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Belgian weather blog November 2007

Weather news
1 Very cloudy to overcast with Sc. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 13,7°C, Zaventem had 13,6°C.
2 Entire period misty, grey with St Sc & intermittent slight drizzle from 1300 on. Top Tmax: Beitem 14,3°C, Zaventem had 13,3°C.
3 Misty till 0900, but remaining grey with Sc with intermittent light drizzle between 1700-2030. After 2300 clearing skies and formation of fog patches. Top Tmax: Beitem 14,9°C, Zaventem had 13,4°C.
4 Sc returned after 0100, remaining numerous all period long. Top Tmax: Koksijde 13,9°C, Zaventem had 11,7°C.
5 Very cloudy to overcast with Sc, light intermittent rain from 2000 on = 1 mm. Top Tmax: Koksijde 12,3°C, Zaventem had 11,4°C.
6 Partly cloudy to cloudy with Sc, Cu, TCu. Between 1100-2100 almost a dozen light showers did occur giving 2 mm. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 12,0°C, Zaventem had 10,6°C.
7 Besides a few short breakes during forenoon, very Sc cloudy with sometimes a spot of drizzle, towards midnight more light rain. Top Tmax: Koksijde 12,8°C, Zaventem had 10,9°C.
8 Some nice breaks in forenoon, but becoming very cloudy to overcast with Sc Ac. Some spots of rain from from 1730 on,  more intense rain after 1830 giving 4 mm by midnight. Tmax: Koksijde 13,6°C, Zaventem had 11,5°C. Peak gusts were observed at Ghent and Deurne with 41 kt.
9 Between midnight and 1930 very showery with rain, sometimes small hail and during the morning also some sleet. Around 0400 some lightning was visible in the west. Total rain collected was 18 mm. Top Tmax: Koksijde 8,6°C, Zaventem had 6,6°C. Today between midnight and early afternoon some weak thunderstorms did occur over all provinces except West-Vlaanderen and Hainaut. Top gust was noted at Deurne, just after midnight with 49 kt. Other station with >41 kt were Koksijde & Ghent 43 kt, Ostend & Ernage 41 kt. Highest mean speed was at Koksijde & Ostend with 27 kt, offshore 38 kt was observed. Over the high grounds the snow cover locally exceeded temporary 5 cm.
10 Rainy between midnight and 1100. Then a few short breaks, but from noon Sc overcast and once more intermittent light rain between 1600-2000. Total rain was 5 mm. Top Tmax: Deurne 12,3°C, Zaventem had 11,7°C.  
11 Light intermittent rain 0400-0700 & showery rain 0800-1000. Afterwards nice breaks in the Sc Cu clouds, from late afternoon also some TCu's with a couple of slight rain showers. Total 8 mm. Top Tmax: Koksijde 12,6°C, Zaventem 11,3°C.
12 Partly cloudy to cloudy (Cu Sc) with half a dozen rain showers between 0300-2100 giving 2mm. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 10,3°C, Zaventem 8,3°C.
13 From sunrise onwards becoming very cloudy with Ac, Sc, and intermittent (light) rain 1030-2230 = 8 mm. Top Tmax: Koksijde 9,7°C, Zaventem had 6,9°C. Over the tops over the Ardennes by the evening a couple of cm fresh snow.
14 Morning frost on car windows. Partly cloudy with Cu, Sc. Top Tmax: Koksijde 8,0°C, Zaventem had 5,4°C. Still a couple cm of snow on the tops of the high grounds, like in Mont Rigi. Tmax remained overthere -1,0°C.
15 Tmin garden -1,9°C. Sunny with a few Cu between 1100-1700. Top Tmax: Koksijde 6,6°C, Zaventem had 4,1°C.
16 Tmin garden -2,0°C. Sunny till 1100, then a broken Ac layer came in till sunset. Top Tmax: Beitem 7,9°C, Zaventem had 6,1°C. 
17 Tmin garden -3,7°C. Quite sunny with first part of the day lots of Ci. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 9,6°C, Zaventem 7,2°C.
18 Tmin garden -3,6°C. Sunny, during the afternoon tempo a few Stratus fractus, towards sunset invading Ci from W. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 8,8°C, Zaventem 6,9°C.
19 Light rain between 0400-0700, sometimes accompanied by some sleet. Total was 3 mm. Remainder of the day was very cloudy with Sc. Top Tmax: Beitem & Diest 6,8°C, Zaventem had 6,3°C. Today (morning) a couple cm of fresh snow fell over the high grounds, during the day slowly disappearing with rising temperatures.
20 Light rain between 0100-1000 & from 1500 on, altogether giving 4 mm. A few breaks did occur around 1100.  Top Tmax: Liège 12,2°C, Zaventem had 11,2°C.
21 Light rain between 0500-1200 giving 2 mm. After 1500 clearing skies. Top Tmax: Ghent 12,9°C, Zaventem had 11,9°C.
22 Quite sunny, afternoon some Cu Sc. Top Tmax: Ukkel 13,8°C, Zaventem had 13,3°C.
23 Light rain between 0930-1200 giving 1 mm. Breaking clouds after 1530, some "virga" showers towards sunset, but afterwards sky clear. Top Tmax: Semmerzake 9,3°C, Zaventem had 7,7°C. 
24 Tmin garden -1,4°C, very cloudy with Sc between 0630-1230, afternoon invading Ci, Cs, Ac. Light intermittent rain from 2100 on. Top Tmax: Deurne 8,6°C, Zaventem had 7,4°C.
25 Light rain till 0300, afterwards very cloudy with a couple of light showers giving 2 mm by midnight. Some small breaks did occur from noon on, but still with lots of Ci. Top Tmax: Diest & Deurne 9,8°C, Zaventem had 9,0°C.
26 Cloudy to very cloudy with Cu, Sc and all period long light showers = 3 mm. Top Tmax: Ostend 8,3°C, Zaventem had 7,1°C.
27 Very cloudy to overcast with St, Sc & sometimes slight drizzle. Top Tmax: Koksijde & Ostend 8,8°C, Zaventem 6,9°C.
28 Very cloudy with Sc, in the southeast large breaks were visible all period long. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 8,3°C, Zaventem 6,1°C.
29 Light rain-drizzle 0400-0630 & 1400-2030 = 4 mm. After 2200 clearing skies. Top Tmax: Koksijde 9,8°C, Zaventem 6,5°C.
30 By morning Sc overcast, slight rain 0700-1200, light rain from 1800 on = 3 mm. Top Tmax: Koksijde 10,4°C, Zaventem 9,3°C. 

Note: all times are Central European Time



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