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Belgian weather blog December 2009

Weather news
TxBE (°C)
TxBR (°C)
1 Very cloudy with St in forenoon, from 1100 onwards large breaks with a few Cu, Sc but lots of Ci.
fn 9,5
2 Tmin 0,3°C and some hoar frost. Entire daylight period overcast with some light rain 1100-1300, 1600 & from 1800 onwards. Total = 1 mm. fn 7,0 5,8
3 Rain eased of 0130. Remaining very cloudy to overcast with Sc. Showery rain 0830-1700. Total 4 mm. aw, bl, dt 10,6 9,9
4 Showery rain 0130-0430. After a few rays of morning sun overcast with light rain 0900-1530. Total 7 mm. Large breaks after sunset. fn 8,3 6,1
5 Light rain 0230-0830 = 5 mm. Very cloudy with Sc till 1400, then a few large breaks, by sunset very cloudy with Ac. Again light rain from 1930 = 5 mm by midnight. bt 10,8 10,1
6 Rain eased off around 0100, then a few short breaks, light rain 1000-1600 = 2 mm. Large breaks from sunset onwards.  aw, gh 12,9 12;5
7 After a cloudless night, lots of thick Cirrus during daylight, before sunset also Sc, Ac. A few drops around 1700, light rain from 2030 onwards = 2 mm by midnight. gh 10,1 9,0
8 Light rain till 0430. Then a few breaks till 1000, afterwards very cloudy with showery rain 1200-1700. Total 7 mm. Large breaks after sunset. fn 10,0 8,5
9 Overcast with intermittent light rain drizzle = 3 mm. fn 10,6 9,8
10 Light rain till 0500, couple moderate rain showers 0700-0900. Total 9 mm. A few breaks around noon in a further very cloudy day with Sc. A few drops around 1500 & 2300. aw 10,9 10,7
11 Cloudy to very cloudy with Cu, Sc. fn 10,0 8,5
12 Very cloudy with Cu, Sc. fn 6,3 4,4
13 Tmin garden -0,5°C. Cloudy to partly cloudy with Cu, Sc. First thin snow cover of the season over the hills of the Ardennes of 1 cm or less. fn 4,9 3,4
14 Tmin garden -0,5°C and hoar frost. Quite sunny with from noon tempo a few low Sc. bl 1,7 0,0
15 Tmin garden -8,4°C and hoar frost. Sunny with towards sunset some Ci from the north. Tmax garden -0,6°C. bl 2,5 -0,5
16 Tmin garden -8,8°C. Second part of night Sc cloudiness from which a few snow flurries fell in the afternoon. fn 1,9 -0,7
17 Tmin garden -4,4°C which was reached the evening before when some breaks did occur. Very cloudy to overcast with Sc. First light flurries fell from noon onwards, light to moderate snow from 1400 onwards. Between 1600-1730 dry, but afterwards again light snow. Snow depth by midnight 15 cm. Other stations with snow: Zaventem 9 cm, Antwerp & Florennes 7 cm, Gent 5 cm, Charleroi 4 cm. Pictorial report to be found here. fn 1,8 0,1
18 Light snow eased of around 0100. Afterwards cloudy to very cloudy with Sc. Towards the morning clearing skies and Tmin garden reached -7,0°C. Around noon tempo some Sc fields, afternoon a few St fields, evening again some Sc. Snow depth garden dwindled by end of the day to 13 cm, Tx = -4,0°C. Other stations with snow (highest values): Florennes 13 cm, Beauvechain 11 cm, Semmerzake 10 cm, Zaventem 9 cm, Ukkel, Gent & Mont-Rigi 6 cm, Charleroi & Deurne 4 cm,  Chièvres, Diest & Elsenborn 2 cm. fn 0,8 -4,4
19 Tmin garden -14,0°C. Sunny with tempo a few Ac, during the evening more Sc cloudiness, around 2300 tempo some flurries, afterwards again breaking cloudiness. Snow depth garden dwindled by end of day to 11 cm. Tx garden -5,9°C which was reached around 2300. During daylight T stayed frozen on -9,2°C, descended after sunset to -13,2°C, before rising. Other stations with snow (highest values): no significant changes, except Mont-Rigi with 16 cm. Tmin values of this morning (lower than -10°C): Mont-Rigi -17,3°C, Elsenborn -16,3°C, Spa -16,1°C, St-Hubert -13,9°C, Beauvechain -13,3°C, Zaventem -12,7°C, Ernage -12,2°C, Florennes -12,0°C, Bièrset -11,5°C, Diest -11,4°C,  Kleine Brogel -11,1°C, Charleroi -11,0°C.  fn -2,9 -8,3
20 Tmin garden -6,8°C. From 0400 light snow, tempo moderate and blowing 0900-1100, easing off around 1215. Couple snow showers 1315-1500, clearing skies afterwards. Total 8 cm fresh snow, accumulated on the 10 cm old snow = 18 cm. Stations with snow (highest value): Mont-Rigi 20 cm, Florennes 13 cm, Kleine Brogel, Ukkel & Charleroi 10 cm, Zaventem 8 cm, Deurne, Koksijde & Ostend 7 cm, Liège 6 cm. Tmin values of this morning (lower than -10°C): Elsenborn -20,9°C, St-Hubert -16,4°C, Spa -15,3°C, Ernage -14,8°C, Florennes -12,5°C, Beauvechain -11,4°C, Bièrset & Zaventem -11,2°C, Diest -10,9°C, Kleine Brogel -10,5°C, Charleroi -10,3°C. Pictorial report to be found here. gh 2,6 0,7
21 Tmin garden -6,3°C. At sunrise becoming very cloudy with Ci, Cs, from 0930 also St. Between 1340-1530 some light snow, afterwards remaining very cloudy with Ac. Light flurries of snow from 2200 onwards. Snow depth garden dwindled by end of day to 12 cm. Stations with snow: no significant changes but Zaventem was corrected in the morning to 13 cm. Added Elsenborn 16 cm. cv 1,7 1,5
22 Tmin garden -0,3°C. Light snow & rain eased off around 0500. Thin wet snow cover of 1 cm. Very cloudy with St till 1000, then a few large breaks, 1130-1400. Afterwards very cloudy with St, Sc, light rain shower around 1430. Snow depth garden dwindled by end of day to 9 cm. Top snow: Mont-Rigi 20 cm, Elsenborn 16 cm, Kleine Brogel 14 cm, Zaventem 11 cm, Deurne 8 cm, Semmerzake 7 cm. fn 2,9 2,3
23 Tmin garden 0,0°C. Very cloudy to overcast with St till noon, afterwards clearing skies, towards sunset some Ci. Snow depth garden dwindled by end of day to 7 cm. Top snow: Mont-Rigi 16 cm. dt 4,0 2,3
24 Tmin garden -6,1°C with clear skies till the morning. Then very cloudy with St, from noon mostly very cloudy with Ac. Light rain from 2230 onwards = 2 mm by midnight. Snow depth garden dwindled by end of day to 3 cm. Top snow: Mont-Rigi 16 cm. uk, lg 4,9 3,6
25 Light to moderate rain turned tempo to sleet between 0600-0900, rain-drizzle eased off around noon. Total = 11 mm. Breaking cloudiness from sunset on. Only snow patches are left in the garden. Top snow: Mont-Rigi 15 cm. os 6,0 4,2
26 Quite sunny with during the afternoon a few Ac fields. Still a few snow patches left in the garden. Top snow: Mont-Rigi 14 cm. fn 7,3 6,7
27 Very cloudy to overcast, light showery rain 0300-0600, around 1100, 1500-1730. Total = 1 mm. Afterwards some breaks. Still a few snow patches left in the garden. Top snow: Mont-Rigi 15 cm. fn 7,5 5,8
28 Between 0800-1100 light showery rain <1 mm. From 1400 large breaks. Still a few snow patches left in the garden. Top snow: Mont-Rigi 14 cm. bl 7,0 5,3
29 Tmin garden -2,2°C and hoar frost. By the morning overcast and with the temperature barely above 0°C, light rain-drizzle from noon onwards = 13 mm by midnight. Still a few snow traces left in the garden. Top snow: Mont-Rigi 14 cm. fs 9,1 1,7
30 Overcast with light rain drizzle from 0800 onwards = 5 mm by midnight. Last snow traces disappeared in the garden. Top snow: Mont-Rigi 8 cm, also disappearing by the end of the day. uk, cv 9,7 9,4
31 Entire period overcast with St. Light drizzle till noon, around 1300 tempo some small ice pellets, between 1630-1800 tempo some light snow(grains).  fs 4,9 0,1

Note: all times are Central European Time

Legend: TxBE (°C) = Top Tmax Belgium, TxBR (°C) = Tmax Zaventem. aw = Deurne, be = Beauvechain, bl = Kleine Brogel, br = Zaventem, bt = Beitem, ci = Charleroi, cv = Chièvres, dt = Diest, er = Ernage, fn = Koksijde, fs = Florennes, gh = Ghent, lb = Elsenborn, lg = Bièrset, mr = Mont-Rigi, os = Ostend, sh = Saint-Hubert, sp = Spa, sz = Semmerzake, uk = Ukkel.


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