Weather pictures & report of March 9 2004


Showers of snow along upper level vortex.

Synopsis: cold continental airflow from northeast. An upper level vortex filled with cold air, with temperatures at 850 hpa -10°C and 500 hpa -38°C, was transported to Belgium during the day giving locally showers of wet and dry snow. All pictures taken at Kampenhout in CET.


Satellite picture of 16:13 CET. Feature 1 was an occlusion wrapped around the upper level vortex giving some light to moderate falls of mostly wet snow. Feature 2 was a shower producing moderate falls of mostly wet snow. Feature 3 was a moderate shower of dry snow leaving a white cover towards sunset. (Source: NOAA & University of Bern)


15:30 NE. For hours light falls of wet snow, sometimes moderate.


16:49 NE. Towards the end some breaks showing clearly an anvil of a Cb.


17:00 SW. Cirriform cloudiness from a Cb moving out of the area.


16:58 ENE. On the other side a new shower turned up.


17:29 NE. For half an hour visibility was reduced below 1000m in this moderate shower of snow.


18:32. A white cover in my backyard, not seen for years in March.

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