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Taken at Brussels shortly after its delivery flight from Luton, the photo shows the sole B707 of BIAC in the colors based on previous operator "Okada Air".  (Photo: collection Skystef)


Base: Brussels
Fleet: 1x B707 (OO-CDE)
History: Belgian International Air Carriers & China Express (BIAC) was formed on April 25 1986 by D.J. Cable and his wife L. Burssens. Two years later, operations of world-wide ad hoc cargo charter services and contract flights for third parties did start, after its sole B707 was delivered. Arriving at Brussels on October 8 1988, the first revenue flight took off to Palma via Barcelona on October 21. When the contracts dried up the aircraft was stored at Stansted on May 18 1990. A new white color scheme was introduced in September, but the plane remained stored and BIAC was declared bankrupt on November 28 1990. A couple of months later, this airframe found new life with another short lived Belgian startup: AMI Cargo.


Belgian Airlines



