Weather pictures & report of February 27 2004


Comma cloud producing "huge" amounts of snow.

Synopsis: cold unstable NW'ly airflow with temperatures at 500hpa near -40°C, at 850hpa -9°C. During the early morning a mesoscale weather system "Comma" entered northern parts of Belgium. With slightly negative air temperatures, it produced locally some 20cm of snowfall in a couple hours. Needless to say the road traffic was totally jammed only improving towards noon when the temperature went positive. All pictures taken at Kampenhout in local time (CET).


Satellite picture on February 26 of 16:15 CET showing the Comma over southern parts of the North Sea slowly shifting SE-wards and reaching NW Belgium 12 hours later. (Source: NOAA and Wokingham weather)


Map of snowfall accumulation (in cm) on February 27 measured by the local weather enthusiasts: 12cm in my area. (Source: Weerwoord-forum)


Picture of satellite "Aqua" on February 27 at 11:45 CET showing a white covered area in mid Belgium. Some cloudiness is obscuring the surface in NE and W parts. (Source: Image courtesy of MODIS Rapid Response Project at NASA/GSFC)


09:58 N. In the back convective cloudiness clearing the area giving a couple of hours bright sunshine. Unfortunately temperatures rised to +3°C in the afternoon, melting half of the 12 cm snow layer.


10:00. Untouched snow on the steps.


10:03. One bicycle trail, probable the postman.


10:05 E. A beauty of a Cb capillatus incus, sadly photographed without the sun.




10:44. During the snowfall moderate SW'ly winds produced a white wet cover of snow on the trees.


12:43. Cumuliform cloudiness invaded during the afternoon, producing a few flurries of wet snow towards sunset.


13:00. Sharp edges produced by the wind during the snowfall.

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