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Belgian weather blog May 2008

Weather news
TxBE (°C)
TxBR (°C)
1 Starting sunny, after 0900 very cloudy with Cu, Sc. A moderate rain shower (with small hail 0,5 cm) around 1300, more rain showers around 1630 & 1810. Latter shower is described in this pictorial report. Total rain amount = 6 mm. Today, afternoon, weak to moderate thunderstorms over all provinces except Luxembourg.  
bl 15,5
2 Starting sunny, after 0900 cloudy with Cu, Sc. Between 1825-1845 a moderate rain shower giving 6 mm, afterwards clearing skies. Today, during the afternoon, a few rumbles of thunder over the extreme NE of province Antwerp & extreme NW of province Limbourg. bl 19,3 15,8
3 Quite sunny with lots of Ci and tempo some fair weather Cu. bl 22,1 19,5
4 Sunny with lots of Ci. bl 23,6 21,0
5 Sunny with dissipating Ci. bl 24,0 20,8
6 Sunny with tempo a few fair weather Cu. bl 25,9 22,7
7 Sunny with tempo a few fair weather Cu. dt 26,4 23,6
8 Sky clear. bl 26,5 24,3
9 Sunny with some Ci over the SW, tempo also a few fair weather Cu.  bl 27,9 25,7
10 Sunny with some Ci. bl 28,7 25,5
11 Sunny with tempo some fair weather Cu. bl 27,7 24,0
12 Sunny with tempo some fair weather Cu, later from north also invading Ci + a few Ac sheets. bl 27,7 24,6
13 Partly cloudy with Ac and some Ci, tempo also some fair weather Cu. bl 28,4 25,4
14 Cloudy with Ac till noon, then large breaks. From 1500 formation of Cu, TCu. Around 1700 a few rumbles of thunder were heard in the north. A decaying Cb anvil showed up over the southeast. Again in the north, more rumbles and even lightning was heard and seen between 1900-2000. But it remained dry. Today, from noon on, weak to moderate (local severe due to lightning) thunderstorms were formed over all provinces. Local flash flooding like over region of Poperinge (West-Vlaanderen). bl 28,4 26,3
15 Very cloudy with Ci, Ac, Sc. Late afternoon also TCu with from 1715 the first raindrops and passage of a moderate thunderstorms 1845-2015. Rain continued till 2115 with a total of 10 mm. Afterwards tempo some breaks but later some raindrizzle. Today, from noon weak to moderate thunderstorms over all provinces with local flash flooding in locations like Ghent, Aalst, Oostakker (Oost-Vlaanderen), St-Truiden & Tongeren (Limbourg).   bl 25,2 21,0
16 Rain eased off around 0300 giving 6 mm. Stratus overcast till 0800, afterwards some breaks, the clouds became Cumuliform. Late afternoon invading Ci from the south, light rain from 2300 on. Today, late afternoon & late evening, weak to moderate thunderstorms over provinces of Luxembourg, Liège, Hainaut & Namur. bl 23,7 19,3
17 Rain sometimes moderate intensity till 0700 giving 25 mm. Afterwards remaining St overcast, sometimes some slight rain. From 1500 a few small breaks but soon again some light showers 1600-1900 giving 2 mm. Today, early night and late afternoon till evening, weak to moderate thunderstorms over provinces of Limbourg, Hainaut, Namur, Luxembourg & Liège. During the night, locally amounts of >50 mm rain came down and flooding did occur in location like Huldenberg (Vlaams-Brabant) and Thuin (Hainaut). cv 18,0 15,0
18 Starting very cloudy with Sc, afternoon cloudy with Cu, Sc. bl 17,8 15,0
19 Starting sunny, after 1100 (partly) cloudy with Cu, Sc. bl 16,6 14,5
20 Starting sunny, after 1300 partly cloudy with Cu. bl 19,2 16,7
21 Starting sunny with some Ci, after 1200 partly cloudy with Cu. bl 21,5 18,9
22 Partly to to cloudy with Ac, later also Cu. After 1500 turning very cloudy with Ac, Sc. bl 22,0 19,2
23 Cloudy to very cloudy with Ac. From noon tempo large breaks, but also building Cu with around 1600 a slight rain shower. bl 24,;4 20,4
24 Cloudy to very cloudy with Ac. Some light after 2200. gh 23,1 21,4
25 Intermittent (moderate) rainy till 0700 giving 10 mm. Afterwards (very) cloudy with Sc, Ac, Ci but after 1400 large breaks with Cu, tempo also some TCu & Cb. Today, afternoon, some weak thunderstorms over the provinces West-, Oost-Vlaanderen & Antwerp.  dt 24,6 23,3
26 Light rain 0500-0730 giving 2 mm. Afterwards St overcast, breaking around noon & becoming cumuliform. After 2000 some light showery rain. Today, during the evening, weak/moderate thunderstorms over provinces West-& Oost-Vlaanderen.     dt 25,4 23,7
27 Light intermittent rain 1100-1500 giving 1 mm. After 1800 clearing skies but with lots of Ci. bl 22,5 20,7
28 Cloudy to partly cloudy with Ci, Ac and Cu. In the morning tempo a few TCu, even a few drops (with Sahara sand). During the evening a great sunset. In the early morning the extreme SW of the Westhoek (West-Vlaanderen) encountered a few lightnings of a severe thunderstorm over NW France. Late afternoon also some weak thunderstorms over province of Luxembourg.    bl 26,0 23,2
29 Around 0300 a light shower. More showery rain 0700-0900, light rain 1200-1300. Total 5 mm. Afterwards Sc overcast, from sunset on breaking clouds. Today, early morning till late forenoon, some severe thunderstorms over provinces of Luxembourg, Liège & Limbourg. Local flash flooding and also wind damage, presumable due to a weak tornado. bl 22,7 19,5
30 Light rain 0400-0800 giving 2 mm. Afterwards remaining St overcast, small breaks towards sunset. Early night a severe thunderstorm "edged" the eastern side of province Liège. sh 20,0 16,5
31 Light rain 0400-0800 giving 2 mm. Afterwards cloudy to partly cloudy with Cu Sc, afternoon tempo some Ac, Ci. Today, afternoon & evening, weak to moderate thunderstorms over provinces of Luxembourg & Liège. bl 22,8 19,7

Note: all times are Central European Time

Legend: TxBE (°C) = Top Tmax Belgium, TxBR (°C) = Tmax Zaventem. aw = Deurne, be = Beauvechain, bl = Kleine Brogel, br = Zaventem, bt = Beitem, ci = Charleroi, cv = Chièvres, dt = Diest, er = Ernage, fn = Koksijde, fs = Florennes, gh = Ghent, lb = Elsenborn, lg = Bièrset, mr = Mont-Rigi, os = Ostend, sh = Saint-Hubert, sp = Spa, sz = Semmerzake, uk = Ukkel.


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