Weather pictures & report of August 25 2005


Multicell thunderstorms in unstable airmass.

Synopsis: advection of unstable air from SW in which during late afternoon moderate thunderstorms developed. Cold upper air, at 500 hPa -23°C, and the left exit region were the triggers of these thunderstorms. Over my area a weak thunderstorm passed around 1945 CET giving 1 mm of rain, but afterwards with a nice mamma sky. All pics taken at Kampenhout in CET time. 


Satellite picture at 1818 CET showing the showers which were thundery over the NW of the Benelux and Northsea. They moved 258° with 45 kt. The one over West-Vlaanderen passed within a hour and half over my area. (Source: NOAA & Wokingham Weather)


Radar sequence between 1900-2030 CET showing a line of thunderstorms. Tops maximum 8 km. (Source: Belgocontrol)


25/08/2005 1816 N. A line of Cb calvus and Cumulus congestus with pileus features.


25/08/2005 1900 NE. A detail of one of the many pileus features which were briefly formed.


25/08/2005 1917 NW. A row of "dark" Cumulus congestus, with behind cirriform clouds of a Cb.


25//08/2005 1929 NNW. The line of towering cumulus came closer, spawning another pileus.


25/08/2005 1935 SW. A look on the other side: a Cb incus praecipitatio which surely looks hairy so the description capillatus must be included as well.


25/08/2005 1944 SW. The "hell" came closer.


25/08/2005 1946 WSW. And there comes out the sun (in hell) but within minutes a blustery shower followed.


25/08/2005 1956 ENE. "Fairground in hell", a Flemish expression meaning a combination of rain & sunshine. The (double) rainbow is the logic feature on the opposite side.  


25/08/2005 2000 NNW. Always great to see mammatus clouds, but when sunlit it's even nicer.


25/08/2005 2005 N. Really nice mamma show.


25/08/2005 2005 NE. And what to think about this?


25/08/2005 2005 N. An here is the horse again (check wx report of August 19 2004).


25/08/2005 2007 NNE. Possible the best shot of this day.


25/08/2005 2010 NNE. A final salute to another great experience.


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