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Belgian weather blog November 2012

Climatological summary weather station Kampenhout

Weather news
TxBE (°C)
TxBR (°C)
1 Rain from 0800 ending with hail shower 1445  = 4 mm. Afterwards cloudy with Cu, Sc, Ac. Today, from noon, a few rumbles of thunder over all provinces except Vlaams-Brabant, Limbourg, Liège, West-Vlaanderen & Hainaut. sz, bt 11,5 10,9
2 Light showery rain till 0300 & 1300-1800 = 5 mm. Today, a few rumbles of thunder along the coast. bl 10,9 9,9
3 Light rain 0800-1300 = 4 mm. Enlarging breaks Cu Sc afternoon. fn 10,8 9,4
4 Light to moderate rain 1200-1330 = 4 mm. Afterwards enlarging breaks with Cu. Top gust: Ostend & Koksijde 45 kt. cv, bt, fn 10,9 10,3
5 Starting partly cloudy with Sc, by noon very cloudy with light showery rain 1300-1700 = 1 mm.  Today, a few rumbles of thunder over province Antwerp. fn 9,9 8,2
6 Starting sunny with few Sc, from 1100 Cu, from 1600 invading Cs, As, from 2000 light rain = 2 mm. gh 11,1 10,1
7 St, Sc overcast with drizzle 0900 = 1 mm. Large breaks in Sc from noon. bt 12,6 11,6
8 Very cloudy with Sc & some light rain 2000-2100 = 0,4 mm. fn 12,2 10,6
9 Very cloudy with Sc, afternoon large breaks Cu, Sc. More Ac, As by sunset, light rain from 2100 = 2 mm. dt, bl 12,6 11,4
10 Very cloudy with Sc & some light rain 0800-1000 & 2100-2400 = 1 mm. fn 13,0 12,1
11 After some St during the night large breaks till 1500 when the St returned. bl 12,1 10,1
12 Very cloudy with St, late afternoon Sc. fn, bl 91, 6,9
13 Overcast with St & drizzle till 1000 = 1 mm, then remaining overcast with Sc. fn 11,0 10,0
14 Clearing Sc by 0500, then fog 0600-1100, clearing by noon leaving few Ci. bt 12,9 10,5
15 Tmin 0,6°C (open air -0,5°C). St, Sc overcast from 0030. fn 7,8 5,4
16 St, Sc overcast till noon, then all clearing. mr 8,3 6,2
17 Tmin -0,3°C (open air -0,9°C). From 0800 St, Sc overcast with light rain from 2100 = 0,2 mm. fn 9,1 8,2
18 Rain eased off 1400 = 4 mm. Breaks from 1600, fog from 1800. fn 10,5 8,3
19 Fog till 1030, then mostly very cloudy with St, Sc. er 11,5 10,5
20 Sc cleared by 0700, quite sunny with Ci & tempo few St till noon. Invading Cs towards sunset. gh 13,2 12,0
21 Starting with Cs, As, Ac. Light rain 1300-1530 = 0,4 mm. Then cloudy with Sc. Top gust: Ostend 45 kt. gh, fn 10,9 9,5
22 Sunny with few Ci & Cu. gh 12,3 10,8
23 St Sc overcast with light intermittent rain from 0900 = 4 mm. aw 9,3 8,5
24 Fog 0400-1000. Remaining St Sc overcast, light rain-drizzle 1600-1800 = 0,6 mm. lg10,8 9,4
25 Showery rain & quite windy 0300-0900 = 0,4 mm. Partly cloudy with Cu, Sc. Top gust Ostend 47 kt, Koksijde, Ghent & Ukkel 45 kt, Liège & Zaventem 43 kt. dt 13,1 12,4
26 Cloudy to very cloudy with Cu, Sc, Ci. gh 12,5 12,0
27 Very cloudy with Sc and showery rain 0900-1500 = 3 mm. bl 10,0 8,3
28 Fog 0600-1000. Partly cloudy with Cu, Sc. Light showery rain 1900-2200 = 0,4 mm. fn 9,6 7,9
29 Cloudy to partly cloudy with Cu, Sc. fn 8,1 6,7
30 Tmin garden -2,0°C (open air -2,7°C). Sunny with few Sc but from 1430 St overcast. fn 7,3 4,7

Note: all times are Central European Time

Legend: TxBE (°C) = Top Tmax Belgium, TxBR (°C) = Tmax Zaventem. aw = Deurne, be = Beauvechain, bl = Kleine Brogel, br = Zaventem, bt = Beitem, ci = Charleroi, cv = Chièvres, dt = Diest, er = Ernage, fn = Koksijde, fs = Florennes, gh = Ghent, lb = Elsenborn, lg = Bièrset, mr = Mont-Rigi, os = Ostend, sh = Saint-Hubert, sp = Spa, sz = Semmerzake, uk = Ukkel.



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