Weather pictures & report of July 28 2005


Multicell & supercell thunderstorms along convergence lines.

Synopsis: advection of deep unstable air from SW. During the afternoon severe thunderstorms developed on convergence lines coming in from France. In province Hainaut (between Ath and Lessines) there was even a brief tornado touchdown. In my area an exploding thunderstorm was formed, giving only a few rumbles in the distance but with a nice Cb show. The cell moved NNE wards giving later "golf ball size" hail in province of Antwerp (near Turnhout).  All pics taken at Kampenhout. 


Satellite picture at 1810 CET. The small cell near my area (red K) was responsible for the photographs below. The massive thunderstorm complex just SW and W was responsible for a brief tornado touchdown near Ath. (Source satpicture: Wokingham weather)


Radar sequence between 1700-1945 CET. Developing thunderstorms with tops up to around 12km. Over western parts of Belgium a splitting supercell can be spotted, with the left mover fading away. (Source radar picture: Belgocontrol)


28/07/2005 1821 W. Left flank updraft of the Cb.


28/07/2005 1822 NE. Right flank updraft of the Cb.


28/07/2005 1830 NNW. Central and main updraft of the storm, with the upper part wrapped in a pileus.


28//07/2005 1833 NE. Nice play of the shadow + part of a rainbow.


28/07/2005 1834 NNW. A big pileus feature was briefly formed.


28/07/2005 1835 NNW. Pileus changing shape.


28/07/2005 1836 NNW. Massive Cumulus congestus  pileus with behind the main Cb.


28/07/2005 1842 NNW. Multiple small pileus features.


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