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Belgian weather blog January 2010

Weather news
TxBE (°C)
TxBR (°C)
1 Happy New Year. Tmin garden -0,7°C. St overcast with a few snow flurries 1200-1400. Clearing skies from 1500 onwards.
fn 3,4
2 Tmin garden -6,4°C. Around sunrise becoming very cloudy with St, a few flurries around 1100. Light snow 2130-2330 giving 0,5 cm. gh 3,1 0,8
3 Light to moderate intermittent (wet) snow 0130-0600 = 3 cm. Afterwards clearing skies, in afternoon few St. Tmin was reached in forenoon -5,2°C. Stations with a cover of snow: Mont-Rigi & Liège 5 cm, Zaventem, Ukkel, Beauvechain & Kleine Brogel 3 cm, Florennes, Charleroi 2 cm, Deurne 1 cm. Pictorial report via this link. fn 1,2 -1,5
4 Tmin garden -11,6°C, Tx garden -1,5°C. Cloudy to very cloudy with Sc, sometimes a few flurries, between 2030-2330 light snow = 0,5 cm.. Snow in garden remained unchanged. Snow in Belgium: unchanged but added to this list: Elsenborn 8 cm, Semmerzake 4 cm, Diest 3 cm. os 3,1 -2,6
5 Tmin garden -5,6°C. Quite sunny, but with lots of Ci and a few Ac. Snow in garden remained unchanged despite slightly positive temperatures of 1,1°C. Snow heights in Belgium more or less the same, except Elsenborn 12 cm & Semmerzake < 1 cm. gh 1,6 0,5
6 Tmin garden -10,0°C, Tx garden -0,5°C. Becoming very cloudy with Sc around sunrise, sometimes snow grains. After sunset some breaks. From 2330 light snow flurries. Snow in garden 3 cm. Snow heights in Belgium more or less unchanged. ci -1,3 -2,4
7 Tmin garden -8,2°C. Light snow eased off around 0800 = 1 cm. Afterwards clearing skies. Snow in garden 4 cm, dwindling down to 3 cm by end of day. Tx garden -3,4°C. Top snow: Elsenborn 12 cm. uk -0,9 -1,9
8 Tmin garden -12,5°C. Tx garden -2,2°C. During the night becoming St overcast, lifting to Sc in afternoon tempo also some breaks in afternoon & evening. Snow in garden 3 cm. Top snow: Elsenborn 12 cm. fn, os -1,1 -3,2
9 Tmin garden -4,6°C. Tx garden -0,8°C which was reached late evening. Overcast with light (blowing) snow 0330-1600 adding 4 cm to the already present 3 cm in the garden, but snow dunes up to 30 cm are also present. Some snow heights from the official stations: Mont-Rigi 13 cm, Kleine Brogel, Zaventem & Ukkel 7 cm, Liège 5 cm, Charleroi & Florennes 4 cm, Deurne 2 cm. Pictorial report via this link.  fn 0,7 -1,2
10 Tmin garden -1,3°C. Very cloudy to overcast with light flurries 0800-0900, 1100-1200 & 1300-1500. Snow garden 7 cm, although slight thaw with tx 1,3°C. Snow heights in Belgium unchanged. fn 0,7 -1,1
11 Tmin garden -3,7°C. St, Sc overcast, sometimes feeble snow grains. Tx garden 0,6°C, light thaw, snow height 6 cm. Snow heights Belgium unchanged: added Elsenborn 15 cm, Diest 8 cm, Beauvechain 4 cm.  aw 0,7 -0,4
12 Tmin garden -1,3°C. St overcast, sometimes feeble snow grains. Tx 0,7°C, light thaw, snow height garden 6 cm. Snow heights Belgium mostly unchanged, Elsenborn was corrected to 10 cm fn 0,5 -0,2
13 Some breaks during the night in which Tmin garden -3,6°C. Becoming As Ac overcast towards sunsrise. Light snow(grains) 0800-1600 = 1 cm. Afterwards light thaw with till 2100 light drizzle. Tx garden 1,0°C, reached late evening, snow height garden 6 cm. Snow heights Belgium mostly unchanged, added Koksijde 1 cm. Pictorial report via this link. lg 1,4 0,7
14 St overcast till 1330, afterwards clearing skies leaving few Ci. Snow in garden dwindled to 3 cm. Top snow Mont-Rigi 11 cm. cv 6,1 4,6
15 Tmin garden -3,1°C. By the morning St, Sc overcast lasting all period long. Snow in garden dwindled to 2 cm. Top snow Mont-Rigi & Elsenborn 9 cm. fn 3,4 1,9
16 Very cloudy, first with St, later wirt Ac, As. Light rain 1500-2000 = 5 mm. Still some snow patches left in the garden. Top snow Belgium: Mont-Rigi 17 cm. gh 4,4 3,2
17 Light rain drizzle till 0900 = 6 mm. Large breaks from 1100 onwards. Still some traces of snow in the garden. Top snow Belgium: Mont-Rigi 17 cm dwindling to 11 cm by end of day. cv 8,2 7,0
18 St overcast all period long with sometime light drizzle. Last traces of snow disappeared in the garden. Top snow Belgium: Mont-Rigi dwindling to 9 cm by end of day. fn 7,9 5,5
19 Entire period St overcast;, some light rain drizzle 0700-1000. Top snow Belgium: Mont-Rigi dwindling to 6 cm by end of day. gh 5,9 5,0
20 Tmin garden -1,0°C. Freezing fog 0100-0600. Starting sunny with lots of Ci, from noon very cloudy with Sc. Top snow Belgium: Mont-Rigi dwindling to 5 cm by end of day. bl 6,1 3,8
21 All period St overcast, from 0800 sometimes light (rain)drizzle = 1 mm. Top snow Belgium: Mont-Rigi 6 cm. gh,dt 4,4 3,8
22 Towards sunrise clearing skies, but with lots of Ci, so Tmin garden became -0,8°C. Between 0900-1030 tempo St overcast and almost fog. Afterwards quite sunny but with lots of Ci, from evening onwards also Ac. Top snow Belgium: Mont-Rigi 7 cm. dt 7,3 5,9
23 All period long grey with between 1600-2300 light intermittent rain drizzle = 4 mm by midnight. Top snow Belgium: Mont-Rigi 7 cm. uk 4,9 4,7
24 All period long grey and misty with between 0930-1530 intermittent light rain drizzle, sometimes accompanied by some sleet. Total 2 mm. Top snow Belgium: Mont-Rigi 8 cm. fn 4,9 2,3
25 All period long St overcast and misty with some drizzle around noon. T from 1630 <0°C. Top snow Belgium: Mont-Rigi 9 cm. bt 3,0 1,6
26 Tmin garden -4,0°C. St overcast till noon, afterwards clearing, but hazy, skies leaving some Ci. Tx garden -1,3°C.  Top snow Belgium: Mont-Rigi 9 cm. fn -0,7 -1,9
27 Tmin garden -9,0°C. After a morning ray of sunshine very cloudy to overcast with Ac, As. Around 1600 a few flurries, from 1800 light ice pellets - freezing rain & drizzle, from 2200 onwards light rain with Tx reaching 2,0°C. Top snow Belgium: Mont-Rigi 13 cm. os 3,5 0,6
28 Cloudy to very cloudy with Cu, Sc with sometimes rain & sleet showers = 3 mm by midnight. Top snow Belgium: Mont-Rigi 18 cm. fn 6,3 3,5
29 Light rain drizzle, sometimes mixed with some sleet, till 1600 =10 mm. Couple light showers of snow pellets 1900-2100 giving a very small cover. Top snow Belgium: Mont-Rigi 39 cm. fn 4,8 3,2
30 Light to moderate snow showers 0600-0800 =  5 cm. Tempo clearing skies in which Tmin was reached -1,2°C. Around 1015 another light snow shower. Afterwards partly cloudy to cloudy with Cu, Sc. T descended to -1,7°C, then began to rise slightly above 0°C with from 2000 intermittent light snow adding 1 cm to the during the day dwindled 4 cm. Official stations with snow: Mont-Rigi: 45 cm, Florennes 9 cm, Liège 6 cm, Kleine Brogel & Zaventem 3 cm, Charleroi & Deurne 2 cm, Ukkel 1 cm. Pictorial report via this link. fn 3,6 0,8
31 Light snow eased off around 0100. Clearing skies towards the morning on which Tmin was reached -1,8°C. Quite sunny but with lots of Ci and some Cu, Sc. Late afternoon some Cb clouds were formed which produced around 1700 a light snow shower. Snow in garden dwindled from 5 to 2 cm. Top snow Belgium: Mont-Rigi 46 cm. Other stations with snow: Florennes 9 cm, Liège 8 cm, Kleine Brogel 4 cm, Zaventem 3 cm, Charleroi 2 cm.   fn, os, gh 4,2 2,7

Note: all times are Central European Time

Legend: TxBE (°C) = Top Tmax Belgium, TxBR (°C) = Tmax Zaventem. aw = Deurne, be = Beauvechain, bl = Kleine Brogel, br = Zaventem, bt = Beitem, ci = Charleroi, cv = Chièvres, dt = Diest, er = Ernage, fn = Koksijde, fs = Florennes, gh = Ghent, lb = Elsenborn, lg = Bièrset, mr = Mont-Rigi, os = Ostend, sh = Saint-Hubert, sp = Spa, sz = Semmerzake, uk = Ukkel.


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