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Boeing 737-45D(SF) (27131)


Date: 08/05/2015

Location: AMS/EHAM

Photo: Sebastian Eckhardt

Description: the thirteenth TNT Airways Boeing 737 (but first version -400) was delivered in the full (new) colors at Brussels on December 9 2010 as "EI-EMW", went into the Belgian register on December 23.

Date: 2019

Location: LGG/EBLG

Photo: collection Skystef

Description: since August 17 2017 in Fedex markings. It made its final commercial flight on February 14 2024 and was a day later ferried to Brussels for maintenance. On May 27 of the same year it was ferried to Norwich for painting in all white markings without titles and returned such at Liège a few weeks later on June 13, six days later going to Kemble (UK) and currently stored there. 


Belgian register










