Weather pictures & report of August 19 2004 |
Isolated thunderstorms with mammatus. |
Synopsis: advection of unstable maritime air from SW. Diurnal heating caused formation of scattered weak thunderstorms with towards the end of the day some beautiful mammatus features. All photos taken at Kampenhout in CET. |
Radar image of 15:45 CET showing some showers with ppn
tops up to 8km. (Source: Belgocontrol).
15:46 ENE. Beautifull Cb cap inc with some thunder
activity. This one is showed on the radar just right of "BR"
Infra-red satellite picture of 19:47 CET showing a white Cb trail over mid
Belgium. This "mother Cb" caused some nice mammatus features
under its anvil.
(Source: NOAA & University of Bern)
20:03 E. Below "the mother Cb" some smaller Cb calvus praecipitatio
20:17 ENE. On the western horizon a "towering Cumulus" caused
some nice shadow effects.
20:26 N. This Cb calvus caused even a rumble of thunder.
20:33 ENE. The "mother Cb" produced some mammatus features
under its anvil.
20:35 ENE. For 5 minutes sunlit mamma clouds.
20:51 NNW. Towards sunset more sunlit mammatus became
20:53 NNW.
20:55 NNW. Not seen the pouches so beautiful for