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Belgian weather blog January 2012

Climatological summary weather station Kampenhout

Weather news
TxBE (°C)
TxBR (°C)
1 Happy New Year. Very cloudy to overcast with St Sc with intermittent light rain-drizzle = 5 mm. Automatic weather station Kampenhout is running and online.
bt 13,4
2 Rainy tempo moderate till 0700 = 6 mm. Very cloudy with Ac, As till noon, then briefly the edge of a shower with mammatus. Today, in afternoon, a few rumbles of thunder over the north of province Antwerp. fn 9,4 8,2
3 Very windy with light rain 0630-0900 & light to moderate rain 1300-1730 = total 7 mm. Top gust: Zeebrugge 62 kt, Ostend 56 kt, Koksijde 54 kt, Ukkel 51 kt, Deurne 49 kt, Beauvechain & Liège 47 kt, Charleroi, Chièvres, Zaventem, Ernage 45 kt, Kleine Brogel, Spa, Beitem, St Hubert 43 kt, Mont Rigi, Florennes 41, Ghent 41kt. fn 13,0 11,3
4 Light shower around 0700. Cloudy to partly cloudy with Sc, from 1400 invading Cs, As. Light rain from 2030 = 4 mm by midnight. Top gust Zeebrugge & Ostend 43 kt. fn 9,2 7,8
5 Overcast with rain & wind till 0500. From 0800 till midnight almost a dozen blustery showery outbreaks sometimes with small hail and with around 1015 also a few rumbles of thunder. Total rain = 16 mm. Top gust: Ernage 66 kt (but possible faulty), Koksijde 54 kt, Ostend 53 kt, Beitem, Semmerzake & Diest 51 kt, Zaventem & St Hubert 49 kt, Zeebrugge, Chièvres, Deurne, Florennes, Spa & Mont Rigi 47 kt, Ukkel & Liège 45 kt, Elsenborn 43kt, Ghent & Charleroi 41 kt. Today, mainly during daylight period, weak to moderate thunderstorms over all provinces. aw 11,4 10,6
6 Very cloudy with Cu, Sc and some showers till 1300 := 3 mm. After sunset clearing skies, by midnight invading Cs. Top gust: Deurne 49 kt during a shower around 0200, Zeebrugge 43 kt, Koksijde 41 kt. Top snow: Mont Rigi: 2 cm, Elsenborn 1 cm melting away during the day. Today, first part of night, a few rumbles of thunder over province Vlaams-Brabant. dt 8,1 6,5
7 Showery outbreaks till late forenoon = 5 mm. Afterwards (partly) with Cu, Sc. fn 10,5 9,1
8 Around noon a light shower = < 1 mm in a further partly cloudy day with Cu, Sc. sz 9,3 7,9
9 Light rain-drizzle 0200-0600 & 1800-2100 = 1 mm. Forenoon (partly) cloudy with Sc, afterwards overcast. uk 10,9 9,4
10 Very cloudy with Sc and during daylight a few Cu. fn 10,9 9,5
11 From 0800 the Sc layer broke leaving some Ci, Ac, but from noon again very cloudy with Sc. bt 11,0 9,7
12 A few breaks in Sc during the morning - forenoon. Around 1300 tempo some drizzle, between 1600-1800 light showery rain. Total 2 mm. fn 11,5 10,0
13 Partly cloudy with Cu, Sc, Ci. A feeble rain shower with some small hail around 1400 & 1645 < 1mm. bl, fn 7,8 6,9
14 Cloudy to very cloudy with Sc, Ci. fn 8,6 6,2
15 Tmin garden -3,2°C. Quite sunny with some thin Ci and in afternoon in far south a few Cu. gh, uk 6,2 4,4
16 Tmin garden -2,7°C. Sunny with some thin Ci. bl 6,2 3,1
17 Tmin garden -4,0°C. Sunny with some thick Ci. bl 8,5 6,3
18 Tmin garden -2,6°C. From sunrise Cs overcast, later As, Ac, St. Light rain from 1400 = 1 mm by midnight. fn 6,1 4,2
19 Light rain-drizzle, at 1346 tempo heavy with rain rate 87 mm/h. Total = 13 mm. Afterwards breaking clouds but a shower at 2125 = 1 mm. Top gust: Ostend: 45kt, Koksijde 41 kt. fn 11,9 11,1
20 At 0050 a blustery shower (gust 33 kt) and even a rumble of thunder. More showers 0220. Light rain from noon ending 1715. Total = 6 mm. Top gust (during showers): Humain 51 kt, Liège 43 kt. Today, early night, weak thunderstorms over provinces Oost-Vlaanderen, Antwerp, both Barbants, Limbourg & Liège. Snow height at 1600: Elsenborn 2 cm, Mont Rigi 1cm, no further observation although more snow fell afterwards. fn 8,5 5,9
21 Cloudy to very cloudy with Sc, light to moderate rain 1400-1800 = 5 mm. Top snow: Mont Rigi 4 cm melting away. fn 11,9 10,9
22 Cloudy to very cloudy with Cu, Sc, Ci. Light shower around 2030 = < 1 mm. sz 11,2 9,8
23 Cloudy to partly cloudy with Cu, Sc. From 2015 a few showers = 1 mm. Today, late evening, a few rumbles of thunder over province Liège. bl 8,6 7,5
24 From the morning onwards Cs overcast, from early afternoon As, followed by rain from 1500 = 1 mm. Top snow: Mont Rigi 9 cm, Elsenborn 5 cm. dt 5,5 5,1
25 St, Sc overcast with light rain-drizzle 0300-0900 & from 1600 = <1 mm. Top snow: Mont Rigi 5 cm, Elsenborn 4 cm. fn 8,5 5,7
26 Mostly very cloudy with Sc, light rain 0600, 1000 & 1600-1900 = 3 mm. Clearing skies afterwards. Top snow: Mont Rigi 3 cm melting away. gh 9,8 8,4
27 Quite sunny with from 1400 some Cu, Sc and in far NW Cb. bt 9,6 8,0
28 Just after midnight a shower = < 0,5 mm. Cloudy to very cloudy with Sc. bl 7,0 5,8
29 Tmin garden 0,0°C. St overcast. From 1613 T <0°C. fn 2,5 0,0
30 Tmin garden -1,3°C, Tmax -0,2°C. Some feeble snow during the morning < 0,5 cm. Entire period St, Sc overcast, after sunset the Moon visible through thinner St, Sc but still with feeble snowgrains. Top snow: Kleine Brogel 4 cm. Liège 3 cm, Elsenborn 2 cm. fn 0,7 -0,6
31 Tmin garden -2,1°C, Tmax -0,7°C. Around sunrise some feeble snowgrains, from noon clearing St, Sc skies. Top snow: Liège 7 cm, Elsenborn 5 cm, Kleine Brogel. Liège 3 cm, Mont Rigi 2 cm. fn 2,6 -1,1

Note: all times are Central European Time

Legend: TxBE (°C) = Top Tmax Belgium, TxBR (°C) = Tmax Zaventem. aw = Deurne, be = Beauvechain, bl = Kleine Brogel, br = Zaventem, bt = Beitem, ci = Charleroi, cv = Chièvres, dt = Diest, er = Ernage, fn = Koksijde, fs = Florennes, gh = Ghent, lb = Elsenborn, lg = Bièrset, mr = Mont-Rigi, os = Ostend, sh = Saint-Hubert, sp = Spa, sz = Semmerzake, uk = Ukkel.


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