Weather pictures & report of February 10 2010


Snow related to cold occlusion.

Synopsis: at 500 hPa, related to a sharpening upper trough initiating from Scandinavia, a shallow low with wrapped around occlusion crossed western and central parts of Belgium during the morning. It resulted in light to moderate snow (showers) producing a deposit of 1 to 7 cm and  introduced also a cold wave lasting for one week. All pictures were taken at Kampenhout (central Belgium), hours in local time (CET). 


Surface analysis of February 10 2010 at 0700 CET. In a NE'ly airflow a small low with wrapped around tail of occlusion crossed Belgium during the morning. (Source chart: Belgocontrol)


Loop of 10 surface analyses (from 03 CET till 1200 CET in steps of one hour) with weather plots. Small low initially west of Holland moving via the west of Belgium further southwards. Most intense snow was to be found over northwestern parts of Belgium. (Source:


Upper air analysis 500 hPa of February 10 2010 at 0100 CET. Omega pattern with ridge west of the U.K. extending to Iceland and a sharpening trough from Scandinavia  towards the north of the Low Countries. (Source chart:


Loop of forecasted soundings for a 24 hours period (in steps of three hours) of Brussels for February 10 2010 from 0100 CET onwards. Read off are: at all levels subzero temperatures ( =100% risk for snow), during the morning a saturated layer till 700 hPa, from noon onwards unstable (incoming colder air of upper trough), in the bottom layer between 0300-0600 CET temporary a change of wind to NW ahead occlusion / small surface low. (Source:


10/02/2010 0545-0815 CET. Satellite loop in the infra-red channel showing the scattered cloud band, with some intense stratiform part over mid Belgium and a more cumuliform part west of it, all moving S-wards. (Source sat picture: Eumetsat via


10/02/2010 0900-1445 CET. Satellite loop in the visible channel showing a first glimpse on the snow cover which affected northwest Belgium. (Source sat picture: Eumetsat via


Radar loop (rainfall rate in mm/hr) of February 10 2010 between 0440-1450 CET. The scattered but locally quite intense precipitation belt moved S-wards, producing 1 to 7 cm of fresh snow over the northwestern-western & central parts of Belgium. Highest accumulation did occur over the center where the precipitation belt trailed for quite a long time. Later in afternoon some light snow (showers) came in from the northeast adding one (to a few) extra cm between the evening and early night. (Source radar picture: Belgocontrol)


Some metars (hours in UTC) of Brussels Airport (EBBR). Translation: copy paste each obs via metar-decoder

EBBR 100350Z 27005KT 9999 BKN030 M03/M06 Q1008 TEMPO 4000 -SHSN BKN015
EBBR 100420Z 27005KT 9999 -SN BKN030 M03/M06 Q1008 TEMPO 4000 -SHSN BKN015
EBBR 100450Z 27003KT 6000 -SN SCT011 BKN017 M03/M06 Q1008 TEMPO 2500 -SHSN SCT006 BKN010
EBBR 100520Z VRB02KT 1800 SN SCT003 BKN007 M03/M05 Q1008 TEMPO 1100 SHSN SCT003 BKN005
EBBR 100550Z VRB01KT 1800 1100S R25L/P1500N R25R/P1500N R02/P1500N -SN BR SCT003 BKN007 M03/M05 Q1008 R25L/490238 R02/490241 R25R/490247 TEMPO 0800 SHSN BKN005
EBBR 100620Z 07003KT 1500 -SN BR SCT003 BKN007 M04/M05 Q1008 R25L/490238 R02/490241 R25R/490247 TEMPO 1100 SHSN BKN005
EBBR 100650Z 08006KT 1800 -SN BR FEW003 SCT007 BKN012 M04/M06 Q1009 R25L/490238 R02/490241 R25R/490247 TEMPO 1100 SHSN BKN003
EBBR 100720Z 08006KT 1800 -SN BR SCT003 BKN005 M05/M06 Q1009 R25L/490238 R02/490241 R25R/490247 TEMPO 1100 SHSN BKN003
EBBR 100750Z 07006KT 0750 R25L/1100VP1500D R25R/1400N R02/1400D SN BR SCT002 BKN003 M05/M07 Q1010 R25L/490238 R02/490241 R25R/490247 TEMPO 2000 -SN SCT003 BKN008
EBBR 100820Z 07007KT 1000 R25L/1200D R25R/P1500N R02/1300N SN BR SCT002 BKN003 M05/M07 Q1010 R25L///99// R02/690820 R25R///99// TEMPO 2000 -SN SCT003 BKN008
EBBR 100850Z 06005KT 4300 -SN BR FEW008 BKN017 BKN045 M05/M07 Q1010 R25L///99// R02/690820 R25R///99// BECMG 8000 NSW
EBBR 100920Z 06004KT 6000 -SN FEW008 BKN017 BKN045 M05/M08 Q1011 R25L///99// R02/690820 R25R///99// NOSIG
EBBR 100920Z 06004KT 6000 -SN FEW008 BKN017 BKN045 M05/M08 Q1011 R25L///99// R02/690820 R25R///99// BECMG 8000 NSW
EBBR 100950Z 04004KT 9000 SCT017 BKN045 M05/M08 Q1011 R25L///99// R02/290173 R25R///99// NOSIG
EBBR 101020Z 03006KT 8000 -SHSN FEW013 SCT020 M04/M08 Q1011 R25L///99// R02/290173 R25R///99// NOSIG
EBBR 101050Z 03008KT 9999 -SHSN FEW013 M05/M08 Q1012 R25L///99// R02/290173 R25R///99// NOSIG
EBBR 101120Z 02007KT 350V050 9999 FEW016 SCT022 M04/M08 Q1012 R07/290169 R02/290173 R25R///99// NOSIG


Time lapse of webcam images between 0803-1358 CET. Most of the 7 cm snow had already fallen before sunrise. After 1000 CET , it became dry for a while, with even a few rays of sunshine.


Remote sense satellite Aqua with a view in the visible channel on the snow in Belgium. Especially SW of Brugge-Kortrijk and further southwards over France, and in the triangle St-Niklaas-Anwerp-Brussels (this is sadly not very clear due to a lot of cloudiness) a significant snow cover was present. Pics further below were taken from location red "K". (Source: Image courtesy of MODIS Rapid Response Project at NASA/GSFC)


Maximal snow height in cm of some official stations taken from synops of different hours.


Snow height of Europe. (Source: wetterzentrale)


10/02/2010. Proof of 7 cm of snow.


10/02/2010. Proof of the date.


10/02/2010 0844 S. Still some light falls of snow.


10/02/2010 0847 NW.


10/02/2010 0954 SSE. Bit later the sun tried to break through.


10/02/2010 1008 NW. Opposite side with weak sun.


10/02/2010 1020 SW. Back on the snowy road again


10/02/2010 1022 W. View into a grass field.


10/02/2010 1024 N. View into a wooded area.


10/02/2010 1029 WSW.


10/02/2010 1030 NNW. Small pool not frozen yet.


10/02/2010 1035 WNW. A pleasure for the eye seeing these roads not cleaned of snow.


10/02/2010 1041 E. Another pool, this time bit larger and partly frozen.


10/02/2010 1042 ESE.


10/02/2010 1044 ESE.


10/02/2010 1513 W. In the afternoon some light snow showers did occur.


10/02/2010 1608. A row of small stalactites...


10/02/2010 1615. ... taken from this children toy giving way to a final salute to the winter season of 2009-2010.


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