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Belgian weather blog November 2010

Weather news
TxBE (°C)
TxBR (°C)
1 Fog 0100-1200, later St overcast lifting to Sc with some minor breaks 1500-1700. From 2100 again fog. sz 14,7 11,5
2 Fog lifted around 0030. Very cloudy with Ci, Cs, from 0900 with Sc. Light drizzle 1200-1330. Towards sunset some breaks, still lots of Ci. fn 15,1 11,7
3 Very cloudy till noon with St, Sc, then large breaks but with lots of Ci, evening also Ac. sz 16,3 14,9
4 Cloudy to very cloudy with Ci, Sc. bl 17,7 16,2
5 Very cloudy to overcast with St, Sc, some light rain-drizzle from 1300 onwards < 1 mm by midnight. bt 15,1 14,0
6 Rain eased off around 0900 = 8 mm. Afterwards very cloudy with Sc, Ci, after sunset some breaks. bl 12,7 12,1
7 Very clouds with St, Sc, Ci, some drops around 1600. After sunset breaking clouds. bt 10,6 7,8
8 Very cloudy with Sc, afternoon tempo a few large breaks. From 1615 light rain = 2 mm by midnight. bl 8,8 7,3
9 Till 1000 some breaks in Ac, Sc. From 1100 light rain (and drizzle) = 15 mm by midnight. bl 9,5 7,5
10 Rain-drizzle eased of 1100 = 7 mm. Very cloudy with Cu, Sc, but some breaks in afternoon. After sunset a few light showers. sz 9,9 8,2
11 Starting with a few sunrays in Cs, soon more clouds As, Ac, Sc with light to moderate rain from noon till 2130 = 10 mm. Stations with gusts of 41 kt or more: Liège 54 kt, Chièvres, Charleroi, Ernage 47 kt, Koksijde, Ukkel 45 kt, Ostend, Beauvechain 43 kt, Beitem, Florennes, Spa, St-Hubert 41 kt.  fn 14,3 10,0
12 Very cloudy with Sc, from 1400 light to moderate rain = 16 mm by midnight. Top gust during the previous night: Ostend 47 kt, Koksijde 45 kt, and in evening Charleroi 41 kt. gh 13,5 11,8
13 Overcast with rain, tempo moderate to heavy = 39 mm by midnight. er 14,8 14,0
14 Rain eased of 1230 = 7 mm. Very cloudy with Sc, light shower around 1830. Breaks after 2000. Past 72 hours till 0700 a lot of rainfall with 72 mm in Kampenhout. The amounts of some official stations (in mm): Deurne 81, Ukkel 79, Beauvechain 75, Kampenhout 72, Zaventem & Ernage 67, Semmerzake & Chièvres 64, Charleroi, Beitem 55. It lead to flooding, mostly near the rivers, in provinces Oost-Vlaanderen, Brabant, Antwerp and Hainaut.  er 14,1 13,2
15 Cloudy with trailing Ci, Cs, As overhead and in south and large breaks with Cu in north. After 2100 fog patches. sz 13,3 11,2
16 Fog slowly lifting from 2100 on but remaining St overcast. fn 11,1 5,5
17 Fog 0700-0900, remaining St, later Sc overcast. bt 6,5 5,8
18 Some minor breaks in morning & forenoon, afterwards Sc overcast with slight drizzle 1500-2100. bl 8,8 6,8
19 Very cloudy with Sc with in morning some feeble rain. fn 10,3 8,8
20 Sc cleared from 0900 onwards but still with lots of Ci. bl 10,7 9,4
21 Tmin garden -0,3°C. St invaded from 0100 onwards, later also fog, lifting from 1000 on but still very cloudy St, Sc, breaking after 1800.but coming back from 2200 on. fn 9,1 4,5
22 Very cloudy with Sc, temp some larger breaks after sunset. fn ,aw 6,0 5,2
23 Very cloudy with Sc, light showery rain 1100-1330 = 1 mm. Afterwards some breaks Cu, Sc. fn 8,2 5,6
24 Mostly very cloudy with Cu, Sc afternoon Cb's with some rain showers from 0800 on = 5 mm. fn 7,3 5,7
25 Cloudy to very cloudy with St, Sc, later Cu, in afternoon Cb. Light showery rain 0600-1100 in morning mixed with some sleet, repeated 1600-2000. Total = 2 mm. Today, in forenoon, a few rumbles of thunder in West-Vlaanderen. Top snow height: Elsenborn 1 cm. fn 5,8 4,2
26 Mostly very cloudy with St, Sc, Cu. Between 0100-0300 some soft hail showers, 2200-2300 light wet snow. Total 2 mm. Top snow height: Mont Rigi 5 cm, Elsenborn 2 cm. fn 3,9 2,5
27 Tmin garden -0,4°C. Light snowflakes 0030-0700 = <1 cm, but the first small snow cover of the season which disappeared by noon. Large breaks from 0900 with Sc & Ci. Top snow height: Mont Rigi 5 cm, Elsenborn 2 cm. bl 3,5 2,2
28 Tmin garden -6,0°C. Starting quite sunny with some thick Ci, from 1600 Sc fields. Top snow height: Mont Rigi 3 cm. uk 1,8 0,4
29 Tmin garden -3,7°C, Tmax garden -1,7°C. Just after midnight St overcast, from 1000 a few snowgrains, light snow from 1830 onwards = 1 cm by midnight. Top snow: Kleine Brogel 3 cm, Liège & Florennes 2 cm. See also pictorial report. fn -0,9 -2-2
30 Tmin garden -2,6°C, Tmax garden 0,1°C. Light snow eased off around 0800 = 2 cm. Afterwards St, Sc overcast with sometimes a few snowflakes. Top snow: Mont Rigi & Kleine Brogel 5 cm, Diest & Elsenborn 3 cm, Florennes, Liège, Beauvechain, Ukkel, Brussels & Ostend 2 cm, rest 1 cm or less. fn 0,0 -1,2

Note: all times are Central European Time

Legend: TxBE (°C) = Top Tmax Belgium, TxBR (°C) = Tmax Zaventem. aw = Deurne, be = Beauvechain, bl = Kleine Brogel, br = Zaventem, bt = Beitem, ci = Charleroi, cv = Chièvres, dt = Diest, er = Ernage, fn = Koksijde, fs = Florennes, gh = Ghent, lb = Elsenborn, lg = Bièrset, mr = Mont-Rigi, os = Ostend, sh = Saint-Hubert, sp = Spa, sz = Semmerzake, uk = Ukkel.


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