Weather pictures & report of July 28 2006


Multi-cell thunderstorms along waving cold front and in deep unstable air east of it.

Synopsis: just east of a coldfront, which remained stationary over mid Belgium, potentially deep unstable air mass. During the afternoon, diurnal heating caused further instability activating some severe thunderstorms with high lightning intensity, abundant rainfall and some hail. Towards sunset all these showers collapsed. Over my area an almost stationary cell produced a roll cloud turning into shelf cloud and also a whale's mouth effect. All pics taken at Steenokkerzeel in local time (CET). 


Satellite picture at 1823 CET. Multi-cell thunderstorm over the center and east of Belgium. My location was at the red "S". (Source satpicture: NOAA and University of Bern)


Radar sequence between 1740-1920 CET with for hours an almost stationary cell near the airport of Zaventem. Flooding did occur over the village of Zaventem, but 3km further NE wards the airport self had barely a total of around 5 mm of rain. My location is at "BR". Compare with the pictures below. (Source radar picture: Belgocontrol)


28/07/2006 1747 ESE. A developing roll cloud which rised to become a weak shelf.


22/07/2006 1748-1802 ESE. Animation of 14 minutes, shortened to 18 seconds, of the movement of the roll to shelf. Afterwards a burst of rain starts to fall down with at the end also a rolling Cumulus fractus in front. 


28/07/2006 1807 ESE Abundant rain becomes obvious in this shot.


28/07/2006 1808 SE. Rain shaft slowly moving W-wards.


28/07/2006 1813 SE. Planes on final of 25L had to make overshoots due to the very poor visibilities, hail echos and some turbulence. Bit later they switched to the northern parallel runway 25R which remained almost rainfree.


28/07/2006 1834 SW. The cell is moving further, taking S parts of the airport, but the full load of rain came down over the village of Zaventem.


28/07/2006 1847 W. On the opposite side there was for more than half an hour a whales mouth, which became more and more pronounced. On the upper left a greenish shine, an indication of hail.


28/07/2006 1851 W. Whales mouth.


28/07/2006 1852 W. Left the rain shaft, on the right the whales mouth.


28/07/2006 1854 W. Panorama of two pictures showing the threatening skies, with descending sun the stationary cell slowly started to decay.


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