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Belgian weather blog July 2007

Weather news
1-18 First two weeks rather unsettled weather condition and temperatures mostly below the average of the season. Successive frontal systems and troughlines produced more than 35 mm in my garden. From 13th on temperature did rise above the season average with more stable weather. During the morning of the 15th a couple of thunderstorms passed the Belgian coast with rather severe lightning. Highest temperature that day was observed at Kleine Brogel & Liège with 33,0°C. More thunderstorms passed over west of Belgium during the early morning of the 16th. Over province of Hainaut, Oost-Vlaanderen and Antwerp some of them were severe with hail & wind damage, latter presumable due to several microburst features. Some locations affected were Hamme, Schoonaarde (Dendermode), Kallo (Beveren), Sint-Lievens-Houtem & St-Niklaas. At Kampenhout weak thunderstorms did occur on the 2nd and 16th, latter storm gave 8 mm, highest temperature on the 15th with almost 31°C. In Belgium thunderstorms did occur on dates of 2,3,4,9,10,15,16 and 18.
19 Starting sunny, from noon scattered Ac, Cu. Top Tmax: Chièvres 25,6°C, Zaventem had 24,9°C.  
20 Starting partly cloudy with Ci Ac. During forenoon increasing clouds, around 1030 even a shelf cloud in west and one rumble of thunder did occur around 1045, followed by a few few drops. Check also pictorial report. From noon till 1330 a weak thunderstorm with moderate to heavy rain gave 14 mm. Afterwards a couple of breaks, around 1600 a heavy rain shower passed by with one rumble on thunder and this shower gave 5 mm. Afterwards clearing skies leaving a few Cu. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 23,1°C, Zaventem had 21,6°C. Today, from early morning on, thunderstorms over all parts of Belgium. Some of them were severe (with hail over extreme SW parts of West-Vlaanderen, Hainaut) or produced heavy precipitation (over all parts). Top rain: Liège 34 mm. 
21 Starting sunny with some Ci, from noon scattered Cu. Top Tmax:  Kleine Brogel 24,4°C, Zaventem had 22,5°C. Today, after 2200, a weak thunderstorm over provinces of West-Vlaanderen, Oost-Vlaanderen and Hainaut.
22 Starting sunny with Ci and few Cu. From noon more building Cu with a couple of showers 1330-1415 giving 2 mm. Afterwards few to scattered Cu. Top Tmax: Top Tmax:  Kleine Brogel 22,0°C, Zaventem had 20,6°C. Today, around noon, weak thunderstorms over the province of Antwerp.
23 Very cloudy to overcast with Ac As, lowering to Sc. A few drops around 0900, more light rain between 1100-1900 giving 7 mm. After a couple of breaks some showers from 2200 onwards. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 18,2°C, Zaventem had 16,8°C.
24 Rain between 0500-1000 giving 9 mm. Breaking cloudiness with Cu Sc. Light shower around 1300,  a heavy one around 1930 giving 6 mm. Afterwards clearing skies. Top Tmax: Semmerake & Ghent 21,5°C, Zaventem had 20,9°C. Top gust: Antwerp with 43KT, other stations in north & along the coast < 40KT. Top rainfall over last 24 hours till 0600: Ostend 45 mm, Koksijde 42 mm.
25 Partly cloudy with Cu & Ci, evening also some Ac. Top Tmax: Chièvres 25,2°C, Zaventem had 23,8°C. 
26 Very cloudy with As Sc, some slight rain 1700-1900. A heavy rain shower around 2200 giving 3 mm. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 23,5°C, Zaventem had 22,8°C. Today, during the evening, some weak thunderstorm activity over province of Antwerp. 
27 Partly cloudy with Cu Sc. During the evening increasing cloudiness with after 2300 light rain. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 23,4°C, Zaventem had 22,8°C.
28 Rain till 0930 giving 14 mm. Afterwards cloudy to very cloudy with Cu Sc. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 23,1°C, Zaventem had 21,8°C.
29 Rain 0400-1200 giving 11 mm, afterwards breaking clouds with Cu. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 19,4°C, Zaventem had 18,1°C. During the evening a weak isolated thunderstorm passed provinces of West & Oost-Vlaanderen and Hainaut.
30 Partly cloudy with Cu and around 1300 one shower, later also some Ci, Ac. Top Tmax: Charleroi 20,5°C, Zaventem had 19,4°C.
31 Partly cloudy with fair weather Cu. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 21,5°C, Zaventem had 20,0°C

Note: all times are Central European Time



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