Weather pictures & report of August 25 2009


Multi-cell thunderstorms in unstable air between thermal trough and cold front.

Synopsis: at 500 hPa an approaching relaxing upper trough from the west. Ahead advection of warm potentially unstable air over the continent. A thermal trough passed Belgium in the late evening of August 24 with no significant activity as too dry in the boundary layer. Ahead the cold front air became a bit more saturated in the lower levels, still potentially unstable some small multi-cell storms were triggered over central and eastern parts of Belgium. All pictures were taken at Steenokkerzeel (central Belgium), hours in local time (CET). 


Surface analysis of August 25 at 0200 CET. Cold front near Belgian coast, ahead over east Belgium a thermal trough, all slowly moving eastwards. (Source chart: Belgocontrol)


Upper air analysis 500 hPa of August 25 at 0200 CET. Approaching relaxing upper trough west of the British Isles. (Source chart: DWD via wetter3)


Loop of forecasted soundings for Maastricht of August 24-25 between 2000-0800 CET. On passage of thermal trough, there is a remarkable wind shift in the boundary layer which happened between 2000-2300 CET, but it was also too dry below 800 hPa to trigger significant showers. Between 2300-0200 it became moister in these lower levels, air was still potentially unstable till a height of around 6 to 7 km (500 hPa). Quite strong shear in speed and more or less uni-directional, favorable for development of multi-cells. (Source: Weeronline)


25/08/2009 0045-0415 CET. Satellite loop in the infra-red channel. The showers over Belgium were too small to reveal much detail. On other hand, the MCS cells over mid and eastern France were quite impressive. (Source sat picture: Eumetsat via


Radar loop between 0030-0520 CET. Tops of showers went up to around 8 km. The cells pointed with the pink arrows have been captured on a digital sensor, location "BR" on this map. (Source radar picture: Belgocontrol)


25/08/2009. Lightning sequence between 0015-0215. Near Brussels, one cell became suddenly active. (Source: blids)


25/08/2009. Lightning sequence between 0200-0400. Second cell a bit further SW of Brussels was quite active for a moment. (Source: blids)


25/08/2009 0137 SSW. First attempt, a cloud-to-air discharge at a distance of approx 23 km.


25/08/2009 0144 SSW. Cloud-to-ground strike at distance of approx 15 km.


25/08/2009 0148 SSW. Double cloud-to-ground strike, left one approx 15 km, right one approx 20 km diastance.


25/08/2009 0150 SSW. Very nice double cloud-to-ground strike, left one approx 15 km, right one 9 km distance.


25/08/2009 0152 SSW. Very nice triple cloud-to-ground strike. Afterwards the rain shaft entered the area but also no significant discharges took place. The strokes had their impacts at a distance between 12-16 km.


25/08/2009 0228 E. This was the last discharge of this cell, cloud-to-air at a distance of 30 km.


25/08/2009 0346 W. A second cell bringing some very nice discharges, here a quadruple cloud-to-ground strike at a distance of approx 25 km.


25/08/2009 0347 W. Double cloud-to-ground strike, also at a distance of approx 25 km. Things looked really promising to capture more fantastic pictures, however... not a single discharge took place afterwards.


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