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Belgian weather blog January 2008

Weather news
TxBE (°C)
TxBR (°C)
1 Happy New Year. All period long Stratus overcast, around sunrise tempo foggy. 
os 6,2
2 Tmin garden -3,1°C. After 0300 cloudiness was cleared giving a sunny day. fn 2,1 0,5
3 Tmin garden -3,8°C. Sc overcast between 0330-0930. After a couple of breaks again overcast with Ac Sc.  Light ice pellets between 1300-1730 + light rain, at first also freezing. After 2000 dry. Tx garden 0,9°C. ci 1,5 0,5
4 Tmin garden -0,1°C. Cloudy to very cloudy with Sc, Ac, Ci. Light rain from 2230 on. gh 8,3 6,2
5 Rainy 0100-0600 and a couple of showers 1030-1200. Afterwards cloudy with Cu, Sc, but again light rain 1900-2300. Total rain was 13 mm. aw 8,7 8,1
6 Cloudiness was cleared after 0530 giving a sunny day. After 2000 increasing Sc Ac. bt 8,2 7,0
7 Light rain 0130-0400. A couple of showers 0630-0800. Afterwards cloudy to partly cloudy with Cu Sc. Again showers 1800-1900. Total 4 mm. Top gust >= 41 kt: Koksijde 49 kt, Ostend 43 kt, Beitem 41 kt. bt 10,4 9,7
8 Cloudy to very cloudy with Sc, around noon tempo light rain. Between 1500-1700 large breaks. bt 9,7 8,3
9 Light rain 0730-1130 giving 4 mm. Afterwards cloudy with Ac & Ci. fn 8,9 7,9
10 Cloudy to very cloudy with Sc Ac, around 1400 tempo a few drops of rain. gh 11,2 10,3
11 Very cloudy to overcast with Sc Ac As. Light rain 0130-0930 & 1330-1930 giving 3 mm. bl 13,2 12,1
12 Light showery rain 0230-1000 giving 2 mm. From noon on partly cloudy with Cu. fn 8,8 6,4
13 Very cloudy with Sc till 1430, around 1300 even a few rain drops. Afterwards invading Ci Cs cloudiness.  gh 9,5 9,0
14 Light rain 0430-0630. Cloudy with Cu Sc, light showers 1645-1730. Total: 1 mm. aw 10,4 9,7
15 Very cloudy to overcast & light rain from 1030 on, 6 mm by midnight. Very windy: all stations, except two in the Ardennes and Kleine Brogel, had gusts of 41 kt or more. Stations >41 kt: Ukkel, Florennes & Chièvres 47 kt, Zaventem, Beauvechain, Charleroi, Beitem & Ostend 45 kt, Liège 44 kt, Deurne & Beitem 43 kt.   aw 10,0 9,0
16 Showery rain till 0300 giving 3 mm. Afterwards cloudy to very cloudy with Cu Sc, sometimes also Ac, Ci. bt 8,9 7,9
17 Cloudy to very cloudy with Sc, light rain 1630-1900, a few showers 2100-2300. Total rain 1 mm. During the evening a weak thunderstorm touched the north of province West-Vlaanderen. bt 9,6 8,7
18 Red sunrise, afterwards overcast As, Ac Sc and (light) rain-drizzle from 1200. Total 3 mm. Stations with wind gusts of 41 kt or more were: Koksijde 45 kt, Ostend 43 kt. fn 12,6 10,9
19 Overcast with intermittent light rain drizzle giving 2 mm by midnight. Top gust during early night: Ostend 43 kt. bt 13,0 12,5
20 Very cloudy to overcast with Sc. Intermittent light drizzle 0000-0030, 1830-2130. bt 13,4 12,3
21 Very cloudy to overcast with Sc. Light rain drizzle 0200-0400 & (moderate) rain 1700-2030. One light shower at 2145, later on also lightning was observed in the north. Total rain 2 mm. Lightning was noted Late evening some moderate, isolated even severe, thunderstorm activity over the north of provinces West- & Oost-Vlaanderen, Antwerp and Limbourg. At Peer - Grote Brogel (province of Limbourg), a weak tornado was responsible for some structural damage.  aw 11,3 10,5
22 Partly cloudy with Cu, Sc and during the afternoon invading Ci. bl 9,3 7,7
23 Tmin garden 0,3°C. By the morning morning very cloudy to overcast with Sc, and (s)light rain 0715-0800.   fn 10,9 8,5
24 Overcast till 1900 with (light) rain drizzle 1430-1800 giving 6 mm. Afterwards sky clear. gh, aw 10,5 10,0
25 Tmin garden 0,9°C & hoar frost. Quite sunny with lots of Ci, after 1600 also some Sc fields. fn 9,7 8,0
26 Lots of (thick) Cirriform clouds, tempo broken Sc 0300-0600, during daylight a few Cu, by midnight St. gh 11,1 8,1
27 During the night mostly very cloudy with St, forenoon quite sunny with lots of Ci, after 1300 overcast with Sc. sz 10,2 8,9
28 Very cloudy to overcast with Sc. bl 9,4 8,3
29 Overcast with Sc. os 7,2 5,7
30 Overcast with St & Sc, light rain & drizzle 0430-1430 giving 5 mm. After 1600 clearing skies. aw, fn 6,9 5,5
31 Couple of breaks in morning, forenoon. Turning As overcast, quite windy with gusts exceeding 41 kt. Rain from 1630 on giving 4 mm by midnight. Stations with gusts >41kt were: Ukkel & Diest 47, Zaventem 46 kt, Florennes 45 kt, Ostend, Ghent, Beitem, Charleroi, Ernage, Chièvres & Liège 43 kt. fn 7,2 5,6

Note: all times are Central European Time

Legend: TxBE (°C) = Top Tmax Belgium, TxBR (°C) = Tmax Zaventem. aw = Deurne, be = Beauvechain, bl = Kleine Brogel, br = Zaventem, bt = Beitem, ci = Charleroi, cv = Chièvres, dt = Diest, er = Ernage, fn = Koksijde, fs = Florennes, gh = Ghent, lb = Elsenborn, lg = Bièrset, mr = Mont-Rigi, os = Ostend, sh = Saint-Hubert, sp = Spa, sz = Semmerzake, uk = Ukkel.


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