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Belgian weather blog August 2005

Weather news
1 Cloudy day with Cu Sc fields. During late afternoon a few weak thunderstorms did occur over south of province Hainaut. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 21,6°C. Zaventem had 20,9°C.
2 Quite sunny with tempo some Cu clouds. Top Tmax: Chievres 23,7°C. Zaventem had 21,9°C.
3 Quite sunny with tempo between 1500-1700 more Cu Sc clouds and some light showery rain. Weak thunderstorms on cold front did occur in afternoon over north of province Antwerp. During the evening a post frontal shower produced some lightning over provinces of West - & Oost-Vlaanderen. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 25,3°C. Zaventem had 22,8°C.
4 Partly cloudy to cloudy Cu day, with in afternoon a few slight rain showers. Nice sunset with even a sun pillar Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 23,5°C. Zaventem 22,8°C.
5 Very cloudy with intermittent slight rain and drizzle between 1030-1930. Breaking clouds afterwards from NW. 1 mm in the collector. Top Tmax Kleine Brogel 19,0°C. Zaventem had 18,1°C.
6 Starting very cloudy with lots of "jetstream Cirrus" + Altostratus. Clearing during the afternoon but Cumulus remained scattered. Slight rain shower around 2210. One weak thunderstorm did occur during late afternoon over Lanaken (Limbourg). Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 20,7°C, Zaventem had 18,4°C.
7 Between 0545-0600 heavy shower of rain with weak thunderstorm giving 7 mm. During the day a mixture of sun and Cu TCu Cb clouds with in afternoon & evening tempo some light rain showers. Today (especially this morning) all provinces had some weak thunderstorms.Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 19,0°C followed by Zaventem 18,7°C.
8 Cloudy to very cloudy Cu Sc day with tempo a few light rain showers giving 1 mm. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 20,6°C, Zaventem had 18,7°C.
9 Partly cloudy to Cu Sc cloudy, around 1700 a slight rain shower. Top Tmax: Chièvres 24,3°C. Zaventem had 22,0°C. 
10 Partly cloudy Cu day. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 22,1°C. Zaventem had 20,5°C.
11 Cloudy to very cloudy with around noon a slight rain shower. During afternoon TCu development with around 1630 a light shower of rain (1 mm). During the afternoon a few weak thunderstorms were observed over provinces of Hainaut, Namur and Luxembourg. Top Tmax: Chièvres 24,8°C. Zaventem had 22,2°C. Top rainfall of the showers collected at Ukkel with 9 mm.
12 Cloudy with around 1400 a weak thunderstorm without rain. An hour later another weak thunderstorm passed with a few drops of rain. Afterwards clearing skies. Today some weak to moderate thunderstorms were formed over all provinces of Belgium, except for Luxembourg. Over north over province Oost-Vlaanderen lightning activity was briefly severe around 1430 and this shower produced 22 mm of water over Ghent. Top Tmax: Chièvres 23,4°C, Zaventem had 22,6°C.
13 Partly cloudy to cloudy with Cu, later on invasion of Ci & As. Slight rain shower around 1800 later on becoming overcast with light rain starting from 2200. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 23,2°C followed by Zaventem 22,7°C. 
14 Rain moderate at times till 0430 giving 9 mm. Building cumuliform cloudiness during forenoon with around noon a weak thunderstorm, repeated around 1600. Total precipitation was 5 mm. During the evening again showery rain. Today weak thunderstorms were observed in all provinces of Belgium except for West-Vlaanderen. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 20,7°C followed by Zaventem 20,1°C. Top rainfall last 24 hours till 2000: Elsenborn: 29 mm, Chièvres 27 mm, Spa 25 mm.
15 Very cloudy Cu Sc day. Towards the evening a few breaks with a sunset pillar. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 19,2. Zaventem had 17,6°C. 
16 Cloudy to tempo very cloudy with Cu Sc. Clearing skies towards sunset. Top Tmax: Chièvres 22,5°C, Zaventem had 20,7°C.
17 Sunny summer day with a few fair weather Cu in afternoon. Top Tmax: Chièvres 26,8°C. Zaventem had 25,1°C.
18 Another summer day with a few cirriform and cumuliform clouds during the afternoon and evening. Top Tmax: Chièvres 28,7°C, Zaventem had 27,0°C.
19 A first weak thunderstorm arrived around 1000, a second moderate one with heavy rain arrived around 1100. It was followed by light rain and rather misty conditions till 1500. 13 mm precipitation was collected in the garden. Today weak to moderate thunderstorms related to a prefrontal convergence line and a postfrontal trough were observed over all provinces of Belgium. Most active part was over West & Oost-Vlaanderen. Lightning damaged the church tower of Tournai (Hainaut). Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 24,0°C, Zaventem had 21,6°C. Top rainfall accumulation at 2000 of previous 12 hours was collected at Ghent:19 mm, followed by Semmerzake with 15 mm. 
20 Light rain between 0400-0730 giving 2 mm. Remaining very cloudy with lots of Stratus. Temporary large breaks between 1700-1900, a sort of an eye of a small depression with a slow wind shift from SSE to NNW. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel & Deurne 20,5°C. Zaventem had 18,3°C. A large amount of water was collected over parts of West & Oost-Vlaanderen. Top rainfall of last 24 hours at 2000: Ghent 52 mm and Ostend 38 mm. As there was even flooding those quantities presumable ranged at some locations between 60-90 mm.  
21 Very Sc Cu cloudy with tempo some large breaks between 1430-1800. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 23,2°C, Zaventem had 22,1°C.
22 Temporary fog in morning, afterwards becoming very Sc cloudy in forenoon, but breaking to few cumulus in afternoon. Top Tmax: Brasschaat 24,2°C. Zaventem had 22,8°C.
23 Light intermittent rain & drizzle between 0400-1000 giving 2 mm. A few breaks around 1100. Again rain & drizzle between 1220-1500. Clearing skies from 1730 onwards, but with Cirrus. Top Tmax: Chièvres 20,2°C. Zaventem had 18,6°C.
24 Partly cloudy with Cirrus in forenoon + some flat Cumulus in afternoon. After 1700 becoming Ac As overcast with slight intermittent rain from 1800 on. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel & Diest 21,7°C. Zaventem had 21,0°C.
25 Rainy conditions till 1030 giving 8 mm water. After a few breaks around 1400, a first shower came in around 1500 giving 3 mm. Again a few large breaks between 1700-1830. A weak thunderstorm passed around 1930 giving some nice mamma clouds. A full report of this experience can be found here. Top Tmax: Koksijde 19,6°C. Zaventem had 18,5°C. Today weak to isolated moderate thunderstorms passed over all provinces of Belgium except for Namur and Luxembourg. Most intense storms did occur over provinces of Limbourg, West-Vlaanderen and parts of Vlaams-Brabant. 
26 Cloudy, in forenoon Cs As, during afternoon cumuliform with around 1500 & 1630 a light shower of rain. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 20,3°C. Zaventem had 18,3°C.
27 Partly cloudy forenoon with Ci & Sc, during afternoon tempo also some Cu. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 22,7°C. Zaventem had 20,6°C.
28 Quite sunny with cirriform and in afternoon tempo some cumuliform clouds. Top Tmax: Chièvres 24,4°C. Zaventem had 23,6°C.
29 Sunny summer day with tempo a few fair weather Cu during afternoon. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 27,9°C. Zaventem had 26,7°C.
30 Another sunny summer day with a few cirriform clouds. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel & Florennes 28,7°C. Zaventem had 28,0°C.
31 Hot sunny summer day with during afternoon tempo a few fair weather cumulus. Most stations recorded >30°C. A grip of the top: Kleine Brogel 32,1°C, Ghent 32,0°C, Koksijde & Diest 31,8°C, Zaventem & Ostend Pier 31,5°C. Brasschaat 31,2°C. Coolest spot: Elsenborn 27,1°C.  

Note: all times are Central European Time



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