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Taken at Brussels in May 1990, one of the three convertible pax/cargo Fokkers 27 wearing the colorful scheme of Servisair but devoid of titles, except for its baptize name "Manon". (Photo: collection Skystef)


Base: Kortrijk
Fleet of commercial airliners of Servisair: 4x F27 (OO-FEA, OO-SVL, OO-SVM, OO-SVN) + 1X F27 leased (PH-FKT), 8x Embraer Bandeirante leased (F-GBGA, F-GFYZ / LX-SKS, G-BHJY, G-BKWB, G-BLVG, G-POST, G-BTAA, TF-ABZ), 1x Cessna 402B (OO-SVD), 1x Beech 56 Baron (OO-FAN), 1x Mitsubishi Marquise (OO-CVL)
History: was formed by Yves Carpentier on January 2 1986 to provide air-taxi services from its base at Wevelgem-Kortrijk. The same year a contract with Fedex was signed to provide parcel capacity on their European parcel network from Brussels. Later on this evolved into the pax charter business as well. On December 26 1989 Frevag Airlines was absorbed creating Flanders Airlines on January 1 1990 combining both fleets. When Sky Freighters was formed on November 15 1991 as joint venture between Federal Express (Fedex) and Sky-Service for operating intra European parcel services from Brussels on behalf of Fedex, they terminated the contract with Flanders Airlines two months later. This had a devastating effect and as they had already some financial troubles it led to the closure of Flanders Airlines on February 10 1992.


Belgian Airlines




