Weather pictures & report of December 1-2 2010


Snow related to occlusion of cold pool.

Synopsis: at 500 hPa a cold pool moved to the northeast and related occlusion gave widespread snowfall giving an additional 4 cm (to the present 1 cm) at my location (Kampenhout). All pictures were taken at Kampenhout (central Belgium), except two of December 3 which were taken at Steenokkerzeel. Hours in local time (CET). 


Surface analysis of December 1 2010 at 1900 CET. Occlusion lying almost stationary over Belgium in easterly flow upper flow. (Source chart: Belgocontrol)


Loop of 22 surface analyses (from Dec. 1 1600 CET till Dec. 2 0900 CET) with the weather plots. (Source:


Upper air analysis 500 hPa of December 2 2010 at 0100 CET. Cut-off low (cold pool ) over northwest France is moving very slowly to the northeast. (Source chart: DWD via wetter3)


Upper air analysis 850 hPa of December 2 2010 at 0100 CET. The minus 12 degrees is almost overhead the Low Countries. (Source chart: DWD via wetter3)


Loop of forecasted soundings for Brussels of December 2 2010 between 0830-1900 CET. Temperature over the entire layer is negative, becoming from 1800 CET onwards also saturated with frontal inversion also well visible. (Source: RASP)


Another loop of forecasted soundings for Brussels between December 1 1300 CET and December 3 0100 CET. Clear evidence of the incoming cold pool.  (Source:


01/12/2010 1330-1900 CET. Satellite loop in the infra-red channel. Whirling cloudiness around the vortex over northwest France. (Source sat picture: Eumetsat via


Radar loop (reflectivity in dBZ) of between December 1 1300 CET and December 3 0400 CET. Intensifying precipitation affected mid Belgium, later during the night it moved towards the border of Holland and became stationary. The echo's disappeared only during the night of December 2-3. (Source radar picture: Belgocontrol)


Some metars (hours in UTC) of Brussels Airport (EBBR). Translation: copy paste each obs via metar-decoder

EBBR 011350Z 07012KT 9999 BKN033 M05/M11 Q1003 R07R/190055 R02/190064 R25R/190058 NOSIG
EBBR 011420Z 07011KT 9999 -SN FEW020 BKN032 M06/M10 Q1003 R07R/190055 R02/190064 R25R/190058 BECMG 3500 SN BKN012
EBBR 011450Z 06013KT 9999 -SN BKN026 M06/M09 Q1003 R07R/190055 R02/190064 R25R/190058 BECMG 3500 SN BKN012
EBBR 011520Z 06008KT 9999 -SN SCT010 BKN029 M06/M08 Q1003 R07R/190055 R02/190064 R25R/190058 BECMG 3500 SN BKN012
EBBR 011550Z 06007KT 6000 -SN FEW005 BKN029 M06/M08 Q1003 R07R/190055 R02/190064 R25R/190058 BECMG 3500 SN BKN012
EBBR 011620Z 06009KT 6000 -SN FEW005 BKN020 M06/M09 Q1003 R07R/190055 R02/190064 R25R/190058 BECMG 3500 SN BKN012
EBBR 011650Z 06009KT 6000 -SN FEW005 BKN020 M06/M09 Q1003 R07R/190055 R02/190064 R25R/190058 BECMG 3500 SN BKN012
EBBR 011720Z 07009KT 5000 -SN BKN024 M06/M09 Q1004 R07R/490262 R02/490257 R07L/490260 TEMPO 3500 SN BKN012
EBBR 011750Z 07009KT 3500 -SN FEW006 BKN020 M06/M09 Q1004 R07R/490262 R02/490257 R07L/490260 TEMPO SN BKN012
EBBR 011820Z 07011KT 3000 -SN FEW006 BKN016 M07/M09 Q1004 R07R/490262 R02/490257 R07L/490260 TEMPO 2000 SN BKN012
EBBR 011850Z 07009KT 3000 -SN FEW006 SCT012 BKN017 M07/M09 Q1004 R07R/490262 R02/490257 R07L/490260 TEMPO 2000 SN BKN012
EBBR 011920Z 07007KT 3000 -SN SCT012 BKN017 M07/M09 Q1004 R07R/490344 R02/490346 R07L/490334 TEMPO 2000 SN BKN012
EBBR 011950Z 07007KT 2600 -SN FEW010 SCT012 BKN018 M07/M09 Q1005 R07R/490344 R02/490346 R07L/490334 TEMPO SN BKN012
EBBR 012020Z 06006KT 3000 -SN FEW009 BKN013 BKN022 M07/M09 Q1005 R07R/490344 R02/490346 R07L/490334 TEMPO 2000 SN BKN008
EBBR 012050Z 07006KT 3000 -SN FEW008 SCT014 BKN022 M07/M09 Q1005 R07R/490537 R02/490540 R07L/99// TEMPO 2000 SN BKN008
EBBR 012120Z 07006KT 3000 -SN FEW008 SCT014 BKN026 M07/M09 Q1006 R07R/490537 R02/490540 R07L/99// TEMPO 2000 SN BKN012
EBBR 012150Z 06005KT 3300 -SN SCT008 BKN023 M07/M09 Q1006 R07R/490537 R02/490540 R07L/99// TEMPO 2000 SN BKN008
EBBR 012220Z 06006KT 3500 -SN FEW008 SCT015 BKN023 M07/M09 Q1005 R07R/490633 R02/490632 R07L/99// TEMPO 2000 -SN BKN012
EBBR 012250Z 06005KT 5000 -SN FEW009 SCT013 BKN024 M07/M09 Q1006 R07R/490633 R02/490632 R07L/99// TEMPO 3000 BR BKN012
EBBR 012320Z 07006KT 6000 -SN FEW009 SCT012 BKN024 M07/M09 Q1006 R07R/490633 R02/490632 R07L/99// TEMPO 4000 BR BKN012
EBBR 012350Z 07005KT 6000 -SN SCT013 SCT023 BKN038 M07/M09 Q1006 R07R/490629 R02/490256 R07L/99// TEMPO 4000 BR BKN012
EBBR 020020Z 08005KT 6000 -SN SCT012 BKN037 M07/M09 Q1006 R07R/490629 R02/490256 R07L/99// TEMPO 4000 BR BKN012
EBBR 020050Z 08006KT 6000 -SN FEW010 BKN012 M07/M09 Q1006 R07R/490629 R02/490256 R07L/99// NOSIG
EBBR 020120Z 09005KT 6000 -SN FEW010 BKN012 M07/M09 Q1006 R07R/99// R02/490245 R07L/99// NOSIG
EBBR 020150Z 08005KT 6000 -SN FEW010 BKN012 M07/M09 Q1006 R07R/99// R02/490245 R07L/99// NOSIG EBBR 020220Z 08005KT 6000 -SN SCT012 BKN022 ///// Q1006 R07R/99// R02/490245 R07L/99// TEMPO BKN012
EBBR 020250Z 08005KT 6000 -SN FEW012 BKN020 M07/M09 Q1006 R07R/99// R02/490245 R07L/99// TEMPO BKN012
EBBR 020320Z 08005KT 6000 -SN FEW007 BKN020 M07/M09 Q1006 R07R/99// R02/490245 R07L/99// TEMPO 4000 -SN BKN007
EBBR 020350Z 08004KT 060V130 6000 -SN FEW013 BKN018 M07/M09 Q1006 R07/490251 R02/490244 R07L/99// TEMPO BKN012
EBBR 020420Z 08005KT 6000 -SN SCT012 BKN019 M07/M09 Q1006 R07/490251 R02/490244 R07L/99// TEMPO BKN012
EBBR 020450Z 09005KT 4500 -SN BR SCT012 BKN018 M07/M09 Q1006 R07/490440 R02/490258 R07L/99// TEMPO BKN012
EBBR 020550Z 08003KT 3000 -SN BR SCT013 BKN024 M07/M08 Q1006 R07/490440 R02/490258 R07L/99// TEMPO 2000 SN BKN010 EBBR 020520Z 08004KT 3000 SN BR FEW008 BKN012 M07/M08 Q1006 R07/490440 R02/490258 R07L/99// TEMPO 1500 SN BKN008
EBBR 020620Z 08004KT 3000 -SN BR SCT013 BKN024 M07/M08 Q1007 R07/490440 R02/490258 R07L/99//// TEMPO 2000 SN BKN010
EBBR 020650Z 08004KT 3400 -SN BR SCT013 BKN024 M07/M08 Q1007 R07R/490249 R02/490235 R07L/99// TEMPO 2000 SN BKN010
EBBR 020720Z 09003KT 060V120 5000 -SN BR FEW010 SCT021 BKN046 M07/M08 Q1007 R07R/490249 R02/490235 R07L/99//// TEMPO 3000 -SN BKN010
EBBR 020750Z 07004KT 6000 FEW010 SCT025 BKN049 M07/M09 Q1007 R07R/490249 R02/490235 R07L/99//// TEMPO 3000 -SN BKN010
EBBR 020820Z 08004KT 8000 FEW010 BKN030 M07/M09 Q1007 R07R/490249 R02/490235 R07L/99//// TEMPO 3000 -SN BKN010
EBBR 020850Z 08005KT 8000 -SN FEW010 BKN032 M07/M09 Q1007 R07R/690255 R02/490295 R07L/99//// TEMPO 3000 -SN BKN010
EBBR 020920Z 09006KT 060V120 8000 -SN FEW012 BKN033 M07/M09 Q1007 R07R/690255 R02/490295 R07L/99//// TEMPO 3000 -SN BKN010
EBBR 020950Z 09004KT 8000 FEW010 SCT033 M06/M08 Q1008 R07R/690255 R02/490295 R07L/99//// TEMPO 3000 -SN BKN010



02/12/2010. Snow height in cm taken from the synops of 0600, 0900 & 1200 UTC.


Min temperatures of December 3 were is many parts the lowest of the cold wave.


01/12/2010 1624 N. In late afternoon first flurries came down. 


02/12/2010 0049. After a few cm had fallen, a visit was made in the village where I live: in front the church , on the right former town hall which is fully restored. 


02/12/2010 0055. Taken from another angle. 


02/12/2010 0121. View on de Haachtsesteenweg covered by slush. 


02/12/2010 0128. View on a secondary road covered by packed snow. 


02/12/2010. During daylight: proof of the date. 


02/12/2010. Proof of the 5 cm. 


02/12/2010 1310. A walk in the park. 


02/12/2010 1324. View on the frozen pool. 


02/12/2010 1333. Some pedestrians were before me.


02/12/2010 1335.


02/12/2010 1349. Classic view into the Wilderse dreef.


03/12/2010 1329. Village of Steenokkerzeel in misty surroundings.


03/12/2010 1332. Village of Humelgem.


03/12/2010 2018. Night shot in a field somewhere in Kampenhout.


Back to winter reports 2010










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