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Belgian weather blog October 2005

Weather news
1 Intermittent light rain & drizzle till 1000 giving 5 mm. Breaking clouds from 1130 on with scattered Cu Sc and some Ci fields as well. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 18,7°C. Zaventem had 17,2°C. 
2 Light rain showers around 0330 & 0430 giving 1 mm. Partly cloudy Cu day with TCu Cb from 1400 on. Light showers around 1530 & 1700, afterwards remaining cloudy to very cloudy with Sc. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 18,0°C. Zaventem had 16,4°C. Today some weak thunderstorms did occur over provinces of West-Vlaanderen, Antwerp, Hainaut & Liège.
3 Clear night with Tmin 4,9°C followed by a rather sunny day with a few Cu Sc fields and a bit Cirrus. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 17,8°C. Zaventem had 16,0°C.
4 Clear night, from 0800 on a broken Sc layer invaded the area slowly from the east giving overcast conditions till 2300, only then clouds began to break. Top Tmax: Ostend 16,8°C. Zaventem had 15,0°C.  
5 After some large breaks, fog and stratus came in from 0300 on. Fog lifted after 0500, but it remained misty and the St was persistent till 1800. After 2300 the fog did return. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 18,7°C. Zaventem had 14,9°C.
6 Remaining foggy till 1500 & St overcast till 1630. Misty with some large breaks but after 1900 the first fogpatches were seen and finally the fog & Stratus returned from 2200 on. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel: 21,5°C. Zaventem had 13,8°C.
7 Foggy till 1400 but remaining misty & Stratus overcast. Again fog between 2130-2300, then a Sc layer came in. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 21,9°C. Zaventem had 13,5°C.
8 Sc disappeared around 0330, so the thick fog came in once again, this time till 0800 when the Sc returned. Remaining misty till1400 when the Sc broke to scattered Cu, later invasion of Ci Cs. Top Tmax: Diest 20,0°C. Zaventem had 19,1°C. 
9 Some light rain around 0400. Remaining overcast with Stratus till 1400. Only after 1700 the Sun came finally through the Sc layer. Fog patches towards midnight. Top Tmax: Bierset 20,9°C. Zaventem had 16,5°C.
10 Fogpatches disappeared around 0400 with increasing S'ly wind. Daytime sunny with a few Cirrus clouds. Top Tmax: Diest 25,0°C. Zaventem had 23,8°C. 
11 Less Cirrus than yesterday, so another beautiful sunny day. Top Tmax: Koksijde 23,5°C. Zaventem had 22,4°C.  
12 Another sunny day with Cirrus + some trailing Ac sheets in W. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 23,1°C. Zaventem had 22,2°C.
13 Quite sunny day with Cirrus + tempo some thin Ac sheets. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 23,1°C. Zaventem had 22,0°C.
14 Fog between 0600-0800, remaining very Sc cloudy till 1200. Afterwards the sun was the winner with only a few Cirrus fragments but still rather misty. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 22,8°C. Zaventem had 20,1°C. 
15 Just after midnight fog came along, at first with Moon visible but after 0400 the sky became obscured. The fog lifted around 1000, followed by bright sunshine with a bit Cirrus. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 21,7°C. Zaventem had 19,0°C. 
16 With gardens Tmin of 4,6°C, some morning mist quickly disappearing and followed by sunny day with Cirrus towards the evening. Top Tmax: Chièvres 20,7°C. Zaventem had 19,1°C.
17 Starting with 5,2°C in the garden, yet another sunny but cooler day with a few trailing Cirrus clouds. Top Tmax: Ostend 17,9°C. Zaventem had 14,7°C. This morning a touch of ground frost at Elsenborn with -3°C and Tmin of 0,7°C.
18 Cool night with Tmin in garden 3,7°C. Sunny start but gradually more Cirrus and also Ac with mamma. Top Tmax: Liege 17,0°C. Zaventem had 15,0°C.
19 Tempo some light rain between 0500-0830 giving 1 mm. Remaining Sc overcast till 1400 when clouds broke into cumulus. Top Tmax: Ghent 18,7°C. Zaventem had 18,5°C.
20 Some showers starting around 0300, last one around 0700 giving 3 mm. Scattered Cu Sc + later also some Ci clouds. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 17,2°C. Zaventem had 16,0°C. The nightly showers had even a rumble of thunder on board near Tournai (province of Hainaut), and gave as much as 14 mm near Ghent.
21 Light rain between 0900-1130. Remaining cloudy to very cloudy with Cu Sc. Showery rain between 1700-2030 with some lightning around 2000. Total rain in collector was 7 mm. Top Tmax: Diest 18,0°C. Zaventem had 17,9°C. During late afternoon & evening weak thunderstorms did occur on cold front over all provinces of Belgium. 
22 Light rain between 0700-1300 followed by some minor breaks. Showery outbreaks between 1430-1700 and 2200-2400. Total of 8 mm was collected. Top Tmax: Charleroi 17,2°C. Zaventem had 14,6°C. Some weak thunderstorms did occur in afternoon over province of Luxembourg and during the evening also province of Namur.
23 Light intermittent showery rain between 0700-0900. Cloudy to partly cloudy with Sc Cu, during afternoon also some massive Ac fields. Tempo some light rain around 2200. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 16,6°C. Zaventem had 16,0°C. 
24 Light rain, sometimes moderate, between 0530-1630 giving 13 mm. Remaining Sc Ac overcast. Top Tmax: Koksijde 16,7°C. Zaventem had 15,1°C.
25 Slight rain around 0030, 0300 & between 0600-0700. Renewal of rain between 0830-1400. Total 10 mm. Breaking clouds but also a few showers between 1500-1700, the last one heavy in intensity with blustery winds of 35KT, total 2 mm. Afterwards besides some jet Cirrus almost clear skies. Top Tmax: Semmerzake 19,2°C. Zaventem had 17,6°C. Highest gust: Ostend Pier 50KT, followed by Ostend airport with 42KT.
26 Partly cloudy with Cu Ci, towards sunset tempo broken clouds of Sc. Top Tmax: Ukkel 19,4°C. Zaventem had 19,1°C. 
27 Sunny with Cirrus clouds. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 22,5°C. Zaventem had 20,7°C.
28 After a sunny start, from noon on invasion of Ci Cs + a thick layer of Ac As. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 22,6°C. Zaventem had 20,2°C.
29 Remaining very cloudy with Ac As. A few spots of rain around 0900. Afterwards breaking clouds with trailing Cs + some Ac sheets over the zenith and in W. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 23,0°C. Zaventem had 21,6°C.
30 Starting with some scattered Ac fields, later becoming almost sky clear. Towards evening some Cirrus spissatus on its way from the W. Although quite windy it became once again "warm" with top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 23,5°C, followed by Ghent 23,2°C, Diest, 23,1°C, Diepenbeek, 22,9°C, Brasschaat 22,6°C, Retie 22,5°C, Ukkel 22,4°C, Deurne 22,3°C and Zaventem 22,1°C.
31 Nice sunrise with sunlit Ac. But after 0900 becoming very cloudy with Ac & As. Top Tmax: Kleine Brogel 21,5°C. Zaventem had 18,7°C.

Note: all times are Central European Time



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