Weather pictures & report of November 19 2004


Wintry showers.

Synopsis: around midnight cold front passing mid Belgium followed by unstable polar maritime air from NW. Shower activity over my area was for the first time this season "wintry", with precipitation in the form of snow pellets (or graupel, soft hail) and hail. All photos taken at Kampenhout in CET.


Radar picture of  November 19 taken at midnight CET. The cold (or polar) front is reaching central Belgium, shown as the thin orange line, which resembles to a Narrow Cold Frontal Rainband (NCRF). The passage of the front had a quite distinct wind shift, going from SW to N in a couple of minutes with gusts of almost 40 knots. Within an hour temperature dropped from 9°C to 4°C. The previous 20 hrs saw almost continuous rainfall and I collected within 24 hours 41mm. The first wintry showers invaded my area around 06:00 CET. (Source: Belgocontrol)


NOAA picture of 11:42 CET showing the shower activity mainly limited to central and eastern parts of Belgium + the entire Netherlands. Around 11:00 CET there was even a rumble of thunder over my area. (Source: NOAA and University of Bern)


13:14 ENE. Back side of a large wintry shower with weak mammatus features.


13:20 SW. On the other side some small showers developed (Cb cal) giving trails (virga) of wintry precipitation.


13:30. This shower produced wintry precipitation with the largest "stones" having a size between  6-10mm diameter, thus being called "hail". The ones below 6 mm are being called "soft hail, snow pellets or graupel". These precipitation forms were photographed after half an hour lying on the ground. 


13:46 N. Next shower turned up and although not giving any precipitation in my area it produced some nice views.


Radar picture of 13:45 CET showing this incoming shower (north of "BR") with precipitation tops around 5km. (Source: Belgocontrol)


13:55 N. Falling wintry precipitation partly illuminated by the sun.


14:07 NE. Behind the shower a repeat of the mammatus show.


15:01 NW. This small shower formed and "snowed out" within an hour.


15:48 NW. This nice looking Cb capillatus incus was the last one giving some wintry precipitation over my area.


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