SkyStef's aviation page |
03/03/61 | - | Boeing | Rolled out at Renton with extended tail and small vertical fin |
22/03/61 | - | - | Made its first flight from Renton |
06/04/61 | EI-ALC | Aer Lingus | Handed over at Seattle and named "St. Brendan" |
08/04/61 | - | - | Ferried to Seattle-Dublin non-stop with speed record: 4550 miles in 9hrs and 2 min. |
09/10/64 | - | PIA | Leased, with full colors |
00/05/65 | - | Aer Lingus | Returned |
01/11/65 | N7082 | Braniff | Leased and reregistered. Solid yellow colors |
24/05/66 | EI-ALC | Aer Lingus | Returned and reregistered |
15/12/66 | 9Y-TCS | BWIA | Leased and reregistered. Basic Aer Lingus colors and "BWIA" titles on fuselage and on tail in place of Shamrock |
15/04/67 | EI-ALC | Aer Lingus | Returned and reregistered |
22/10/67 | N8790R | Trans Caribbean Airways | Leased and reregistered |
15/04/68 | EI-ALC | Aer Lingus | Returned and reregistered |
00/12/68 | - | El Al | Leased with full Aer Lingus colors |
00/01/69 | - | Aer Lingus | Returned |
16/10/70 | LN-TUV | Trans Polar | Reregistered but not delivered |
31/10/70 | - | Aer Lingus | Last revenue service |
09/11/70 | - | Trans Polar | Rolled out at Dublin in full colors and leased. Named "Hjalmar Riiser Larsen" |
19/11/70 | - | - | On t/o from Keflavik experienced an explosion. No 4 engine caught fire. Returned to Keflavik and made an overweight landing. Small damage |
18/05/71 | - | Aer Lingus | Repossessed |
21/12/71 | EI-ALC | - | Reregistered and named "St. Brendan" |
23/12/71 | - | - | First revenue service Dublin-Heathrow |
00/02/72 | - | Air Commerz | Purchased but sale not completed due to financial problems |
27/07/72 | - | Aer Lingus | Last revenue service |
09/08/72 | - | Trans European Airways | Roll out at Dublin in basic TEA colors |
10/08/72 | OO-TEB | - | Purchased and ferried Dublin-Brussels with no titles. Carried "Boeing 707-720" inscription behind cockpit windows. Registered with CoA 2262 and named "Ville de Liège" |
08/11/72 | - | Air Cambodge | Leased |
25/02/73 | - | Trans European Airways | Returned |
00/11/73 | - | - | Painted in full TEA colors |
22/05/75 | - | Tunis Air | Leased with additional small "Tunis Air" titles |
00/12/75 | - | Trans European Airways | Returned |
01/03/76 | - | El Al | Leased in TEA colors with "El Al" titles |
00/08/77 | - | Trans European Airways | Returned |
00/08/77 | - | Aer Lingus | Leased |
00/09/77 | - | Trans European Airways | Returned |
09/09/77 | - | Trans European Airways | Seen AMS with small "TEA" titles |
01/09/78 | - | Tunis Air | Leased |
30/09/78 | - | Trans European Airways | Returned |
30/09/78 | - | El Al | Leased |
15/10/78 | - | Trans European Airways | Returned |
03/11/78 | N8790R | Ambassador Travel Club | Purchased, reregistered and ferried Stansted. Named "Spirit of Indiana" |
16/11/78 | - | - | Ferried Gander-Indianapolis. Basic TEA c/s without titles |
18/11/79 | - | - | Canx from Belgian register |
12/12/79 | - | American Trans Air | Transferred |
00/05/81 | - | - | Removed from service and placed in storage Indianapolis |
00/09/81 | - | - | TAT 36267 hrs |
00/03/82 | - | - | Returned to service |
25/04/83 | - | Emerald Shillelagh Chowder & Marching Society | Purchased with name "Shillelagh Liner IV" |
30/04/83 | - | American Travel Air | Operated for. Arrived Washington Dulles on delivery. Basic American Trans Air colors with "American Travelair" titles |
00/06/84 | - | - | TAT 36764 hrs. TAT with American Travel 132 hrs |
00/01/85 | - | Emerald Shillelagh Chowder & Marching Society | Returned and offered for sale $ 15000000 or best offer |
00/06/86 | - | Cadmos Air Services | Purchased |
00/06/86 | - | Omega Air | Purchased |
00/06/86 | - | Airfast | Leased and titles adapted |
00/00/86 | - | Omega Air | Returned |
00/12/86 | - | Samuel Azar | Registered |
00/05/88 | - | - | Impounded at Helsinki |
00/07/88 | - | Gab Azar | Released after dues paid |
00/00/90 | 9Q-CFT | Fontshi Aviation | Purchased and reregistered |
00/10/90 | - | - | Overran runway at Mbuji-Mayi. Damaged |
00/01/91 | - | - | Reentered service and named "Lac Tomba" |
00/07/91 | - | - | Removed from service and placed on storage at Mbuji-Mayi. TAT 38518 hrs |
00/00/92 | - | - | Seen stored at Mbuji-Mayi. |
16/02/06 | - | - | Seen derelict at Mbuji-Mayi. |
05/03/11 | - | - | Seen derelict at Mbuji-Mayi. |
Following sources are acknowledged. Individual Aircraft History of the Boeing 707 (Buchair USA) The Boeing 707-720 and C-135 (Air-Britain Publication) Airliners in Belgium - BCARG special 1 Boeing 707 Intercontinental (Aviation Society of Antwerp vzw) Belgian Civil Aircraft since 1920 (MCP) Jet Airliner Production List (TAHS) JP Airline Fleets (Buchair) Magazines: Aviation Letter, Scramble, Luftfahrt Journal, Jetstream, Carnets de Vol Various text and photo material to be found on the internet.
Please send additions or corrections to SkyStef