Weather pictures & report of July 3 2008


Showers of rain along troughline.

Synopsis: at 500 hPa a cut-off low centered NW of Eire with related part of an upper trough extending towards NW France. During the afternoon and evening, in the postfrontal potentially unstable air, a trough line crossed Belgium enhancing convection with the most active showers over western and central parts. At certain moment a line of showers of around 100 km length was formed and some cells did contain weak thunderstorm activity. However when this line arrived at my location, no thunder was heard and the only interesting thing was a whales mouth feature. All pics taken at Kampenhout in local time (CET). 


Radar sequence between 1600-2030 CET. My location was near "BR". Precipitation tops went up 5 to 7 km. When the line of showers reached the central parts of Belgium, activity diminished. (Source radar picture: Belgocontrol)


Satellite sequence between 1615-1915 CET. My location in the center of Belgium with red "K". Lots of high and medium level cloudiness was present, so the formation of this line is not very well visible. (Source sat picture: Eumetsat via


03/07/2008 1730-1930 CET. Lightning sequence of a two hour period. Some lightning did occur over western parts of Belgium. Source picture: Blids.


03/07/2008 1846 SW. In the far distance, a line of towering Cumulus shows up in a preceding boring thick Altocumulus layer.


03/07/2008 1858 WSW. Approaching line, below some rising ragged clouds.


03/07/2008 1901 WNW. Northern flank of this line of convection, the rain shaft is quite clear in the bottom left.


03/07/2008 1902 SSW. Central part.


03/07/2008 1902 S. Southern part.


03/07/2008 1908 NW. Another view on the northern side, with in the far distance an attempt of shelfcloud formation. Although a nice shelf could be theoretic possible, it didn't materialize. 


03/07/2008 1908 S. Back to the southern side where a whales mouth is on its way, in the next pictures below depicted in chronicle order.


03/07/2008 1911 SSE.


03/07/2008 1914 SE.


03/07/2008 1924 N. Finally, also on the northern side a whales mouth feature became visible before the rainshaft made further photography impossible.


03/07/2008 1900-1917 WSW. Motion picture of 17 minutes shortened to a time-lapse of 18 seconds. The point of view was chosen to be the center of this line, but at the end it was not the best choice to capture the most interesting feature of this line, namely the whales mouth. But it made one thing clear: the presence of directional shear.


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