Weather pictures & report of January 01-02 2004


Frontal snowfall on New Years Day.

Synopsis: incoming occlusion blocked by high pressure over Scandinavia giving over the low countries locally a few cm of snow. Photos taken at Kampenhout and Lovenjoel in CET. 


2004/01/01 13:46. For 8 hours light flurries of snow came down with temperatures a centigrade below freezing.


2004/01/01 14:28. Due to absence of significant winds, all trees were well covered by 2cm of fresh snow.


Satellite picture of January 2 2004 at 14:10 CET showing snow covered area's over large parts of the Benelux. (Source: NOAA)


2004/01/02 11:00. The next day blue sky producing the classic wintry shots.


2004/01/02 14:59 (Lovenjoel).


2004/01/02 15:00 (Lovenjoel). Beautiful creation of mother nature: a "rose of snow". 

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