Weather pictures & report of January 9 2010


Blowing and drifting snow related to upper air warm front.

Synopsis: at 500 hPa a cut-off low centered over the continent with wrapped around an upper air warm front reaching the Benelux. It produced for 12 hours light blowing (afterwards drifting) snow adding a couple of cm on the already present white blanket which was formed on January 3 2010. All pictures were taken at Kampenhout (central Belgium), hours in local time (CET). 


Surface analysis of January 9 2010 at 1300 CET. Anticyclone centered over Scandinavia, depression centered over northern Italy with our area in a strong northeasterly flow. Related to the depression an occlusion preceded by an upper air warm front. Latter feature produced for 12 hours light falls of (blowing) snow. (Source chart: Belgocontrol)


Surface analyses of 1000 CET with weather plots showing the broad wintry precipitation belt. Of importance are the gusts (in pink color) with values between 23-33 kt resulting in light blowing and drifting snow. (Source:


Upper air analysis 500 hPa of January 9 2010 at 1300 CET. Cut-off low centered south of France with a trough extending to the Low Countries. It was blocked by the ridge north of it. At the cold pools (north)eastern side milder air was advected in the upper levels. Between the cold and warm air a precipitation belt was formed, without significant milder temperatures on the ground, so it was indicated on the surface map as an upper level warm front. (Source chart: DWD via wetter3)


Loop of forecasted soundings for Brussels of January 9 2010 between 0830-1900 CET. Entire layer saturated with subzero temperatures, so possible precipitation is 100% under solid form. (Source: RASP)


Another loop of forecasted soundings for Brussels between January 9 2010 0400 CET and January 11 2010 1900 CET in steps of three hours. It shows over the entire period an almost saturated layer which gradually becomes warmer in the upper levels. It resulted in 36 hours of intermittent light falls of snow(grains). (Source:


09/01/2010 1145-1330 CET. Satellite loop in the visible channel showing a mass of stratiform cloudiness over the southern parts of the Benelux. Over Holland thinner cloudiness (Cirrus) is present giving a glimpse on the already present snow cover. (Source sat picture: Eumetsat via


09/01/2010 1600-1700 CET. Satellite loop in the infra-red channel showing a huge cloud canopy over a large part of Europe. (Source sat picture: Eumetsat via


Radar loop (rainfall rate in mm/hr) of January 9 2010 between 0800-1640 CET. A rather small and not so intense precipitation belt trailed for quite a while over the northeast and center of Belgium giving 3 to 5 cm of fresh snow, before moving westwards while weakening. (Source radar picture: Belgocontrol)


Some metars (hours in UTC) of Brussels Airport (EBBR). Translation: copy paste each obs via metar-decoder

EBBR 090150Z 04014KT 9999 BKN020 M03/M06 Q1018 R07R/290088 R02/620175 R07L/290071 NOSIG
EBBR 090220Z 04015KT 9999 BKN020 M03/M06 Q1018 R07R/290088 R02/620175 R07L/290071 NOSIG
EBBR 090250Z 04017KT 9999 -SN BKN020 M03/M06 Q1018 R07R/290088 R02/620175 R07L/290071 NOSIG
EBBR 090320Z 04016KT 9999 -SN BKN020 M03/M06 Q1018 R07R/290088 R02/620175 R07L/290071 TEMPO 3500 -SN BKN008
EBBR 090350Z 04015KT 7000 -SN BKN017 M03/M06 Q1018 R07R/290088 R02/620175 R07L/290071 TEMPO 3500 -SN BKN008
EBBR 090420Z 04018KT 5000 -SN SCT010 BKN014 M03/M05 Q1017 R07R/290088 R02/620175 R07L/290071 TEMPO 3500 -SN BKN008
EBBR 090450Z 03018KT 6000 -SN SCT010 BKN013 M03/M05 Q1017 R07R/290088 R02/620175 R07L/290071 TEMPO 3500 -SN BKN008
EBBR 090520Z 04019KT 7000 -SN FEW012 BKN015 M04/M06 Q1017 R07R/290088 R02/620175 R07L/290071 TEMPO 3500 -SN BKN008
EBBR 090550Z 04018KT 6000 -SN FEW012 BKN015 M04/M06 Q1017 R07R/290088 R02/620175 R07L/290071 TEMPO 3500 -SN BKN008
EBBR 090620Z 04017KT 6000 -SN FEW014 BKN016 M04/M06 Q1017 R07R/550095 R02/290095 R07L/550095 TEMPO 3500 -SN BKN012
EBBR 090650Z 04017KT 5000 -SN BR SCT014 BKN016 M04/M06 Q1017 R07R/550095 R02/290095 R07L/550095 TEMPO 3500 -SN BKN012
EBBR 090720Z 03016KT 6000 -SN BKN013 BKN036 M04/M06 Q1017 R07R/550095 R02/290095 R07L/550095 TEMPO 3500 -SN
EBBR 090750Z 04017KT 3200 -SN BR BKN012 M04/M06 Q1017 R07R/550095 R02/290095 R07L/550095 TEMPO 2500 -SN BKN008
EBBR 090820Z 03016KT 2500 -SN BR BKN011 M04/M05 Q1017 R07R/290180 R02/290168 R25R/490160 TEMPO BKN008
EBBR 090850Z 03016KT 2200 -SN BR FEW009 BKN012 M04/M06 Q1017 R07R/290180 R02/290168 R25R/490160 TEMPO 0800 SN BKN008
EBBR 090920Z 03016KT 2000 -SN BR FEW009 BKN011 M03/M06 Q1017 R07R/290180 R02/290168 R25R/490160 TEMPO 0800 SN BKN008
EBBR 090950Z 03016KT 1400 R25L/P1500N R25R/P1500N R02/1300D SN BR SCT008 BKN011 M03/M05 Q1017 R07R/290180 R02/290168 R25R/490160 TEMPO BKN008
EBBR 091020Z 03017KT 1800 R25L/P1500N R25R/P1500N R02/0800N SN BR SCT008 BKN010 M03/M05 Q1016 R07R/290180 R02/290168 R25R/490160 TEMPO 0800 SN BKN008
EBBR 091050Z 03015KT 2000 R25L/P1500N R25R/P1500N R02/0750N -SN BR BKN008 BKN010 M03/M05 Q1016 R07R/290180 R02/290168 R25R/490160 TEMPO 0800 SN
EBBR 091120Z 03015KT 2200 R25L/P1500N R25R/P1500N R02/0600V0800D -SN BR BKN009 BKN011 M03/M05 Q1016 R07R/590433 R02/590257 R25R/5910// NOSIG
EBBR 091150Z 03014KT 2600 R25L/P1500N R25R/P1500N R02/0650N -SN BR BKN008 BKN011 M03/M05 Q1016 R07R/590433 R02/590257 R25R/5910// NOSIG
EBBR 091220Z 03015KT 2200 R25L/1400N R25R/P1500N R02/0600N -SN BR BKN009 M02/M04 Q1015 R07R/590433 R02/590257 R25R/5910// NOSIG
EBBR 091250Z 03015KT 1800 R25L/1300N R25R/1400N R02/0600N -SN BR BKN009 M02/M04 Q1015 R07R/590433 R02/590257 R25R/5910// NOSIG
EBBR 091320Z 03016KT 3000 R25L/P1500N R25R/P1500N R02/0700V1000U -SN BR FEW008 BKN010 M02/M04 Q1015 R07R/590433 R02/590257 R25R/5910// TEMPO 5000
EBBR 091350Z 03015KT 6000 R25L/P1500N R25R/P1500N R02/1100N -SG BKN010 BKN014 M02/M04 Q1014 R07R/590433 R02/590257 R25R/5910// NOSIG
EBBR 091420Z 03016KT 9000 -SG FEW008 BKN011 M02/M04 Q1014 R07R/590433 R02/590257 R25R/5910// NOSIG
EBBR 091450Z 04016KT 9999 -SG BKN012 M01/M04 Q1014 R07R/690352 R02/690351 R25R/5910// NOSIG
EBBR 091520Z 04018KT 9999 -SG BKN013 M01/M04 Q1014 R07R/690352 R02/690351 R25R/5910// NOSIG
EBBR 091550Z 04020KT 9999 BKN013 M01/M04 Q1014 R07R/690352 R02/690351 R25R/5910// NOSIG
EBBR 091620Z 03016KT 9999 BKN015 M01/M04 Q1014 R07R/690352 R02/690351 R25R/5910// NOSIG



Time lapse of webcam images between 1055-1500 CET showing how the (blowing) snow added 4 cm to the already present 3 cm. Against the wall also the formation of a snow dune with a height of 30 cm.


Snow height (highest values in cm) from the official meteo stations based on some synops taken from different hours. In my garden also 7 cm was accumulated.


Snow heights in a wider perspective showing large parts of Europe (including the U.K. !!!) under a white carpet. This was the climax of a ten day cold wave as afterwards gradually warmer air was advected into Europe. (Source: Wetterzentrale)


09/01/2010 1145 W. A small drive produced some interesting shots with blowing snow on the street.


09/01/2010 1147 NW. Lonely tree in front a small forrest.


09/01/2010 1149 SSE. View into the fields


01/09/2010 1154 E. In the back, at a distance of 1 km,  the church of Kampenhout barely visible.


09/01/2010 1155 SE. Another view on the road.


09/01/2010 1218 NE. Nice wintry scenery.


09/01/2010 1431. Den dreef is always a pleasure to have a wintry walk.


09/01/2010 1533. Trees covered by a nice wintry coat.


09/01/2010 1546. The pool was frozen with on top of it 7 cm snow.


09/01/2010 1558. Footprints...


09/01/2009 1607 ...of a bunch of ducks, now resting.


09/01/2010 1711. In the garden a couple snow dunes were formed: height was 30 cm.


09/01/2010 1713 NE. View from the top.


09/01/2010 1716. Bit further in the garden, the same result: this banana shaped dune had a length of more than 15 meters, here showing half of it.


09/01/2010 1718. Wider view from the top. On the left hardly snow on the grass, on the right most of it accumulated on the dune. This was undoubted the symbol of the ten day cold wave.  


10/01/2010 1346 NNE. Next day, a couple more pictures were taken.  


10/01/2010 1348 SSW. Opposite view, how matter how hard the sun tried to do her best, it was a sunless four day period and afterwards (from January 13 onwards) a slow thaw began.   


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