Weather pictures & report of August 25 2005 |
Multicell thunderstorms in unstable airmass. |
Synopsis: advection of unstable air from SW in which during late afternoon moderate thunderstorms developed. Cold upper air, at 500 hPa -23°C, and the left exit region were the triggers of these thunderstorms. Over my area a weak thunderstorm passed around 1945 CET giving 1 mm of rain, but afterwards with a nice mamma sky. All pics taken at Kampenhout in CET time. |
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Satellite picture at 1818 CET showing the showers which were thundery over the NW of the Benelux and Northsea. They moved 258° with 45 kt. The one over West-Vlaanderen passed within a hour and half over my area. (Source: NOAA & Wokingham Weather)
Radar sequence between 1900-2030 CET showing a line of thunderstorms.
Tops maximum 8 km. (Source: Belgocontrol)
25/08/2005 1816 N. A line of Cb calvus and Cumulus congestus with pileus features.
25/08/2005 1900 NE. A detail of one of the many pileus features which
were briefly formed.
25/08/2005 1917 NW. A row of "dark" Cumulus congestus, with behind
cirriform clouds of a Cb.
25//08/2005 1929 NNW. The line of towering cumulus came closer, spawning another pileus.
25/08/2005 1935 SW. A look on the other side: a Cb incus praecipitatio
which surely looks hairy so the description capillatus must be included
as well.
25/08/2005 1944 SW. The "hell" came closer.
25/08/2005 1946 WSW. And there comes out the sun (in hell) but within minutes a blustery shower followed.
25/08/2005 1956 ENE. "Fairground in hell", a Flemish expression meaning a combination of rain & sunshine. The (double) rainbow is the logic feature on the opposite side.
25/08/2005 2000 NNW. Always great to see mammatus
but when sunlit it's even nicer.
25/08/2005 2005 N. Really nice mamma show.
25/08/2005 2005 NE. And what to think about this?
25/08/2005 2005 N. An here is the horse again (check wx
report of August 19 2004).
25/08/2005 2007 NNE. Possible the best shot of this day.
25/08/2005 2010 NNE. A final salute to another great