Weather pictures & report of May 9 2006


Single- and multicell thunderstorms along convergence lines.

Synopsis: advection of deep unstable air from E. During the afternoon weak, moderate and isolated severe thunderstorms developed on a convergence line over northern Belgium. Over the Ardennes, some of the more intense thunderstorms were also triggered by orographic circumstances, and included even a right moving supercell near Liège. Over my area three weak thunderstorms passed within 6 hours, but with few precipitation.  All pics taken at Kampenhout in local time (CET). 


Satellite picture at 1730 CET. Two cells near my area (green K) were responsible for the photographs below. (Source satpicture: NOAA & University of Bern)


Corresponding radar sequence between 1630-1900 CET showing Cb tops of 10km. (Source radar picture: Belgocontrol)


09/05/2006 1731 NNE. Cb top of a single cell, rumbles of thunder were heard, but passed by via the north.


09/05/2006 1745 WNW. Same shower, but with a different appearance. The towering Cumulus gave a nice crepuscular ray in the hazy sky. Compare with the radar picture at exactly the same time.


09/05/2006 1819 NE. A multicell thunderstorm showed up giving some mamma features.


09//05/2006 1824 N. Vertical panorama stitch showing the inside structure of this Cb cloud with a rather high base.


09/05/2006 1830 NNE. Another vertical panorama stitch giving a closer look of the threatening sky: only a few drops fell and each minute (or two) a cloud-to-cloud strike did occur.


09/05/2006 1850 S. On the opposite side a wall cloud alike structure of this multicell, but in fact nothing more than a rain shaft with a towering Cumulus behind.


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