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B707-329 (18460/328)


Date: -

Location: BRU/EBBR

Photo: Boudewijn Ceulemans

Description: Sabena B707 in the first livery.

Date: 03/1967

Location: BRU/EBBR

Photo: collection Radoje Jelic

Description: seen with tiny "Nigeria Airways" titles (see also upper left inset) during a few weeks in March 1967 on some Hadj flights.

Date: 60's

Location: BRU/EBBR

Photo: collection Skystef

Description: with "Air Congo" titles during several brief leases. 

Date: -

Location: BRU/EBBR

Photo: collection Skystef

Description: second and final livery.

Date: 1977

Location: DUS/EDDL

Photo: collection Skystef

Description: in November 1977, the airframe was sold to Israel Aircraft Industries who on its turn leased it to EL AL for four months from March 1977 onwards. It carried basic Sabena markings with "on lease to EL Al" titles. It carried also serial "317" on the nose as afterwards it was to be transferred to the Israƫl Air Force.



Belgian register