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Belgian weather blog February 2005

Weather news
1 Pouring rain on a cold front last evening and night giving 5 mm in my collector. Today light unstable air from N with some slight rain showers.  
2 High pressure is pushing from west drying out the middle & upper level atmosphere, but still very humid in lower levels (below 6.000ft), and even thick enough to give some slight showery rain.
3 Quite wet conditions last night, even with a pressure of 1033 hPa. So don't believe always your barometer "high values = sunny weather", especially in the winter period. Today a bit lucky when checking the satellite pictures: all day long some nice breaks in the large cloud fields invading from the north  The coast was even put into thick fog late afternoon. 
4 After a dull start, the Sc layer was evacuated to the NW and all blue skies turned up late afternoon.
5 Clear frosty night, Tmin -2,4°C. After sunny moments, Sc sheets invaded from SW during early afternoon.
6 Cloudy night with Sc fields, so temperature stayed above freezing point: 0,7°C. Sunny day with Tmax 9,2°C seeming almost Spring.
7 Not a single cloud in the hazy sky, after a cold start with hoar frost. Tmin -4,3°C, Tmax 4,0°C.
8 A repeat of yesterdays situation. Tmin -4,7°C, Tmax 8,8°C.
9 Touch of frost this morning with Tmin -0,5°C. Mild today with Tmax 10,9°C, however the sun disappeared in the afternoon with invasion of medium level cloudiness from W.
10 After a cloudy and mild night it started to rain-drizzle from 0930 on, lasting all day long. Quite windy too with gusts up to 30KT. 
11 Continuous rain-drizzle since yesterday. During previous 24 hours 26 mm was collected. Top in Belgium between 0700-0700 was Elsenborn with 42 mm, followed by Brasschaat with 36 mm. From noon on only intermittent slight drizzle giving a misty impression with hardly any wind.
12 Severe bursts of rain during the night and morning leaving 14 mm in the collector. On the first cold front gusty wind at Ostend of 49KT, Zaventem 41KT. From noon on a blustery line of showers was formed on a secondary cold front. On this system again severe gusts: Zaventem 47KT, St-Hubert even a top of 60KT with thunderstorm and hail. The sky turned out nice for a moment with mamma features. Radar showed precipitation tops up to 6-8km, quite high for this season. Temperature in my garden reached 12,7°C, but when checking the weather maps it should drop significantly the next coming days.
13 Interesting showery day with precipitation in all kind of forms: hail, soft hail, rain, snow, sleet, producing 7 mm of water. Check also pictorial report. Tmax 6,0°C. Elsenborn this evening 13 cm of snow and I wonder how many cm will be added next coming days. Perhaps worth a visit as I still haven't seen a descent cover on the ground this season. 
14 A repeat of yesterdays situation with small differences: a bit warmer thus mostly rain-sleet showers sometimes accompanied by small hail. But the biggest difference was the outbreak of two weak thunderstorms with CC and CG strokes: at 1030 and 1515, a "first" for this year. 
15 From 0400 tempo some dry snow flurries with Tmin 0,0°C. Very cloudy day with a few showers of small soft hail. Bitterly cold due to rather strong NE'ly wind, Tmax 3,2°C, but with wind chill effect it felt between -9 and -12°C. Elsenborn reached this afternoon 30 cm of snow depth.
16 A few flurries of snow last night, followed by breaks on which temperature dropped to -2,3°C. Scattered Cu today, later on broken Sc fields. Tmax 2,0°C. Less windy so less cold too. Elsenborn reached a snow depth of 42cm this noon ! 
17 Very cloudy night, with even a few small snow pellets. Tmin -0,8°C. Cloudy Sc day with hardly any wind and Tmax 3,2°C.
18 Rather cloudy night with Tmin -1,0°C. During morning a few breaks, followed by an overcast sky with medium level cloudiness. Further descending cloud base during the afternoon followed by some rain and even a bit sleet in the evening. Tmax 3,9°C.
19 Passage of cold front around midnight and 8 mm rain in the collector. Early morning the first sleet showers came in from NW, even accompanied by a rumble of thunder. During the day a mixture of sunshine and rain/sleet/small hail showers. Tmin 1,2°C, Tmax 5,3°C.
20 A snow shower around 0100, quickly melting as Tmin was 0,5°C. Today a few rain and sleet showers with even a rumble of thunder around 1410. Tmax 5,6°C. Check also the pictorial report of this day.
21 Tmin was reached around midnight: -0,5°C. During the morning a small low passed the center of Belgium with snow. It produced from 0900 within two hours a cover of 4 cm and this despite the slightly positive temperatures. So finally a yes for me. Check the full report of this day. Snowfall eased from 1300, and a few slight snow showers were later noted. Tmax 3,4°C, so sadly most snow melted. 
22 Cloudy night with tempo some flurries of snow. Tmin -0,7°C. Today very cold due to strong NE'ly winds. Tmax 1,9°C, but with wind chill effect between -9 and -13°C. A mixture of clouds, sometimes accompanied by slight snow showers, and sunshine. Around 1630 and 2000 passage two moderate snow showers. The last one did turn the world completely white with a cover of 1 cm. Check pictorial report of this interesting day. Thickest cover of snow in Belgium was reached around noon at Elsenborn: 53 cm.
23 Partly cloudy to cloudy night with a few snow flurries. Tmin -2,7°C. After some breaks in the forenoon, the afternoon turned out to be grey with later on intermittent snow grains and slight snow producing a partly white coat of < 0,5cm. Tmax 0,9°C. 
24 Continuous slight falls of snow with no wind, lasting till 1000. It produced 1 mm of water, and as the snow was not compact it was equivalent to a coat of 2 cm. Tmin was -0,6°C and as T rised quite rapid above freezing, the snow disappeared a couple of hours later. Around 1430 a slight snow shower, but soon clearing skies. Tmax was 2,2°C.  Check also the pictorial report of this day. Elsenborn reached this morning -15,1°C, still with snow cover of 52 cm. 
25 Cloudless but misty night with Tmin -5,9°C. Hazy sunny day with a few high level clouds. Tmax 3,5°C. Elsenborn had this morning Tmin -16,1°C.
26 Increasing cloudiness from north followed by slight snow (grains) from 0200 on. Tmin -1,0°C. A bit "white" this morning, soon disappearing with rising T. Staying very cloudy and misty with sometimes a bit drizzle, later also slight rain. Tmax 4,0°C. Around 2000 passage of weak occlusion with sudden wind rise & change from NW to N. Snow grains, later slight snow, starts to fall with descending temperatures going subzero after 2200.  
27 Slight falls of snow (<0,5cm) stopped around 0230, clearing skies in the morning on which T dropped to -3,6°C. After a sunny start, increasing cumuliform cloudiness with from noon on sometimes slight snow showers. Bitterly cold NE'lies, wind chill between -14/-18°C. Tmax stayed below freezing: -0,3°C. Again clearing skies towards sunset. Check also the pictorial report of this day.
28 Tmin reached -9,6°C in my garden. Top 5 in Belgium (Walloon side): Elsenborn -13,4°C; Spa -13,4°C; Humain -12,9°C;  Mont Rigi -12,4°C,  Bierset -12,0°C. On the Flemish side Brasschaat had -11,0°C, followed by Kleine Brogel  -10,2°C. Maximum snow cover at 0700: Elsenborn with 58 cm followed by Mont Rigi with 45 cm. Today full sunshine with a few Cu, later on invading cirriform cloudiness from N. Tmax 0,5°C. 

Note: all times are Central European Time



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