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Belgian weather blog August 2009

Weather news
TxBE (°C)
TxBR (°C)
1 Starting quite sunny, afternoon some Ac, later invading Cs.  
bl 28,4
2 Rain 0300-1400 = 12mm. A few breaks 1500, later tempo very cloudy with Sc, clearing towards sunset. bt, aw, sz 21,0 19,3
3 Quite sunny with Ci and between 1030-2000 some fair weather Cu.  bl 23,9 21,6
4 Sunny with in the far NW some trailing Ac, Sc. Between noon & late afternoon a few flat Cu in E. bt 27,5 25,5
5 Quite sunny with Ci, in afternoon & evening tempo some Ac fields. dt 29,4 28,3
6 Sunny with some Ci, evening a few Ac. bl 31,4 29,9
7 Starting quite sunny but rather hazy with some Ci, from noon also Ac, afternoon & evening tempo Sc. Today, from the afternoon on, weak to moderate thunderstorms over provinces Liège & Luxembourg. bl 31,4 26,1
8 Partly cloudy with Ci and tempo some Cu. br 24,5 24,5
9 In morning some fog patches and tempo very cloudy with St. Most of the day partly cloudy with Ci & a few Cu. bl 25,2 22,9
10 Starting sunny, from noon a few Cu, after sunset Sc overcast. bl 27,4 26,0
11 No local weather reports till 18th. No thunderstorms did occur in Belgium during this period. bl 25,4 22,8
12   ci 26,7 26,0
13   bl 23,3 21,4
14   gh 24,6 23,7
15   gh 30,3 28,7
16   lb 26,6 23,9
17   bl 26,2 23,6
18   bl 27,5 26,1
19 Sunny with some Ci. bl 32,8 32,1
20 Starting cloudy with Sc, Ac. By 0900 sunny with some Ci. From 1700 onwards formation of a line of Cb's over the west, first rumbles were heard around 1745. This line approached slowly while intensifying, it finally passed by with heavy rain around 1900 producing 10 mm within 10 minutes. Afterwards remaining cloudy with Sc, Ac. Check also this pictorial report. Today, from late afternoon on, over all provinces moderate thunderstorms on a squall line (with heavy lightning rate) except West-Vlaanderen. Very warm day with all official station 30°C or more except Mont-Rigi (29,1°C). Besides Kleine Brogel with a record breaking 38,2°C for this station, completing the top three: Liège 35,1°C, Ernage 34,5°C.  bl 38,2 34,0
21 Starting with some Ci & Ac fields. After 1000 sunny, bit later scattered Cu, Sc, dissipating by sunset. bl 24,6 22,4
22 Starting sunny with some Ci, between 0900-2000 scattered Cu. bl 25,4 23,0
23 Sunny with some Ci, tempo a few Cu 1200-1400. gh 28,6 26,4
24 Starting sunny with some Ci, late afternoon also Ac. Some light rain showers 1830-2030 with a fantastic sunset: pic 1 and pic 2. bl 31,0 28,6
25 Around 0145 passage of a weak thunderstorm. Around 0345 again lightning in W, with a rain shower shortly afterwards. Check also this pictorial report. Very cloudy with Sc, some light rain 0900-1000 & 1445.  Total rain = 5 mm. Large breaks from 1700 on. Today, during the night & morning weak to moderate thunderstorms over all provinces except West-Vlaanderen & Limbourg.    bl 23,3 20,0
26 Partly cloudy to cloudy with Ac, Ci Between 1100-1800 tempo a few Cu. bl 26,8 24,6
27 Starting sunny, after 0900 very cloudy with Sc, breaking up from 1600 onwards. bl 28,1 24,9
28 Very cloudy with slight rain around 0700. Large breaks after 0930 with Cu, Sc. After sunset some far distant lightning in the northwest. Today, late evening, moderate thunderstorms over the north of provinces West- and Oost-Vlaanderen. bl 24,1 21,0
29 Partly cloudy with Cu, Sc. Today, just after midnight, still some weak thunderstorms over Antwerp. bl 22,9 20,3
30 Partly cloudy with Cu, Sc. bl 22,8 20,7
31 In the morning some Sc fields in the far north, in a further sunny day. bl, dt 28,5 27,3

Note: all times are Central European Time

Legend: TxBE (°C) = Top Tmax Belgium, TxBR (°C) = Tmax Zaventem. aw = Deurne, be = Beauvechain, bl = Kleine Brogel, br = Zaventem, bt = Beitem, ci = Charleroi, cv = Chièvres, dt = Diest, er = Ernage, fn = Koksijde, fs = Florennes, gh = Ghent, lb = Elsenborn, lg = Bièrset, mr = Mont-Rigi, os = Ostend, sh = Saint-Hubert, sp = Spa, sz = Semmerzake, uk = Ukkel.


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