Z 04003KT 350V070 6000 TSRA FEW008 SCT040CB 18/17 Q1010 TEMPO VRB25G40KT 1500 +TSRA 
EBBR 181720Z VRB02KT 9999 -TSRA FEW008 SCT030CB BKN038 18/17 Q1010 TEMPO VRB25G40KT 1500 +TSRA 
EBBR 181750Z 20003KT 160V220 9999 FEW008 FEW025CB BKN033 18/17 Q1010 TEMPO VRB25G40KT 1500 +TSRA
EBBR 181820Z VRB02KT 9999 FEW008 FEW025CB BKN033 19/18 Q1010 TEMPO 4000 SHRA


Metars of Beauvechain (EBBE)

EBBE 181325Z 06007KT 9999 BKN060 26/19 Q1011 BLU BLU

EBBE 181425Z 05008KT 9999 FEW055CB SCT120 26/19 Q1010 BLU WHT TEMPO GRN

EBBE 181431Z 05008KT 9999 -TS FEW050CB SCT180 26/19 Q1010 BLU WHT TEMPO GRN

EBBE 181520Z 07010KT 7000 -TSRA FEW044 SCT050CB BKN065 24/19 Q1008 WHT GRN TEMPO AMB

EBBE 181525Z 07010KT 5000 -TSRA FEW044 SCT050CB BKN065 24/19 Q1007 WHT FCST CANCEL 

EBBE 181534Z AUTO 25024G43KT 7000 -SHRA FEW038 SCT045 BKN070 21/20 Q1010 WHT

EBBE 181540Z AUTO 29027G43KT 0800 +SHRA VV005 17/17 Q1010 AMB

EBBE 181546Z AUTO 31021G34KT 0700 +SHRA VV006 18/18 Q1009 RED

EBBE 181552Z AUTO 34016G30KT 3700 +SHRA FEW003 SCT022 BKN039 18/18 Q1010 GRN

EBBE 181558Z AUTO 34012KT 9999 SHRA FEW003 SCT025 BKN055 18/18 Q1010 BLU

EBBE 181625Z AUTO 06004KT 9999 -SHRA SCT031 BKN039 BKN055 18/17 Q1010 BLU  

EBBE 181725Z AUTO 33004KT 9000 SHRA FEW009 BKN034 19/19 Q1010 BLU  


Metars of Bierset (EBLG)

EBLG 181350Z 08006KT 050V110 9999 SCT047 27/18 Q1011 NOSIG 

EBLG 181420Z 12005KT 070V170 9999 BKN047 28/18 Q1011 NOSIG 

EBLG 181450Z 19013KT 9999 BKN047 28/18 Q1010 NOSIG 

EBLG 181520Z 18014KT 9999 BKN047 27/18 Q1010 NOSIG 

EBLG 181550Z 18014KT 9999 BKN036 26/18 Q1009 NOSIG 

EBLG 181620Z 22007G18KT 180V350 9999 FEW035CB BKN040 26/19 Q1011 TEMPO 3000 SHRA TSRA SCT030CB 

EBLG 181650Z 33007KT 290V360 9999 FEW010 SCT035 BKN045 19/17 Q1010 RETSRA TEMPO 3000 SHRA TSRA SCT015CB

EBLG 181720Z 28008KT 260V320 1000 R23L/1100VP2000U R23R/1900N R05R/1200VP2000D +TSRA SCT003 SCT015CB BKN023 19/17 Q1010 TEMPO 3000 SHRA TSRA SCT015CB  

EBLG 181750Z 30004KT 230V040 7000 -TSRA SCT003 SCT019CB BKN035 19/18 Q1011 TEMPO 3000 SHRA TSRA SCT015CB

EBLG 181820Z 14004KT 090V230 9999 -SHRA FEW006 SCT019TCU BKN035 19/17 Q1010 RETS TEMPO 3000 SHRA TSRA SCT015CB 

EBLG 181850Z VRB01KT 9999 FEW015TCU BKN035 20/18 Q1011 TEMPO 3000 SHRA TSRA SCT015CB

EBLG 181920Z 16003KT 120V200 6000 FEW015 BKN045 20/19 Q1011 TEMPO 3000 SHRA BKN015 

EBLG 181950Z 13004KT 4700 BR FEW015 BKN045 20/19 Q1011 TEMPO 3000 SHRA BKN015  

Metars of Diest (EBDT)
EBDT 182025Z AUTO 14004KT 2600 -SHRA BR FEW003 SCT055 19/19 Q1010 YLO  
EBDT 181948Z AUTO VRB03KT 2200 -SHRA BR SCT001 BKN003 19/19 Q1011 RED
EBDT 181954Z AUTO VRB03KT 1700 -SHRA BR BKN002 BKN005 19/19 Q1011 AMB
EBDT 181825Z AUTO 05004KT //// // ////// ///// Q////
EBDT 181725Z AUTO 30005KT //// // ////// ///// Q////
EBDT 181625Z AUTO 05009KT //// // ////// ///// Q////
EBDT 181525Z AUTO 04006KT 9999 -SHRA FEW050 SCT065 BKN115 24/18 Q1009 BLU  
EBDT 181425Z 06006KT 9999 FEW050TCU SCT150 25/18 Q1010 BLU FCST CANCEL 
EBDT 181325Z 09008KT 9999 FEW050TCU 26/18 Q1011 BLU BLU
EBDT 182003Z AUTO 15004KT 1700 -SHRA BR FEW002 BKN004 BKN050 19/19 Q1010 RESHRAYLO
EBDT 181933Z AUTO VRB02KT 2600 -SHRA BR SCT002 BKN036 BKN055 19/19 Q1010 RESHRAAMB
EBDT 181925Z AUTO VRB02KT 3500 -SHRA BR FEW035 BKN048 BKN070 19/19 Q1010 RESHRA YLO

Metars of Kleine Brogel (EBBL)
EBBL 181325Z 03008KT 9999 FEW030 27/17 Q1012 BLU BLU
EBBL 181355Z 08007KT 9999 FEW030 27/18 Q1011 BLU BLU
EBBL 181425Z 08008KT 9999 FEW040 SCT090 28/18 Q1011 BLU BLU
EBBL 181455Z 07007KT 9999 FEW040 BKN065 26/17 Q1010 BLU BLU
EBBL 181458Z 07007KT 9999 VCTS FEW040 BKN065 26/18 Q1010 BLU BLU TEMPO YLO
EBBL 181524Z 06006KT 9999 VCTS SCT055 BKN075 25/18 Q1010 BLU FCST CANCEL
EBBL 181525Z 06006KT 9999 VCTS SCT055 BKN075 25/18 Q1010 BLU
EBBL 181543Z VRB03KT 9999 -TSRA FEW040CB BKN080 24/19 Q1010 BLU
EBBL 181555Z 35008KT 9000 -TSRA FEW040CB BKN050 22/18 Q1010 BLU
EBBL 181618Z 36007KT 5000 -TSRA BKN047 22/18 Q1010 WHT
EBBL 181625Z 34008KT 5000 -TSRA BKN046 20/18 Q1011 WHT 
EBBL 181630Z 31010G20KT 3700 -TSRA FEW039CB BKN047 19/18 Q1011 GRN
EBBL 181648Z 01004KT 8000 -TSRA FEW029CB SCT040 BKN046 18/18 Q1010 BLU
EBBL 181655Z VRB03KT 8000 -TSRA FEW029CB SCT040 BKN047 18/18 Q1010 BLU 
EBBL 181725Z VRB01KT 7000 -TSRA FEW007 SCT055CB BKN075 18/18 Q1010 WHT 
EBBL 181745Z VRB01KT 3000 -TSRA FEW007 BKN065 BKN085 18/18 Q1010 YLO
EBBL 181755Z 0000KT 3000 TSRA FEW007 SCT056CB BKN090 18/18 Q1011 YLO
EBBL 181825Z VRB03KT 3000 -TSRA FEW007 SCT050CB BKN065 18/18 Q1011 YLO 
EBBL 181833Z VRB02KT 3900 -TSRA FEW007 SCT50CB BKN080 18/18 Q1011 GRN
EBBL 181838Z VRB02KT 3000 TSRA FEW007 SCT050CB BKN080 18/18 Q1011 YLO
EBBL 181849Z 07004KT 3000 -TSRA FEW022 SCT031CB BKN050 18/18 Q1011 YLO
EBBL 181925Z VRB03KT 3800 -TSRA FEW006 SCT039CB BKN060 18/18 Q1011 RETSRA GRN  
EBBL 181955Z 10004KT 4900 -TSRA FEW003 SCT046CB BKN070 18/18 Q1011 GRN 
EBBL 182025Z 15004KT 5000 SCT038 BKN044 BKN050 18/18 Q1011 WHT 


Metars of Maastricht (EHBK)
EHBK 181355Z AUTO 04009KT 010V080 9999 NSC 26/18 Q1011 NOSIG
EHBK 181425Z AUTO 06009KT 9999 NCD 27/18 Q1010 NOSIG
EHBK 181455Z AUTO 04009KT 010V080 9999 NSC 27/18 Q1010 TEMPO FM1600 6000 SHRA FEW030CB 
EHBK 181525Z AUTO 06008KT 020V090 9999 NSC 27/18 Q1009 TEMPO FM1600 6000 SHRA FEW030CB 
EHBK 181555Z AUTO 04004KT 340V080 9999 FEW030CB SCT046 26/18 Q1009 TEMPO 6000 SHRA FEW030CB
EHBK 181625Z AUTO 18007KT 130V220 9999 TS FEW030CB BKN048 27/19 Q1009 NOSIG
EHBK 181655Z AUTO 31024G37KT 260V350 3700 +TSRA FEW005 SCT007 BKN011 BKN015CB 19/18 Q1010 TEMPO 4000
EHBK 181725Z AUTO 06003KT 030V110 9999 TS BKN015CB 19/18 Q1010 RERA TEMPO 24020G35KT 4000 TSRA 
EHBK 181755Z AUTO 15005KT 120V190 9999 -TSRA BKN015CB SCT035 19/18 Q1010 RERA TEMPO 24020G35KT 4000 TSRA BECMG 20008KT 
EHBK 181825Z AUTO 36005KT 320V050 9999 TS BKN015CB SCT046 19/18 Q1011 TEMPO 24020G35KT 6000 TSRA
EHBK 181855Z AUTO 05009KT 010V080 9999 FEW004 SCT011 BKN014 FEW015CB 19/18 Q1011 RETS NOSIG
EHBK 181925Z AUTO 05008KT 020V080 9000 TS FEW004 SCT005 BKN007 FEW015CB 18/18 Q1011 TEMPO 6000 SHRA BECMG SCT007
EHBK 181955Z AUTO 06007KT 7000 TS FEW013 SCT015CB 18/18 Q1011 RERA BECMG 9999 NSW  
EHBK 182025Z AUTO 11006KT 3100 BR FEW002 BKN035 18/18 Q1011 BECMG 6000 NSW 
EHBK 182055Z AUTO 09003KT 040V120 4700 BR NSC 18/18 Q1010  

18/08/2011 1645 W. The approach of the developing MCS gave little to excite about as there seems to be a weakening part going north and activation part to the south.


18/08/2011 1656 W. Wind was northeast, the visibility not great and also some lower clouds began to form without much structure.


18/08/2011 1659 WNW. On the left hand side the rain shaft was already on its way.


18/08/2011 1714 SW. Bit later followed by quite dark skies with moderate to heavy falls of rain accompanied by some thunders and gusts of almost 40 kt.


18/08/2011 1740 ENE. Less than half an hour later it was all over: on the backside a lot of deep rumbles could be heard. Little later over Kiewit (near Hasselt) disaster was near by.


18/08/2011 1751 SE. Contrast of the dark background of the storm against a freshly formed Stratus fractus receiving some rays of sun.


18/08/2011 1745 SSW. On the other side also formation of some very low cloudiness with cumuliform character.


18/08/2011 1800 W. Meanwhile in the wake of the big storm, formation of another (smaller) thunderstorm.


18/08/2011 1825 W. This storm trailed quite long over the north with a lot of rumbles of thunder and vertical discharges, but none could be captured on the cams sensor.


18/08/2011 1839 NNW. Whales mouth effect when passing by.


This storm was between 1819-1839 also captured on film and speeded up to 20 frames per second revealing the turbulent character. 


Back to summer reports 2011










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