SkyStef's weather page |
General thunderstorm (instability) indicators
Index | Weak (low) | Moderate | Strong (high) |
Surface based CAPE * | 300 to 1000 | 1000 to 2500 | > 2500 |
Vertical Totals | > 28 | ||
Cross Totals | < 18 | 18 to 19 | => 20 |
Total-totals | > 42 | > 48 | > 50 |
K-Index | 20 to 25 | 26 to 35 | > 35 |
KO-Index * | > 6 | 2 to 6 | < 2 |
Surface based Lifted-Index * | 0 to -2 | -3 to -5 | < -5 |
S-Index | < 39 | 40 to 46 | > 46 |
Showalter Stability Index | > 2 | =< 2 | |
Rackliff Index | => 29 | ||
Bradbury Index | < 3 | ||
Modified Jefferson Index | > 27 | ||
Boyden Index | > 94 |
Severe thunderstorm indicators
Index / Environment ** | Weak (low) | Moderate | Strong (high) |
Bulk Richardson Number | > 35 (multicells) | 10 to 50 (supercells) | |
Cross Totals | 22 to 23 | 24 to 25 | > 25 |
Surface based Lifted-Index * | 0 to -2 | -3 to -5 | < -5 |
SWEAT Index | < 300 | 300 to 500 | => 500 |
Thompson Index | 24 to 34 | 35 to 39 | => 40 |
Total-totals | 48 to 49 | 50 to 55 | => 56 |
Severe thunderstorm Index | > 3.5 | 2.5 to 3.5 | < 2.5 |
Storm Relative Helicity 0-3 km ** (supercell potential) | 100 to 150 m²/s² | 150 to 300 m²/s² | >300 m²/s² |
0-6km shear ** (supercell potential) | 35-40 kt | >40 kt | |
0-3km shear ** (bowecho potential with wind damage) | 23 to 37 kt |
Surface based CAPE */ 0-6 km shear ** | =<30 kt | 31-49 kt | =>50 kt |
=< 1000 J/kg | ordinary cell | ordinary cell / supercell | ordinary cell / supercell |
1000 to 2500 J/kg | ordinary cell | ordinary cell / supercell ² | supercell ² |
>2500 J/kg | ordinary cell ² | ordinary cell / supercell ² | supercell ² |
² storms in which severe weather is likely
Tornado indicators
Index / Environment ** | Value | Interpretation |
Energy/Helicity Index | 0.00 to 0.34 (mean = 0.14) 0.20 to 1.46 (mean = 0.64) 0.42 to 2.87 (mean = 1.48) |
Ordinary cell without tornadoes Supercell & risk weak tornadoes (F0, F1) Supercell & risk strong tornadoes (= > F2) |
Severe thunderstorm Index | < 1.5 | Tornadoes possible |
Storm Relative Helicity 0-1 km | 7 to 73 m²/s²
(mean = 35
m²/s²) 7 to 46 m²/s² (mean = 27 m²/s²) 39 to 116 m²/s² (mean = 80 m²/s²) 102 to 241 m²/s² (mean = 198 m²/s²) |
Waterspouts possible F0 tornadoes possible F1 tornadoes possible F2 tornadoes possible |
Storm Relative Helicity 0-3 km ** | 16 to 108 m²/s² (mean = 54
m²/s²) 34 to 82 m²/s² (mean = 59 m²/s²) 57 to 163 m²/s² (mean = 105 m²/s²) 135 to 279 m²/s² (mean = 210 m²/s²) |
Waterspouts possible F0 tornadoes possible F1 tornadoes possible F2 tornadoes possible |
Shear 0-1 km ** | 7 to 19 kt (mean = 11 kt) 5 to 13 kt (mean = 9 kt) 14 to 24 kt (mean = 17 kt) 25 to 43 kt (mean = 40 kt) |
Waterspouts possible F0 tornadoes possible F1 tornadoes possible F2 tornadoes possible |
Shear 0-6 km ** | 14 to 35 kt (mean = 25 kt) 23 to 38 kt (mean = 34 kt) 19 to 43 kt (mean = 30 kt) 33 to 98 kt (mean = 52 kt) |
Waterspouts possible F0 tornadoes possible F1 tornadoes possible F2 tornadoes possible |
Most indices can be calculated via (model) soundings. For Belgium use this
link via this page. Blue links refer to an intern calculator, with * a forecasted weather map.
For info on environment **, please check the
model soundings. |
Thunderstorm severity chart
Cloud top temperature (°C) | Extent above freezing level (1000 ft) | Precipitation (mm) | Visibility rain (km) | Visibility snow (km) | Hail (cm) | peak gust (kt) |
-10 to -15 | 5 to 7 | <1 | >8 | 3 to 6 | <20 | |
-15 to -20 | 7 to 9 | 1 to 2 | 6 to 8 | 1 to 3 | 20 to 25 | |
-20 to -25 | 9 to 12 | 2 to 3 | 4 to 6 | 0.5 to 1 | 25 to 30 | |
-25 to -35 | 12 to 17 | 3 to 5 | 3 to 4 | <0.5 | 30 to 35 | |
-35 to -45 | 17 to 22 | 5 to 10 | 2 to 3 | <1 | 35 to 45 | |
-45 to -55 | 22 to 27 | 10 to 30 | 1 to 2 | 1 to 4 | 45 to 60 | |
-55 to -70 | 27 to 35 | 30 to 100 | <1 | 4 to 10 | 60 to 100 |
This chart was created by the German Military Geophysical Office (GMSO)
to have a quick view on thunderstorm potential. Enter the table with cloud top temperature and/or extent of cloud above freezing level; read across to predict severity. Use less severe condition if the table parameters disagree |