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Boeing 737-329 (24355)


Date: 24/05/1994

Location: BRU/EBBR

Photo: Skystef

Description: the fifth B737-300 of Sabena was delivered on April 28 1989. Here captured in the first color scheme.

Date: 10/05/1998

Location: BRU/EBBR

Photo: Skystef

Description: second color scheme adopted early nineties, here also decorated with "Flying together with Swissair" and "75th anniversary" titles.

Date: 08/1996

Location: BRU/EBBR

Photo: Skystef

Description: with Marsupilami cartoon.

Date: 05/1998

Location: STR/EDDS

Photo: Skystef

Description: with a small televie sticker, organized in the French part of Belgium by television station "RTL-TVI" to raise money for research in the field of healing cancers.

Date: 29/07/1999

Location: BRU/EBBR

Photo: Skystef

Description: third (and final) color scheme adopted by May 1999. It was solely operational for Sabena till November 6 2001, one day before their demise, having a TT of 30479 hrs

Date: 05/2002

Location: BRU/EBBR

Photo: collection Skystef

Description: after a period of storage at Brussels it was during May 2002 resprayed in the colors of next operator Transaero of Russia, here still captured with Belgian registration. On June 1 2002, it was cancelled to them reregistered "EI-CXR". 


Belgian register











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