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Douglas DC-6B (44695)


Date: 50's

Location: BRU/EBBR (Melsbroek)

Photo: collection Radoje Jelic

Description: the 16th and final DC-6 airframe of SABENA is seen wearing its first color scheme (of two). It was delivered at Brussels on May 20 1955 serving the carrier till 1969, but several times leased to Aviaco as "EC-ASS". 

Date: 60's

Location: BRU/EBBR

Photo: collection Skystef

Description: second (and final) livery of Sabena. 

Date: 60's

Location: BRU/EBBR

Photo: collection Skystef

Description: seen in color taken from an undated Ektachrome slide. 

Date: 60's

Location: BRU/EBBR

Photo: collection Skystef

Description: seen in basic colors of Sabena during a (second) lease to Aviaco between May 1 1963 and March 1 1965. 

Date: 11/1969

Location: BRU/EBBR

Photo: collection Skystef

Description: on October 29 1969, it was sold to Jean-Claude Bergey and to be used on the Biafran airlift. Here captured in basic Sabena colors with only baptize name "Apollo" on its nose and reregistered "TR-LOX".

Date: 05/12/1970

Location: BRU/EBBR

Photo: collection Skystef

Description: after the airlift came to an end it returned to Brussels; here depicted in a dark "war" livery but the basic Sabena colors are still recognizable.

Date: 16/08/1971

Location: BRU/EBBR

Photo: collection Skystef

Description: on its return to Brussels it was for a while impounded, here seen eight months later in the same 'weared out' livery. On August 31 1971 it was reregistered to "TR-LQE" after been sold to Gabonair, consequently it was reprayed at Brussels in their full outfit (see the bottem picture "TR-LQD" of sistership OO-CTN) and left for Gabon in September 1971.


Belgian register