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Belgian weather blog December 2005

Weather news
1 The last Cu Sc clouds disappeared around 0400 leaving Cirrus. During the day a few Ac sheets came along. My Tmin was 0,0°C & Tmax 4,1°C. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 4,8°C, Zaventem 4,1°C,  just remaining negative over the hills with -0,1°C, so the snow coat is still intact with between 10-25 cm over there.
2 Tmin in garden was 0,2°C. After a fantastic sunrise becoming very cloudy with light rain between 1200-1330 and around 1500 giving 1 mm. Some minor breaks afterwards. Top Tmax: Ostend Pier 9,5°C. Zaventem had 7,6°C, in my garden 7,8°C. Over the hills thaw began with rain and temperatures of around 3°C. 
3 Cloudy to very cloudy with a light rain shower around 1100 and more showers after 1900. Top Tmax: Ghent 9,4°C. Zaventem had 8,9C, in my garden 9,4°C. Last snow trails disappeared over the hills. 
4 Very cloudy with showery rain between 0100-0500 and light rain between 1300-1700 & 1900-2330 giving 3 mm. Top Tmax: Ghent, Diest & Kleine Brogel 9,6°C. Zaventem had 9,4°C, in my garden 10,0°C. 
5 Very cloudy with Sc + St rags with only a few mini breaks around 1500. Top Tmax: Zaventem & Bierset & in my garden 8,4°C.
6 Overcast with Sc St and tempo light showery rain giving 2 mm. Top Tmax: Ostend 8,9°C. Zaventem had 5,6°C.
7 Very cloudy (Sc Cu) with light showers between 0200-0400 & 1000-1400 giving 1 mm. Breaking clouds towards sunset. Top Tmax: Ostend Pier 8,5°C. Zaventem had 7,8°C, in my garden 7,9°C. 
8 Slight rain between 0700-0900, afterwards cloudy to partly cloudy with Ac and a few Sc fields. Top Tmax: Ukkel 8,3°C, Zaventem had 7,3°C, in my garden 7,5°C. 
9 Cloudy to partly cloudy night with gardens Tmin of 0,2°C. Forenoon cloudy to very cloudy with Sc, afternoon partly cloudy with Sc Cu and Ci. Top Tmax: Ostend Pier 7,1°C. Zaventem had 5,0°C, in my garden 5,3°C. 
10 Freezing fog came in around 0200 lasting all day long.  Sometimes the Sun was visible, during the evening also the Moon. All stations had air frost in morning: lowest in Brasschaat with -4,1°C, in my garden  -3,2°C. Top Tmax: Chièvres 7,3°C. Zaventem had 0,0°C, in my garden 0,1°C. Deurne remained negative with -0,9°C.
11 The fog disappeared after 0100, Tmin in garden -4,4°C. All station had negative air temperatures with Top Tmin: Elsenborn -6,8°C, Kleine Brogel -5,5°C. Cloudy with Sc in forenoon, sunny afternoon. From 2000 on, increasing Sc fields, afterwards T started to rise coming from -1,1°C. Top Tmax: Ostend Pier 7,6°C. Zaventem had 6,3°C. In my garden 3,2°C. 
12 Very cloudy with further rising temperatures. Moderate drizzle between 1000-1300. Towards sunset breaking clouds from N. Top Tmax: Ostend 9,1°C, Zaventem had 8,1°C, in my garden 8,3°C.
13 Very cloudy with Sc, sometimes thick enough to produce a few spots of rain. Top Tmax: Ostend 8,7°C, Zaventem had 8,3°C, in my garden 8,4°C.
14 Light rain between 0630-0800. During the day cloudy to very cloudy with Cu Sc. Renewal of light rain from 2000 on. Top Tmax: Koksijde 9,8°C. Zaventem had 8,4°C, in my garden 8,8°C. 
15 Very cloudy with Sc St, only a few small breaks in forenoon. Top Tmax Koksijde 9,6°C. Zaventem had 7,9°C.
16 Light rain between 0400-1100, moderate with gusty wind between 1130-1200. Total 8 mm. Remaining very Sc cloudy, but some gaps in clouds from 1500 on. Soft hail shower around 2230. Top Tmax: Koksijde 10,8°C. Zaventem had 9,7°C, in my garden 10,0°C. 
17 During the night wintry showers, around 0600 a snow shower passed leaving a coat of around 1 cm with Tmin of 0,3°C. During forenoon another couple of snow showers passed, with the one around 1030 moderate (800 meter visibility, temperature 0,0°C) which turned the world white (<1 cm) for an hour or so. During afternoon some rain & sleet showers, towards sunset a soft hail shower. All snow trails were gone by sunset. During the morning/forenoon, locally a snow coat of a couple of cm was briefly formed over the low parts of Belgium. Maximum was noted at Elsenborn: 12 cm. During the afternoon a couple of weak thunderstorm were observed over provinces of West & Oost-Vlaanderen, Antwerp, Brabant & Limbourg. Top Tmax: Ostend Pier: 5,5°C. Zaventem 2,8°C, in my garden 3,2°C.
18 A couple of wintry showers during the night producing a small snow cover of 0,5 cm. Tmin in garden -0,2°C. Cloudy Cu Sc day with a sleet shower around 1100. Clearing skies towards sunset. Invading Sc after 1930. Top Tmax: Koksijde 5,1°C. In my garden 3,7°C, just like Zaventem. Maximum snow cover at Elsenborn 14 cm, followed by St-Hubert 8 cm, Mont Rigi 6 cm and Spa 5 cm. 
19 Light rain and drizzle between 0300-1100, first hours mixed with some wet snow, giving a couple of mm. Breaking clouds from noon on but mostly remaining very cloudy with Sc and St rags. Top Tmax: Brasschaat 8,3°C. In my garden 6,3°C, just like Zaventem. Maximum snow cover: Elsenborn 14cm.
20 Some breaks during the mornings hours, in garden hoar frost with 0,8°C. Becoming very cloudy with Sc St  and rather misty. Top Tmax: Ostend 4,8°C, Zaventem had 3,8°C. Maximum snow cover: Mont Rigi 9 cm followed by Elsenborn 8 cm.
21 All day long very cloudy with Sc and sometimes St rags. Temporary a few raindrops. Top Tmax: Ostend 6,3°C. Zaventem had 5,7°C. Maximum snow cover: Elsenborn & Mont Rigi 8 cm.
22 All day long St Sc overcast with between 0400-1600 light drizzle. Top Tmax: Koksijde 9,6°C. Zaventem had 7,9°C. Top snow cover Mont Rigi & Elsenborn 7 cm.
23 Same old scene: all day long very cloudy with Sc. Top Tmax: Ostend & Koksijde 9,1°C. Zaventem had 7,7°C. Maximum snow cover St-Hubert 4 cm.
24 All day long very cloudy with Sc and a few St rags. Top Tmax: Koksijde 9,9°C. Zaventem had 8,9°C. Snow disappeared over hills.
25 Slight rain between 0600-0700. Breaking clouds from 1000 on, even becoming fair around noon. During afternoon tempo Cu Sc fields, clearing towards sunset. T dropped to -0,5°C around 2100, then rising with the invasion of broken Sc fields. Top Tmax: Koksijde 8,3°C. Zaventem had 6,9°C, in my garden 6,7°C. So yes, another green, green X-mas.
26 Rain showers around 0300 and 0800. Another rain and hail shower around 1030. Partly Cu cloudy during afternoon. Towards sunset an incoming occlusion from N, preceded by a nice shelf cloud, and colder air behind. Starting around 1720 with a shower of light rain and snow pellets and ending around 1900 with light wet snow. T below 0°C from 2000 on. Top Tmax Ostend 7,2°C. Zaventem had 5,2°C, in my garden 5,0°C. Top snow cover St-Hubert  & Mont Rigi 3 cm. Lower parts of Belgium in form of province Limbourg had during the evening also a small snow cover of around 1 cm. 
27 Light snow between 0300-0700 leaving a small cover of 0,5 cm by Tmin of -2,4°C. Remaining very Sc St cloudy with tempo a break around noon. Slight snow between 1300-1700 and from 2100 on, but no real accumulation. Top Tmax: Ostend Pier 2,0°C. Besides the coastal stations, every location stayed negative. Zaventem had -1,2°C. My Tmax was reached during the evening with -0,7°C. Top snow cover: Mont Rigi 9 cm, followed by St-Hubert 7 cm & Spa 5 cm.  
28 Light snow(grains) till 1300. Hardly an accumulation of around 1 cm in total. Breaking clouds after 1400 with Ac Ci remaining. Further clearing skies after sunset. Tmin in garden -1,9°C. Tmax -0,9°C. Top Tmax in Belgium: Ostend Pier 2,5°C. Like yesterday all stations, except coastal region, remained negative. Zaventem had: -1,3°C. Top snow cover: Mont Rigi 11 cm, St-Hubert 9 cm, Spa 7 cm. In Flanders Kleine Brogel had a maximum cover of 4 cm. 
29 Clear night with Tmin -7,7°C in garden. Around 1030 Stratus and first hour also fog came along. The stratus lifted to stratocumulus, and between 1830-1930 a slight snow shower. Tmax was reached at that moment: 0,2°C. Afterwards clearing skies and dropping temperatures. Top Tmin: Brasschaat & Charleroi: -9,3°C.  Top Tmax: Ostend Pier, Zaventem had 0,2°C. Top snow cover Mont Rigi 12 cm. Along the coast a lot of snow was accumulated on showery outbreaks, presumable up to 15 cm near Koksijde. Over north of province West-Vlaanderen a few rumbles of thunder were noted during the evening.
30 Clear radiation night with Tmin garden -4,5°C. After a few sunny spells increasing high & medium clouds with first light snow from 1500 on. Tempo moderate snow with blustery winds of 30KT till 1830 giving a nice cover of 5 cm. Then ice pellets for half an hour followed by light freezing rain. Tmax garden was -0,3°C. Top Tmax: Diepenbeek 0,3°C followed by Koksijde & Retie with 0,1°C which were the only stations with positive temperatures before 1900. Zaventem had -0,6°C. Snow cover at 1900: Mont Rigi 12 cm, Humain 8 cm, Spa 7 cm, Ukkel 6 cm, Liège, Charleroi & Deurne 5 cm, Zaventem and Ostend 3 cm. After 2130 temperature >0°C, and the light freezing rain turned to rain.
31 From midnight on dry. A couple of rain showers starting from 0600. Between 1400-2000 some light rain. Tmax in garden was 7,8°C. Top Tmax: Ostend 9,3°C, Zaventem had 7,4°C. Snow in garden was gone by noon. Maximum cover: Mont Rigi 15 cm going down to 9 cm by the evening. St-Hubert 13 cm going down to 4 cm by the evening.

Note: all times are Central European Time



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