SkyStef's weather page |
(²) = ML100 CAPE = conservative estimate of CAPE, lifting an average parcel in the bottom 100 hPa of a sounding. Maps of CAPE on the internet = surface-based CAPE (or SBCAPE) which starts in lowest 2 meter. Convert SBCAPE to ML100 CAPE estimation table below
STI >3,5 no severe
STI was created to predict severity of thunderstorms in the New York area (USA - Maglaras, G.J. and K.D. LaPenta, 1997). Formula used: STI = 4.943709 - 0.000777xCAPE - 0.004005xWMAX + 0.181217xEHI - 0.026867xSSPD - 0.006479xSREH |
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