Weather pictures & report of August 13 2004


Isolated rainshowers and thunderstorms.

Synopsis: advection of unstable maritime in a moderate WSW'ly airflow. Diurnal heating caused formation scattered weak thunderstorms with moderate rain. Whale's mouth became visible on multiple occasions. All photographs taken at Zaventem in CET.


Radar picture of 14:15 when a first thundery shower passed EBBR (or "BR") with ppn tops well above 10km. (Source: Belgocontrol).


14:03 S. Quite impressive sight on the passage of a  first thundery shower.


14:04 S. Whale's mouth.


14:50 SW. A second thundery shower came in quite rapid after the first one, slightly repeating the threatening skies.


17:06 ESE. History repeats itself: again a whale's mouth in a thundery shower, this time with "pannus" features.


17:06 ESE." Landscape" picture of the same shower with the "pannus" features on the underside.


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