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Belgian weather blog September 2006

Weather news
1-11 Period was characterized by influence of high pressure with maximum temperatures a few degrees above average.
12 Sunny with some Cirrus, late afternoon  some TCu in far east visible. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 31,1°C, Zaventem had 28,8°C. Today, in afternoon, a weak thunderstorm over east edge of province Liège.
13 Sunny with some Cirrus and during afternoon tempo fair weather Cu. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 29,6°C, Zaventem had 27,4°C.
14 Cloudy to very cloudy with Ac As and tempo some slight rain in afternoon & evening. Today, during early afternoon, weak thunderstorm activity over extreme west of West-Vlaanderen. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 28,8°C, Zaventem had 25,6°C.
15 Partly cloudy to cloudy with Ci & Cs, from late afternoon invading Cs As from SE. Top Tmax: Ghent 28,1°C, Zaventem had 26,1°C. Nice sunset with sunlit As mamma.
16 Some fog patches in morning. Partly cloudy with Ci, towards evening more Ci & Cs. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 27,6°C, Zaventem had 26,5°C. 
17 Starting St overcast and misty, breaking and lifting to Sc from 1100, clearing after 1800 with Ci remaining. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 23,1°C, Zaventem had 21,4°C. 
18 Starting St overcast and misty, breaking and lifting to Sc from 1100, larger breaks from 1300 on. A light shower around 1815, afterwards clearing skies. Top Tmax: Chièvres 22,4°C, Zaventem had 22,0°C.
19 Very cloudy with Ac, during forenoon lowering to Sc with tempo light rain & drizzle between 1100-1230. Breaking clouds from 1330 onwards, becoming partly cloudy after 1500 with Cu & Ci. Top Tmax: Chièvres 20,4°C, Zaventem had 19,4°C. 
20 Quite sunny, tempo a few fair weather Cu in early afternoon, further the whole day also some Cirrus. Top Tmax: Ghent 23,2°C, Zaventem had 21,7°C. 
21 Sunny. Top Tmax: Koksijde 28,0°C, Zaventem had 26,9°C. 
22 Cloudy to very cloudy with Ci and Ac. During the evening, a red rainbow in E followed by a nice sunset in W. Slight rain between 2245-2300. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 26,4°C, Zaventem had 24,0°C.  
23 More slight rain during the night, more intense rain between 0900-1100 giving 2 mm. Afterwards breaking clouds with some Ac and Ci remaining. Top Tmax: Liège 25,4°C, Zaventem had 23,5°C.
24 Cloudy to very cloudy with Ac, Ci. Some slight rain between 1300-1500 and more light rain between 2100-2300. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 25,4°C, Zaventem had 21,9°C.  
25 Light rain between 0030-0400 giving 1 mm. Afterwards very cloudy to overcast with Sc Ac. Again some slight rain between 1300-1500. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 20,9°C, Zaventem had 19,3°C.
26 Starting St grey and misty, breaking clouds from noon on and becoming cumuliform. A moderate rain shower around 1530 giving 6 mm. Clearing skies from 1900 on with formation of fog patches afterwards. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 21,7°C, Zaventem had 19,2°C. Today in afternoon a few rumbles of thunder over province of Vlaams-Brabant. 
27 Starting misty but, besides Cirrus, with clear skies. Between 1100-1700 a few Cu clouds, towards evening invading Cs from SW. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 20,8°C, Zaventem had 18,8°C.
28 Partly cloudy to cloudy with Ac and Ci. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 23,6°C, Zaventem had 22,1°C.
29 Partly cloudy to cloudy with Ac, from 1100 also some Cu clouds. Towards the evening thick Cirrus in W, which was nothing more than a Cb cloud over West-Vlaanderen. Over there a severe thunderstorm (supercell) came along, also late evening some weaker thunderstorms over Hainaut. First rain from these showers at my location around 2230. Top Tmax: Ghent 23,0°C, Zaventem had 22,3°C.     
30 Partly cloudy with Cu, towards midnight lightning in E & SE. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 22,70c, Zaventem had 21,0°C. During late evening weak to moderate thunderstorm activity over provinces of Namur, Hainaut & SE Brabant. 

Note: all times are Central European Time



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