Weather pictures & report of August 7-8 2004 |
Thundery Cb cluster. |
Synopsis: advection of same deep unstable continental air from ESE. During the evening thundery showers of a convergence line reached mid Belgium, producing in my area 20mm during an half hour burst around 20:00 CET. Some wind damage was noted in the neighbour village Boortmeerbeek. During the early night a thundery Cb cluster passed just NE of my area giving a nice lightening show. All photos taken at Kampenhout (in CET) unless otherwise stated. The lightning shots have been taken with shutter speed of 1-2 seconds. |
Radar sequence between 0045-0230 CET on which the cells had ppn tops up to
13km. (Source: Belgocontrol).
07/08/2004 21:29 SSE (Lint). A first thundery outbreak in
mid Belgium produced 30km northwards this shelf cloud. Sadly I
did miss "the real show" at my home.
08/08/2004 01:34 ENE. A second burst of thunderstorms passed just north of my
area giving the opportunity to make some nice shots in peace, starting
with this twin forked CG stroke.
08/08/2004 01:40 NE. Illuminating the area: this bold CG.
08/08/2004 NE 01:56. The thunderstorm came a bit closer, lucky without
rain, showing CG's and "a crawler".
08/08/2004 NE 02:02. Nice anvil crawler lightning.
08/08/2004 N 02:07. Gradually the TS faded away and only a few lightnings
did occur, but I've had "my show".