Weather pictures & report of December 19 2010


Snow related to depression (wave on polar front)

Synopsis: at 500 hPa an almost stationary large cold pool over the Northsea. Overhead in the W'ly flow a wave in the polar front induced formation of a depression which crossed Belgium during the afternoon and evening. It added at my location (center of Belgium) 5 cm fresh snow to the present 6 cm. Pictures of December 19 were taken at Steenokkerzeel (central Belgium), of December 20 five km northeastwards at Kampenhout. Hours in local time (CET). 


Surface analysis of December 19 2010 at 1900 CET. Depression of which the centre crossed Belgium during the afternoon and evening. (Source chart: Belgocontrol)


Loop of 17 surface analyses between December 19 1100 CET and December 20 0300 CET with the weather plots. Movement of the depression from SW to NE. In the warm sector over the Ardennes the temperature came temporary above the freezing point. (Source:


Upper air analysis 500 hPa of December 19 2010 at 1300 CET. In the W'ly flow a short wave trough with axis over the southern U.K. and western France holding the depression, all south of a cold pool over the Northsea with temperatures of -40°C. (Source chart: DWD via wetter3)


Upper air analysis 850 hPa of December 19 2010 at 1300 CET. In cold air (-8°C), the depression recognizable over northern France. (Source chart: DWD via wetter3)


Loop of forecasted soundings for Brussels of December 19 2010 between 0830-1900 CET. Negative temperatures over the entire layer, from 1400 CET becoming saturated, backing winds below 2 km height from 1200-1400 CET onwards. (Source: RASP)


Loop of forecasted soundings for Brussels between December 19 0700 CET and December 20 0700 CET. Whole period below freezing over the entire layer and very moist between 1500-2100 UTC. Below 850 hPa wind backed around the clock, above that altitude all the time a WSW'ly flow, with very strong wind 300-400 hPa due to the presence of the jetstream core. (Source:


19/12/2010 0830-1500 CET. Satellite loop in the visual channel. Vortex over northwest France with wrapped around stratiform cloudiness invading the Low Countries. (Source sat picture: Eumetsat via Belgocontrol)


Radar loop (reflectivity in dBZ) between December 19 between 0900-2240 CET. Intensive precipitation belt affecting entire Belgium. (Source radar picture: Belgocontrol).


Some metars (hours in UTC) of Brussels Airport (EBBR). Translation: copy paste each obs via metar-decoder

EBBR 191020Z 14005KT 9000 FEW010 BKN033 M01/M03 Q0995 R25L/290067 R02/590233 R25R/290065 TEMPO BKN010
EBBR 191050Z 14004KT 110V170 9999 FEW024 BKN035 M01/M03 Q0995 R25L/290067 R02/590233 R25R/290065 TEMPO 3000 -SN BKN006
EBBR 191120Z 12004KT 9999 FEW024 BKN034 M01/M03 Q0994 R25L/290067 R02/590233 R25R/290065 TEMPO 3000 -SN BKN006
EBBR 191150Z 12005KT 8000 -SN FEW024 BKN034 M01/M02 Q0993 R25L/290067 R02/590233 R25R/290065 TEMPO 3000 -SN BKN006
EBBR 191220Z 11005KT 2000 -SN SCT008 BKN011 M01/M02 Q0993 R25L/290067 R02/590233 R25R/290065 TEMPO 0800 SN BKN006
EBBR 191250Z 12005KT 1200 R25L/1200V1900D R25R/1500D R02/1400N -SN FEW004 SCT006 BKN009 M01/M02 Q0992 R25L/290067 R02/590233 R25R/290065 TEMPO 0800 SN BKN002
EBBR 191320Z 11005KT 0600 R25L/0900N R25R/1000N R02/1100N SN FEW002 BKN004 M01/M02 Q0992 R25L/290067 R02/590233 R25R/290065 TEMPO BKN002
EBBR 191350Z 11005KT 0900 R25L/1300N R25R/1300N R02/0900V1700N SN FEW002 BKN004 M01/M02 Q0991 R25L/290067 R02/590233 R25R/290065 TEMPO 0500 SN BKN002
EBBR 191420Z 10004KT 070V130 1200 R25L/1700U R25R/1700N R02/1600U -SN FEW002 SCT004 BKN006 M01/M02 Q0990 R25L/290067 R02/590233 R25R/290065 TEMPO 0500 SN BKN002
EBBR 191450Z 09005KT 0700 R25L/1300D R25R/1300D R02/1200N SN SCT002 BKN004 M01/M02 Q0989 R25L/490528 R02/490541 R25R/490541 TEMPO BKN002
EBBR 191520Z 08006KT 0800 R25L/1100V1500N R25R/1400VP2000N R02/1100V1600N SN FEW002 BKN004 M01/M02 Q0989 R25L/491516 R02/490541 R25R/490240 NOSIG
EBBR 191550Z 07006KT 2800 -SN BR FEW003 BKN005 M01/M02 Q0988 R25L/491516 R02/490541 R25R/490240 TEMPO 0800 SN
EBBR 191620Z 06007KT 1800 -SN BR FEW003 BKN004 M01/M02 Q0988 R25L/491516 R02/490541 R25R/490240 TEMPO 0800 SN
EBBR 191650Z 06008KT 1300 R25L/P2000N R25R/P2000N R02/P2000N SN BR FEW003 BKN004 M01/M02 Q0987 R25L/490330 R02/490541 R25R/490529 TEMPO 0800 SN
EBBR 191720Z 03007KT 1500 -SN BR SCT003 BKN004 M01/M02 Q0987 R25L/490330 R02/490541 R25R/490529 TEMPO 0800 SN
EBBR 191750Z 03009KT 1500 -SN BR FEW002 BKN004 M01/M02 Q0987 R25L/490330 R02/490541 R25R/490529 TEMPO 0800 SN
EBBR 191820Z 02010KT 2200 -SN BR FEW002 SCT004 BKN005 M01/M02 Q0987 R25L/492027 R02/492030 R25R/492031 TEMPO 0800 SN
EBBR 191850Z 02010KT 2000 -SN BR SCT004 BKN006 M01/M03 Q0988 R25L/492027 R02/492030 R25R/492031 TEMPO 0800 SN
EBBR 191920Z 02011KT 3500 -SN BR SCT004 BKN006 M02/M03 Q0988 R07R/591530 R02/5999// R07L/492031 TEMPO 0800 SN
EBBR 191950Z 01010KT 3000 -SN BR BKN006 M02/M03 Q0989 R07R/591530 R02/5999 R07L/492031 TEMPO 0800 SN
EBBR 192020Z 01010KT 3500 -SN BR BKN006 M02/M04 Q0989 R07R/591530 R02/5999 R07L/492031 TEMPO 5000
EBBR 192050Z 35008KT 4000 -SN BR BKN006 M03/M04 Q0990 R07R/591530 R02/5999// R07L/492031 TEMPO 5000
EBBR 192120Z 35007KT 4000 -SN BR BKN006 M03/M04 Q0991 R07R/591531 R02/690351 R07L/5999// TEMPO 5000
EBBR 192150Z 33006KT 5000 BR BKN006 BKN040 M03/M05 Q0992 R07R/591531 R02/690351 R07L/5999// NOSIG
EBBR 192220Z 31012KT 4500 -SG BR SCT005 BKN006 M03/M05 Q0994 R07R/591531 R02/690351 R07L/5999// NOSIG
EBBR 192250Z 31010KT 4500 -SG BR SCT004 BKN005 M04/M05 Q0996 R07R/591531 R02/690351 R07L/5999// NOSIG
EBBR 192320Z 30007KT 3000 BR SCT004 BKN005 M03/M05 Q0997 R07R/591531 R02/690351 R07L/5999// NOSIG
EBBR 192350Z 31007KT 3000 BR SCT004 BKN005 M03/M05 Q0997 R07R/890134 R02/650245 R07L/5999// NOSIG



Time lapse of webcam images between 1352-1700 CET. Around 4 cm accumulating on the present 6 cm.


Time lapse of another webcam between 0930-1700 CET. Above right a growing stalactite.


19/12/2010. Highest snow height in cm taken from the synops of 0000 & 0600 UTC.


20/12/2010. View over the Low Countries, entirely covered by snow.


19/12/2010 1319. When the snow began, this posed no problem for the road traffic.


19/12/2010 1402. Bit later the snow became more intense.


19/12/2010 1403. Giving more problems to the road traffic.


19/12/2010 1415. Village of Humelgem hardly visible from a distance.


19/12/2010 1440. Bit later, some larger flakes did fall.


19/12/2010 1508. Snow team stand-by and ready to attack the runway for cleaning.


20/12/2010 1301. Next day, proof of 10 cm (collapse of 1 cm compared previous day).


20/12/2010 1030 W.


20/12/2010 1037 NW. View into a garden.


20/12/2010 1124 SE. View into the park.


20/12/2010 1135 W. Blue skies on its way.


20/12/2010 1213 S. When the sky was cleared of clouds, briefly ground mist due to the radiation, soon after lifted by the "heating" of the sunrays.


20/12/2010 1214 N. Opposite view.


20/12/2010 1221 SSW.


20/12/2010 1229 E. Church of Kampenhout in the distance with lifting ground mist.


20/12/2010 1242 SE.


20/12/2010 1245 SE. Approaching aircraft from Singapore for Brussels Airport.


20/12/2010 1311 NW. Stalactites on the roof.


20/12/2010 1614 E. Again formation of fog banks during evening twilight.


20/12/2010 1615 SW. Fog banks.


20/12/2010 1616 SW. Fog banks.


20/12/2010 1617 E. Fog banks.


20/12/2010 1908 E. Full Moon.


20/12/2010 1916 W. Full Moon shining in a garden.


20/12/2010 2220 W. Full Moon shining in the Wilderse Dreef.


20/12/2010 2230 SW. Cirriform cloudiness in the sky as sign of the arrival of a warm front giving a bit later another 4 cm on top of the 10 cm. But the next day it made also an end of the second cold wave.


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