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Boeing 737-4MO(SF) (29205)


Date: 08/08/2014

Location: LIS/LPPT

Photo: Paulo Carvalloh

Description: the sixteenth TNT Airways Boeing 737 (but fourth version -400) was delivered in the full (new) colors at Liege on July 11 2011 as "OE-IAO" and came in the Belgian register on August 9.

Date: 18/04//2021

Location: BRU/EBBR

Photo: Skystef

Description: it changed colors of the new corporate identity on August 20 2017. As history would tell, it was the final TNT B737 to enter the Belgian register as all other following airframes went in the Austrian register. On September 22 2022 it was stored at Budapest and on February 25 2023 ferried to Shannon for painting in the colors of its next operator Estafeta Carga AĆ©rea. It was cancelled from the register on March 29 2023 moving the same day to the Mexican one as "XA-GGB".


Belgian register