Weather pictures & report of February 23 2004


Isolated wintry showers

Synopsis: behind cold front advection of unstable polar maritime air from NNW. Temperatures at 850hpa -9°C, at 500 hpa -29°C. During the day some isolated wintry showers developed, but none with lasting white cover. Towards the evening a moderate shower of snow turned the landscape a bit "brighter" in my area. All photographs taken at Kampenhout in CET.


Satellite picture of 17:29 CET showing isolated showers over the low countries. The one with the yellow arrow turned up over my area around sunset, leaving "white trails". (Source: NOAA & University of Bern)


15:35 NNE. Wet white precipitation on its way, with even a mamma feature.


17:45 N. Darkening sky for another wintry shower towards sunset.


17:50 N. Lowering sun illuminating the precipitation.


17:56 NNE. Shower coming closer with a burst of wintry precipitation.


18:15 NE. Light shower of snow for 15 minutes or so, leaving at last some trails of snow on the ground.


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