SkyStef's weather page |
Weather pictures & reports of summer 2004
April 30 2004: thunderstorms along convergence line | |
May 5 2004: line of rain showers + Cb anvils | |
July 17 2004: MCS thunderstorms + Cb tuba | |
July 22-23 2004: thunderstorms along convergence line | |
August 7 2004: thunderstorms along convergence line | |
August 7-8 2004: thundery Cb cluster | |
August 13 2004: isolated thunderstorms with whale's mouth | |
August 18 2004: thundery squall line + splitting cell | |
August 19 2004: isolated thunderstorms with mammatus | |
September 10 2004: Cb cluster along convergence line | |
October 20-21 2004: thundery Cb clusters |