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Belgian weather blog August 2010

Weather news
TxBE (°C)
TxBR (°C)
1 First part cloudy to partly cloudy, second part mostly very cloudy with Ci, Ac, Sc, and from noon tempo a few Cu. bl 25,4 22,6
2 Showery rain 0200-0400 = 3 mm. Some nice breaks in forenoon Cu, Sc. Afternoon mostly very cloudy with a heavy shower of rain around 1430, afterwards some light showery rain till 1600 = 4 mm. Today, afternoon - evening some weak thunderstorms over all provinces except Luxembourg & Liège.   ci 23,4 20,9
3 Partly cloudy with Cu, from 1800 tempo very cloudy with some spots of rain. bl 24,0 23,2
4 Cloudy with Cu, Sc, light shower 1400, more between 2100-2300. Total 2 mm.  Today, from the afternoon on weak to moderate thunderstorms over West- & Oost-Vlaanderen, Antwerp, Brabant and Luxembourg. bl 22,0 21,1
5 Starting quite sunny, rapid cloudy with Cu. Around 1130 passage of an heavy shower with a few rumbles of thunder. More light to moderate showers till 1600. Total 8 mm. Afterwards enlarging breaks. Today, from late forenoon on weak thunderstorms over Brabant and Antwerp. bl 21,4 19,0
6 Starting sunny with some Ci, by noon some Cu, Sc clearing by the evening but with invading Cs. dt 24,4 22,7
7 Very cloudy with Sc, from 1600 some showery rain = 2 mm. Today, evening, a few rumbles of thunder over the extreme north of province Anwtwerp. bl 25,9 24,5
8 By 0600 very cloudy with St, becoming Cu with a couple of showers till 1300 = 2 m. Afterwards Cu, Sc with around 2000 a feeble shower. bl 24,0 20,7
9 Starting sunny with some Ci, during forenoon Cu, Sc, clearing in evening with increasing Ci, Cs. cv 24,9 23,1
10 Starting sunny with some Ci, later invading Cs, As, Sc. Light to moderate rain from 1700 = 7 mm. bl 26,5 24,1
11 Light rain till 0830 = 2 mm. Afterwards cloudy Cu, Sc, Ci. bl 25,3 22,0
12 Starting quite sunny with some Ac sheets. From 1100 Cu, Sc with showers (sometime moderate) between 1300-1900. Some light rain from 2200 on. Total  4 mm. Today, late evening, a few rumbles of thunder along the coast.  bl 24,9 20,0
13 Starting  sunny, from 0900 Cu, afternoon some Ci as well. Between 2000-2100 a moderate shower with a few far distant rumbles = 4 mm. Today, from noon till sunset, over all provinces weak thunderstorms.  bl 24,2 20,7
14 Starting sunny, from noon Cu with a shower around 1530 (< 1 mm), afterwards Sc cloudy. Today, afternoon, some weak thunderstorms over all provinces except Hainaut, Limbourg & Antwerp. bl 25,8 22,1
15 Very cloudy with Sc, from 1500 light to moderate rain = 16 mm by midnight. aw 20,5 19,7
16 Rain eased off around 0930 = 24 mm. Very cloudy with St, Sc afternoon tempo some breaks. Rain drizzle restarted 1800 = 10 mm by midnight.  dt 22,8 20,6
17 Rain drizzle eased off around 0600 = 7 mm. Tempo a break (Ci, Cs) bit later very cloudy with As, Sc. Some light intermittent rain from noon = 1mm.
Between 15/8-17/8 0800-0800 hrs the same trailing occlusion was responsible for these amounts of rain (mm): Ghent 105, Ukkel 100, Semmerzake 84, Ernage, Florennes, Charleroi 83, Mont Rigi 82, Zaventem 67.
aw, fn 18,0 17,5
18 Light rain-drizzle eased off around 0600 = 1mm. Cloudy to very cloudy with Cu, Sc. One shower around 1300 <1 mm. bl 22,2 21,2
19 Starting quite sunny with lots of Ci, during forenoon till the evening partly cloudy to cloudy with Cu, Sc. bl 23,2 22,2
20 Partly cloudy to cloudy with Ci, Cu, Sc. bl 29,1 27,6
21 Partly cloudy to cloudy with Cu, Sc. bl 28,9 27,5
22 Most of the time cloudy with Ac, Ci, in the afternoon some Cb's. Around 1600 passage of a heavy shower = 1 mm. Today, from the afternoon on, weak to moderate thunderstorms over all provinces except West-Vlaanderen. cv 26,1 24,3
23 Around 0200 passage of a moderate shower with thunder. Around 0600 a heavy shower with blustery winds exceeding 35kt. Total rain = 11 mm. Afterwards very cloudy with some light showery rain < 1 mm. From noon large breaks with Cu, Sc. Around 2100 passage of a shower = 2 mm. Today, during night & early morning some moderate to severe thunderstorms over all provinces except Liège. Ukkel received downburst of 56 kt and related to this storm (bow echo) some damage was observed at Halle (province Brabant). In the afternoon one rumble of thunder over the province Luxembourg. bl 23,9 22,4
24 Partly cloudy to cloudy with Cu, Sc. Around 1400 a light shower. bl, dt 21,3 19,8
25 After a sunny start invading Ci, As, later also some Cu with a light shower around 1300. Light intermittent rain from 1800 onwards = 10 mm by midnight. bl 22,2 20,4
26 Light rain eased off around 0330 = 2 mm. Afterwards very cloudy with Sc, Ac with a few drops around noon. Renewal of light rain from 1700 onwards. Today, early morning some weak thunderstorms over provinces Hainaut, Namur, Brabant, Limbourg and Liège. During the evening a rumble of thunder over the extreme north of Oost-Vlaanderen and from late afternoon onwards also tempo some moderate thunderstorms over provinces Namur and Luxembourg.  gh 24,2 22,7
27 Rain eased off around 0300, but again 0600-0700 = 5 mm. After a few breaks in morning very cloudy with Cu, Sc. A few light showers around 1900. Today, from the early morning till afternoon, weak to moderate thunderstorms over over provinces Hainaut, Namur, Luxemourg and Liège.   be, er 19,8 18,7
28 Cloudy to partly cloudy with Cu, Sc. Early afternoon tempo some Cb's. Today, from noon onwards, some weak thunderstorms over provinces West- & Oost-Vlaanderen, Antwerp, Brabant and Luxembourg. er 20,2 18,1
29 Starting partly cloudy with Ac, Ci. From 1100 Cu, Sc, from 1400 also As. Between 1800-1845 light rain, but around 1830 tempo heavy with blustery winds of around 40 kt, afterwards some light showers: 7 mm.  Today, afternoon, some weak thunderstorms over provinces Limbourg, Brabant and Hainaut and a moderate one over the extreme north of province Antwerp. Top gust (during the showers): Koksijde 45 kt, Ostend & Zaventem 41 kt. er 19,4 17,0
30 Showery outbreaks, some of them heavy, till late afternoon = 14 mm. One rumble of thunder was heard around 1130  Today, between the early morning till afternoon weak thunderstorms over most provinces except Hainaut, but moderate over Liège and Luxembourg. bl 19,5 17,9
31 Starting sunny, from 1000 Cu, Sc fields clearing after sunset. bl 21,5 18,2

Note: all times are Central European Time

Legend: TxBE (°C) = Top Tmax Belgium, TxBR (°C) = Tmax Zaventem. aw = Deurne, be = Beauvechain, bl = Kleine Brogel, br = Zaventem, bt = Beitem, ci = Charleroi, cv = Chièvres, dt = Diest, er = Ernage, fn = Koksijde, fs = Florennes, gh = Ghent, lb = Elsenborn, lg = Bièrset, mr = Mont-Rigi, os = Ostend, sh = Saint-Hubert, sp = Spa, sz = Semmerzake, uk = Ukkel.


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