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B707-329 (17623/78)


Date: 1959

Location: -

Photo: collection Skystef

Description: an ad published in Sabena's timetable of April 1959 making a proud anouncement of the introduction of the first B707 on its network, the B707 is an artistic impression with fake regi "OO-SAB". 

Date: 1959

Location: -

Photo: collection Skystef

Description: an ad published in Sabena's timetable of November 1959 making again a proud anouncement of the introduction of the first B707 on its network, once more the picture is an artistic impression. 

Date: 1959

Location: -

Photo: collection Skystef

Description: scheduled as "JET" from February 15 1960 onwards on the run to New York (Idlewild) as SN547/8, 4x a week with one flight (SN559) Westbound only making a stop at Montreal (Dorval). But at the end, the first revenue flight to Idlewild took place a few weeks earlier, namely on January 23, being the second destination after Leopoldsville (Congo) on January 20.

Date: 1960

Location: -

Photo: Sabena via collection Skystef

Description: another ad published in Sabena Revue of 1960 with the original OO-SJA pictured somewhere in The States.

Date: 1959

Location: BRU/EBBR

Photo: collection Skystef

Description: on this occasion the Belgian Post Office created a special stamp of 6 Frank, dated December 1 1959 when it was issued. The aircraft on the picture is a fake one but the airport in the back comes from a real photograph.

Date: 1959

Location: RNT/KRNT

Photo: collection Skystef

Description: just before being delivered, the Sabena 707 is wearing its first color scheme and with the 'small' tail and no ventral fin. 

Date: 11/1959

Location: RNT/KRNT

Photo: collection Skystef

Description: seen during a test flight. 

Date: ca. 1960

Location: BRU/EBBR

Photo: collection Radoje Jelic

Description: taken on a colorslide from the terras of the North Pier at its home base in the same design.

Date: 10/03/1973

Location: LBG/LFPB

Photo: collection Skystef

Description: the tail was enlarged and a ventral fin was added, here seen such.

Date: 01/01/1968

Location: LBG/LFPB

Photo: collection Skystef

Description: seen with "Air Congo" titles during several brief leases to them between 1962-1968.

Date: 1974

Location: ORY/LFPO

Photo: collection Skystef

Description: wearing the full old markings of Air Algerie during a 4 month lease from December 1973 onwards.

Date: 19/10/1974

Location: BRU/EBBR

Photo: collection Skystef

Description: after this lease the second and final Sabena livery was adopted.

Date: 12/1975

Location: JED/OEJN

Photo: collection Radoje Jelic

Description: seen with tiny "Mandala Airlines" titles (see also upper left inset) on a lease for the Hadj during a few months between December 1975 - February 1976.

Date: 28/12/1980

Location: OST/EBOS

Photo: collection Skystef

Description: seen at Ostend on a diverted flight for Brussels where freezing fog was present. Three months later, on March 29 1981, it was damaged on an emergency landing at Brussels when engine number 3 exploded just after take-off and ultimate it would never fly again. A report (in French) of this incident can be found here.

Date: 04/1982

Location: BRU/EBBR

Photo: Frans Dechaene

Description: 1,5 years later seen stored with some engines removed.

Date: 04/1982

Location: BRU/EBBR

Photo: Frans Dechaene

Description: detail of the nose which, as history would tell, went afterwards to the Brussels museum.

Date: 07/1982

Location: BRU/EBBR

Photo: Frans Dechaene

Description: from June 24 1982 onwards, the break up process began and due to lack of space only the nose section went to the Brussels Air Museum in Brussels by 1983.


Belgian register